Friday, December 9, 2011

EPA Links Drilling Method to Pollution, as Industry Calls Report ‘Reckless’ | CowboyByte

EPA Links Drilling Method to Pollution, as Industry Calls Report ‘Reckless’ | CowboyByte

EPA Links Drilling Method to Pollution, as Industry Calls Report ‘Reckless’

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that a popular but controversial method for boosting the productivity of oil and gas wells could be responsible for polluting drinking water.

The finding, included in a draft report, was quickly assailed by the industry. One U.S. senator called it “premature” and politically motivated.
But the EPA said it prepared the report with the safety of residents as its top priority.

The draft finding pertains to a process called “fracking.” The method involves pumping pressurized water, sand and chemicals underground to open up cracks in the rock and in turn improve the flow of fossil fuels.

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322 Responses to EPA Links Drilling Method to Pollution, as Industry Calls Report ‘Reckless’

  1. Gary in Texas says:

    Anything to stop our economy, defund the epa now , they are doing the bidding of obammy !!

    • RHSchumann says:

      No, EPA is responible for ensuring the welbeing of American citizens, includinhg your safety. Their job is not to protect the interests of business. Other agencies have that responsibility.

      • What Feceral AGENCIES are available to “protect’ businesses? What are you talking about !?

      • We were safe and we had clean air and clean water before the EPA. It a Commie conclave.

        • Caroline says:

          AMEN to Warren Wilson.

        • HANDYMAN says:

          You can see the truth, you are one of the few that can see, warren.

        • Larry says:


          How many drugs have been pulled off the market because they caused such things as heart attacks? Would you let those drugs stay on the market? If not, then who would be in charge of getting them off the market?

          • David Batchelder says:

            Larry, its called the free market and attorneys. They sue the company. They put it out of business.
            But takng you slant. How did the drug get on the market in the first place. It had trials, faked or mis leading. Then the epa comes in and takes it off. When they let it on. How many back door pay backs. Come on, smell the coffee.
            Let free market do it, allong with the attorneys that need a pay check HaHa.
            The rest is true,

          • AnyD says:

            Warren, The EPA is not incharge of removing failed drugs from the market, that is the FDA.
            Which, curiously, is also the department that approved those drugs in the first place. Of course we can always trust that our government is above reproach when it comes to not taking kickbacks from private industry… Yeah, right.

          • Graywolf says:

            It is called the FDA. You must be a product of the public screwl system.

          • Glenny says:

            Warren, is’t that the job of the FDA to take care of that.

          • Duke says:

            That’s the damn FDA, not FPA…….

          • d rash says:

            Who? Ever hear of the “FDA”? Food and drug Administration approves and removes drugs. Not the EPA! The EPA is in charge of “DUST”!!! Bwa haha ha ha ha hah ahhhh aaa bwa!

          • just sayin says:

            It would be the FDA. Please stay on the subject. The EPA would regulate drugs too if they could! Seems like you may be having a drug day with that response!

          • Bob says:

            Drugs ? I thought we were talking about the EPA, not the FDA.

          • Skyknight says:

            The EPA with it’s Commie agenda has nothing to do with the drugs (except the ones they are taking), it’s the FDA that deals with drugs.

          • babs says:

            Conservatively, you don’t need any drugs as long as you live well with proper healthy food and exercise and have that sense of well being. Your body can heal itself. God made us that way. Humans are supreme over their bodies and if we just do what’s right, we will live well. When we stop buying these “drugs”, they’ll go under.

          • LEL says:

            Larry, The EPA has nothing to do with medicine, drugs, or food. The EPA is the ‘out of control’ toy of radical Environmentalists. Should be severely restrained!!

          • baron987 says:

            UH, FDA – NOT EPA

        • Denise says:

          Oh, it’s far worse Warren, It’s the right arm of the devil.

        • Ray Sarchet says:

          The original intent was that the EPA would protect the environment that we live in. This Administration uses the EPA
          as a tool/weapon to shut down America’s industry/economy.
          WHY??? Dear God WHY? Apparently as Hussein Obama’s
          preacher said: “God Dam America!” Obama took his orders!

          • Doris Fitch says:

            The reason is because of UN sustainable development Agenda 21 being implemented via the EPA. End result will be USSA. This will affect every area of our lives, environment, economy & equity (social justice). Locally we hear it as smart growth. I just heard the EPA should be called the Employment Prevention Agency because that is what they do now.

        • Ray says:

          You are VERY wrong. I guess you are too young to remember the great lakes that were so polluted that they could be set on fire in places. I don’t agree with much the EPA does, but overall they have saved countless lives by restricting the free for all approach of chemical misuse.

          • don says:

            ray– that was another time. like the democatic party. both now are comply diffrence.

          • Can’t use coal, can’t use gas, can’t use oil!! B.O. say’s we can only have solar and wind. Why? Because government wants more control over YOU and wants the trillions of $ in tax money they will get on the carbon exchange. Oh! and ques who is invested in the carbon exchange. That’s right, B.O.
            You better think about moving south!

