Saturday, December 10, 2011

Did The Obama Administration Throw The FDA Under The Bus? | CowboyByte

Did The Obama Administration Throw The FDA Under The Bus? | CowboyByte

Did The Obama Administration Throw The FDA Under The Bus?

Susan Wood quit her job as an assistant commissioner for woman’s health at the Food and Drug Administration in 2005 because she thought political, not scientific, forces were delaying efforts to make the Plan B emergency contraceptive available without a prescription. Four years later, she rejoiced when she was present to watch President Barack Obama sign a statement that said decisions in his administration would be based on science, not politics.

Now she says she is beyond disappointed. Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, a member of his cabinet, Wednesday made a new decision to prevent a further expansion of Plan B’s over-the-counter use, this time to adolescents, overruling not only FDA staffers but also the drug agency’s commissioner, Margaret Hamburg. Although the HHS secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, was within her legal authority under the 1938 law that created the FDA, this is the first time a presidential administration has ever publicly overruled the FDA in this manner.

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190 Responses to Did The Obama Administration Throw The FDA Under The Bus?

  1. David Stovall says:

    Abolish FDA & make it a department that gives advice only to the states. Let the states take over. And stop taking money from the states only to rake off and give some back to the states only if they do as the fed says. 10th amendment

    • Vic says:

      David Stovall,

      I am not American, but that corrupt FDA organisation has to go. I hope many other readers agree with what you say.

      • Don says:

        I agree but I have a question. why are you not American? we need all the legal citizens we can get :)

        • AliveStillKickin says:

          By the spelling of “organisation” instead of “organization” one can surmise that Vic may be British.
          I’ll bet you were thinking “Illegal”…tsk, tsk!
          Remember….The Internet is International.

          • Big Ugly, Wyoming says:

            Alive – Why is it that you thought that?
            Nothing in Don’s comment even began to indicate that thought – are you a liberal troll trying to stir up trouble?

          • JoJo says:

            LOL Alive, you’re an idiot. But then that’s a normal liberal condition.

          • AliveStillKickin says:

            @Big Ugly, Wyoming:
            AliveStillKickin….a liberal….LOL!!!
            Don mentioned “legal” citizen and I presumed he meant illegal in reverse.
            Obviously you have not read my former posts or you would know that I am a Patriot.
            Bite me.

        • mac says:

          Why is everyone kicking AliveStillKicking? I was going to make the same observation, about the internet not being Just For Americans.

          • AliveStillKickin says:

            Thanks, mac….Some folks are just waiting to call someone a liberal if they disagree.
            With the Muslim in the W.H. I guess it’s normal behavior
            I, too, am paranoid at times
            A.S.K. is no liberal….”Not no how….Not no way”

      • freeme2742 says:

        I agree but Obama just did this for political reasons. Look at the facts if he signs it into law all the anti abortion supporters would be stoked, by vetoing the law then Obaba seems like he has a heart after all, it softens his image to the conservatives…not to mention that making the morning after pill available to minors is not a good move, but it makes for a browne point politically for Obaba, and lord knows he needs one.

    • gary says:

      David, I totally agree. We need to add more departments to abolish, like the CIA and DOE.

      • Mike S from NJ says:


        You forgot the BATF, the FBI and the Dpeartment of education which drives up the cost of education on a yearly basis and most of all the IRS and federal reserve!!!

      • comsense08 says:

        Don’t quite agree with dumping the CIA. We need to reign it in and remind it of its mission. It’s still a crazy world out there, and if we are going to keep the crazies as bay, we need intelegence. Clinton was instrumental at dissmantling our assests on the ground. It contributed to the ability of the World Trade center dissaster. What we need to do is take the politics out of it!! Have a board of governors sit as oversight. We need civilian control, as close to the American people as we can get. NOT WASHINGTON. They have proven they cannot be trusted with anything.

        • Chuck says:

          Rein it in? They are practically powerless now. Panetta saw to that. Most agents have been exposed by liberals in the Congress.