          • American says:

            and the epa has outlived it intended intent

          • Charlotte Juett says:

            Ray, the only reason that that came to be is that our government at the time and the courts did not follow the Rule of Law that would have let citizens sue the companies that fouled the water and the air as our Constitution would have allowed them to do.
            More regulations were not the answer, the Rule of Law was.

          • Wayne says:

            Ray, let the states handle this from the local level, not at the Federal Level.

          • bhs3kgt says:

            I’m not too young too remember that it was parts of the Cuyahoga river in Cleveland that caught fire not the great lakes themselves. Wow, saved countless lives? Is that like Obama ‘saving’ millions of jobs?

        • Moron- we were not safe before the EPA and environmental regulation. Our air an water had deteriorated to unsafe levels in hundreds of cities and chemical dump sites.

          Isn’t America a great place where troglodytes like yourself can express yourself and stick you foot all the way down your throat to your liver.

          Love Canal was a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York, located in the white collar LaSalle section of the city. It officially covers 36 square blocks in the far southeastern corner of the city, along 99th Street and Read Avenue. Two bodies of water define the northern and southern boundaries of the neighborhood: Bergholtz Creek to the north and the Niagara River one-quarter mile (400 m) to the south. In the mid 1970s Love Canal became the subject of national and international attention after it was revealed in the press that the site had formerly been used to bury 21,000 tons of toxic waste by Hooker Chemical (now Occidental Petroleum Corporation).
          Hooker Chemical had sold the site to the Niagara Falls School Board in 1953 for $1, with a deed explicitly detailing the presence of the waste,[1] and including a liability limitation clause about the contamination. The construction efforts of housing development, combined with particularly heavy rainstorms, released the chemical waste, leading to a public health emergency and an urban planning scandal. Hooker Chemical was found to be negligent in their disposal of waste, though not reckless in the sale of the land, in what became a test case for liability clauses. The dumpsite was discovered and investigated by the local newspaper, the Niagara Falls Gazette, from 1976 through the evacuation in 1978. Potential health problems were first raised by reporter Michael H. Brown in July 1978.
          Ten years after the incident, New York State Health Department Commissioner David Axelrod (not to be confused with presidential advisor David Axelrod) stated that Love Canal would long be remembered as a “national symbol of a failure to exercise a sense of concern for future generations.” The Love Canal incident was especially significant as a situation where the inhabitants “overflowed into the wastes instead of the other way around.”

          Love Canal, along with Times Beach, Missouri, are important in United States environmental history as the two sites that in large part led to the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLA is much more commonly referred to as “Superfund” because of the fund established by the act to help the clean-up of toxic pollution in residential locations such as Love Canal. It has been stated thatLove Canal has “become the symbol for what happens when hazardous industrial products are not confined to the workplace but ‘hit people where they live’ in inestimable amounts.”[38]

          Love Canal was not an isolated case. Eckardt C. Beck, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency during the Love Canalcrisis suggested that there are probably HUNDREDS of similar dumpsites. President Carter declared that discovering these dumpsites was “one of the grimmest discoveries of the modern era.” Had the residents of Love Canal been aware that they were residing on toxic chemicals, most would not have moved there in the first place. Beck noted that one main problem remains that ownership of such chemical companies can change over the years making liability difficult to assign (a problem that would be addressed by CERCLA, or the Superfund Act). Beck contended that increased commitment was necessary to develop controls that would “defuse future Love Canals.”President George Bush allowed the Superfund to become insolvent in 2003.

          With stupid jerks like you we for sure do not need to worry about our overseas enemies, they are here.

          • John Williams says:

            Yea , rigarfunkel ( your name speaks volumes ) you are correct ! Let’s outlaw oil , gas , coal , nuclear , electricity , then all hold hands in candlelight and sing kumbayah ! You EPA disciples need to find some other god to worship ! France gets 80% of their energy from Nuclear ! It sits right smack in the middle of Europe ! Meanwhile , we are destroying our damns to save salmon ! Damns that produce the cheapest cleanest energy there is . Go figure !

          • bhs3kgt says:

            You must be right as those who disagree with you are: ‘Morons’, ‘troglodytes’, ‘stupid jerks’. Rught back atcha. EPA may have had a benign purpose a long time ago but today it’s used to promote the radical environmental agenda. They militantly dictate to Americans that their energy costs are going way up and they could care less. The lefty agenda comes first and only.

          • Lori says:

            You can always tell who the liberals are, they are the individuals that insult others, and dismiss the facts.

          • Bud says:

            Love Canal was entirely the responsibility of the local officials who allowed housing to be built there. They were well aware of what was buried there. Those local officials should have been prosecuted, heavily fined, and jailed.

        • Chris P says:

          No you didn’t – you are just clueless. Scientific ignorance defines Republicans.

          • Fritz S. says:

            Chris, I’m a Republican. I’m not only graduate level- educated in meteorology and oceanography, but I also have an abundance of common sense. I can’t speak for your scientific prowess, but your posting indicates that you got left out when God was handing out common sense.

            Which SUVs the were the cavemen (~ 1 million of ‘em world wide) were driving back when the North American and European ice caps began to recede 18,00o years ago. Bonus: Were the cavemen using coal to fire their electrical power plants?