          • Skyknight says:

            Your assement is correct. Panetta is a Communist just likeObama and literally gutted the CIA. We need to do some serious house cleaning and remove the this evil from our soil.

        • The CIA is the eyes and ears and the hands, the enforcer, of the British Empire operating here in their colonies. So I don’t understand why you would want to protect them from us. We need protection from them.

          • E says:

            What are you, a foreign spy? CIA is NOT affilitated in any way with Britain or British Intelligence- except as a close “partner”, sharing intelligence when applicable.
            And even then, sometimes not.

          • don says:

            tom tom wake the hell up

        • Majjohn says:

          There IS an oversite committee, 17 of them to be exact, in congress. How many more do you want?

      • CIA is not a Department–but an intel agency.

        DOE (2 meanings), both of which do need abolition:
        (*) Education; why has quality of this deteriorated since it was formed by Carter?
        (*) Energy; how much energy did this department actually produce since it was formed (again by Carter)? And was energy produced by/in US before?

        • Dingbat36 says:

          DOE was created to REDUCE our dependence on foreign oil. When created, our oil imports were somewhere between 30% and 40% of our consumption. We now import 70% of the oil we consume and our own government is strangling any attempt to use our own resources! Does this sound like an agency that has done ANYTHING to reduce our dependence on foreign oil?

          And like all departments, once created it has grown in both staff and monetary allocation until it now requires thousands of “paper pushers” and billions annually to support itself. Can anyone tell me what these people actually DO?

          • Chuck says:

            They are not on the unemployment rolls. Without all these bureaucratic jobs, our unemployment rate would be higher than its current 21% making it the worst since the depression.

          • AGGREEN says:

            ***The top 5 importing countries were Canada (16.34%), Mexico (15.42%), Saudi Arabia (14.30%), Venezuela (12.24%), and Nigeria (10.54%), for a total of 68.84% of all American imports. In contrast, imports from countries 6 through 10 (Iraq, Angola, Ecuador, Algeria and the United Kingdom) make up only 16.84% of the total, with countries 11 through 42 making up the remaining 14.33%. Looked at another way, only 21.69% of America’s oil imports come from the Persian Gulf region.

          • David Stovall says:

            Chuck below says ok to have lots of people on government payroll. Chuck we have to pay their salaries! They are a cost not a benefit. They are paper pushers, they don’t produce any product or service. If you were right just put everybody on the government payroll. 0 % unemployment. Then who supports them.?

          • Bud says:


            It doesn’t matter if they woud temporarily be on the unemployment rolls. The taxpayers cannot afford to permanently maintain an agency which is utterly useless, and in which the jobs are “graded” higher than necessary.

            I worked at the Pentagon at the time the Department of Energy was formed, and a young lady who was barely qualified for her GS-6 job at the Pentagon went to work for Energy doing the same work as a GS-7. So if the lower-level jobs are graded higher, you can bet the higher-level jobs are as well.

          • Gary in Texas says:

            They live off the taxpayer , that’s what they do, and that is all !!! Except for screwing up energy companies !!

          • rack48 says:

            As a producer, retired now, I can tell you exactly what they do. They stop all attempts to advance energy production in favor of enviornmental/ socialist agenda.
            They spend billions of dollars doing what the States have been doing and continue doing. reasonably regulating our energy in partners with the energy producers.

            The DOE was a government agency created to promote the Federal Employment and does very little else except restrict technology, prohibit exploration, retard development of modern energy production. They are merely a political arm of the Socialist Left with the dream of Perpetual Motion for free .

            BTW you can probably get a grant from DOE to study Perpetual Motion and Etherial Energy .

          • Belle says:

            These people attend meetings and seminar’s. The seminar’s are usually in another state, requiring air fare and per deim pay. They write reports to their supervisor telling them what a great meeting it was and that they got a lot out of it and it was worth there time. The boss then sends a memo to his boss (Department Head) informing him the meeting was well received by his workers. The Department Head gives the memo to his secretary who then files it in a filing cabinet.

        • Eric says:

          You are right, we can not dump the CIA as it stands, but how about merge the FBI, CIA, and Dept. of Homeland Security. Under one umbrella, wouldn’t they be more efficient? Information could actually get passed along more quickly, at least in theory.

        • Interesting that both have the same initials wonder if that was intentional? Anyway no matter both need to go.

          • David Stovall says:

            You think that is interesting, when Obama came in we automatically formed the DOD., Department of Destruction.

        • E says:

          Correct- D of Energy originated in August of 77′.

      • mixplix says: here’s another thing hidden because of the EPA putting the handcuffs on oil.

        • Which government the World Government? The oil on federal lands is under the control of the World Wildlife Organization the WWO part of the United Nations. You can thank Bill Clinton for that.
          As for the private minerals in the US the government is holding them back so to give a edge to the BOZOS oil company of Brazil majority owned by George Soros but I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Bushes have an interest in BOZOS as they all work for the Crown.

      • Ed Orr says:

        Had it not been for the CIA Bin -Ladin would never have been killed nor a lot more attempts at terrorist actions thwarted that you have no idea about and neither do I. If a citizen has or is doing nothing wrong why fear the CIA? ABOLISH the presidency of Barrack HUSSEIN Obama would be a great start.

        • We all need to fear the CIA and like organizations because whether you are on the side of the law or not, they work outside the limitations of the executive branch’s constitutional authority. They claim this right as their mandate is not to be working within the citizenry mass and mainly with foreign authorities. However there is no guarantee that they are not overstepping their authority. This because of the allowed clandestine nature of there work. The Presidency has the responsibility of protecting United States citizens and dealing with foreign authority and in my opinion execution of that responsibility is best managed through other means then allowing an agency to operate without oversight. A much better solution would be give up this notion that we the United States must be the protector of the world and do the Crowns work for them. Pull back to within our jurisdictional boundaries secure our borders and allow the military to manage the protection of our citizens when they are outside those borders. just as the Founders saw fit to do.

          • Majjohn says:

            All intelligence agencies are subject to various delimitation agreements. In your case though we’ll make an exception, watch your back!

      • DeclarationOfIndependence says:

        Dept of Brainwashing (Education) MUST be abolished and the responsibility returned to the States, where parents had more control and knowledge of status of their schools. It was easy to unload parents from the involvement with ed for their kids by shipping it to the Feds. Our monetary system was easily moved by Wilson from a lazy Congress to his pals organized as the Federal Reserve. Audit it and return the job to Congress. Dept of Ed is a gay promoting brainwashing freak gang now that was enabled by Moms who left their post at the home front door to go out and show the world how valuable and smart they were, (money wasn’t the push then, as dads made enough to provide) and the evil forces stepped in. She never “noticed” and when blamed, has figured out a zillion ways to blame anyone other than herself. Bring the education responsibility back to the States and that will force parents to take up their jobs of overseeing the education of their children. Maybe now that moms have proven (without a doubt) they have done nada in the world to make it better and have indeed cooperated in the destruction of their homes and families, and have actually put their families in debt and helped destroy the economy they might realize their value is at the front door, to learn to cook, organize their homes, and to protect and attend to their children themselves. It’s true that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world… and that’s why the commies had to pry the mom’s hands off of the cradles through the commie feminist organizers who pushed that women can do both, that women have the right to a “career” outside the home, that they are the force needed to make the world better. LIARS. A good fierce protective loving mom in the home is a whole army that is a problem for attackers and invaders. Dads are the providers and loving participants in the family life who must respect the wife’s role and honor her for it. Yeah, American Courage and strength starts in the home. We will dump freak with the mad monkey grin soiling our White House and government, and dump his appointments… here we come Supremes… and close a bunch of commie infiltrated agencies. We WILL keep our Republic.

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