            Can you explain the anthropogenic contribution to El Nino? Hell, do you even know what El Nino is?

            You’re clearly a disciple of that doofus, Al Gore!!

          • daves says:

            I have to say Fritz – common sense makes your silly questions about cave men irrelevant.

          • Bud says:

            And exactly why are the points about the cavemen silly or irrelevant? He’s bringing up some very valid and relevant points. You might try opening up your closed mind just a tad.

        • csev says:

          #1. this regime is in complete control by outside of america monetary forces!! Soros being the leader!! FACT: 2006, obama and john ayers formed the “chicago climate excahnge” (ccx) in direct complicity with the then PUSH by al gore and the green minions behind him!! CCX is the ONLY trading company allowed to trade the “carbon credits” mandated by the cap & trade scam!!! thus, the investors in CCX will earn billions off the backs of this carbon credit scheme!! Who are the investors?? Soros, rothchilds, rockefellers, BP, goldman sachs, maurice strong and his clan of criminals in the tri lateral and bilderberg groups, dick cheney, and assorted other anti american thieves!!! this scheme perpetrated aginst the masses thru the PROVEN false lies of ‘MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING” claims by the UN and al gore will steal billions from the masses not to mention completely disintegrate many hundreds of thousands of JOBS nationwidebecasue of the extra $ that this scheme will cost EVERY business just o be able to purchase energy, this added cost will be trickled down to the consumer thru every part of the manufacturing, distribution and sale of ALL products and services!! thus costs will rise and purchasing will decrease causing widespread lay offs and busineeses going out of business for lack of sales!!! DO YA GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Tom E says:

        First of all, the EPA is irresponsible! The Agency is designed to confiscate and control the use of land and water with the intent purpose of dontrolling the people who occupy that land surrounded by that water. One third (1/3) of land in the U.S. is controlled by the EPA under which lies the majority of our fossil fuel.

        • Wayne says:

          Tom, the EPA is trying to destroy our economy, and our way of life. It seems he has a lot of Zombies helping him. I see that there are a few making post on this forum. This is exacty what Obama are wanting these morons to help him do. It is too bad they don’t have the common sense to see it. I want to live in a free country not dictated by Muslim, Communist, or Socialist. I want to live in a country where we can practice our own religion and not get our heads cut off like some of our boys had done to them over in these Muslim Countries. Patrick Henry said, give me liberty, or give me death. I guess I feel the same way. If Obama’s Morans want to l,ive under his rule, then they should all should leave and set up shop some where else.

      • shawn corrigan says:

        the EPA is unconstitutional, the states were to have this job. in this way it would be less about politics and more about the best interests of the people in that state. no doubt you are a liberal treasonous democrat
        is that right? always consuming while never producing a damn thing, thing complaining and blubbering about how horrible the world is.
        is that about right ?

        • Windrinker says:

          Tell the Feds to “take a hike” and get back to States’ Rights.

          • Archie says:

            You are so correct. It is time we had a governor stand up and tell the feds to buzz off. Why do the states bow down to this bunch of idiots at EPA. Look at Kaly4niA standing back while the feds shut down an entire valley’s water because of a three inch fish nobody had ever heard of. I noticed the Swartswagger talked large but walked small. He shoulda turned the water back on and told the feds to step back.

          • HANDYMAN says:

            It’s up to the people, the states are also infected, with communist!

          • DENNIS says:


        • Lynn Riggs says:

          You are right. The original chart of the EPA was to initially get the environment under control and assists the state in getting there own version of the EPA up and run to control pollution. When that was done they were to go out of business, but that never happened like so many other federal agencies.

          • John Williams says:

            Funkel , it seems that , as is common with Liberals , you demonize all who hold a different view ( Alinsky ) , and believe that youbalonevare wise enough to see the truth ! In clinical psychology this is called PROJECTION ! You PROJECT onto others your own flaws ! You apparently think that the best way to win an argument is to accuse those who disagrees with you as ” stupid ” . You , friend are the true cool aid drinker ; and you don’t ” sip ” it !

      • EHeassler, USN-Ret. says:

        The EPA may have started out with the good intention of protecting citizens from pollution but it is now being used by unscrupulous idealogues to control our economy and our behaviour. To date, there have been no controlled studies of fracking that I know of and reports of pollution from fracking are anecdotal and not scientifically proven. In my opinion, this is just one more attempt by the EPA to carry out Obama’s and his Progressive/Marxist’s agenda of eliminating the fossil fuel industry and destroying our economy. The goal is to replace it with a totally controlled economy as dictated by Obama and friends.

        • Cascade says:

          I agree with you 100%. We have to stopped the communist agenda.

        • HANDYMAN says:

          They never had good intentions, but they know how to put up a smoke screen, here let me help you to stab you in the back. You must remember where we came from, the UK. We had to fight to get where we were. Freedom is fragile, and being broken by the rest of the communist and muslime world.

          • HANDYMAN says:

            Where is the hypocrite, the one true church? Sorry it is communist too! Only the People can make the difference. The schools have been preparing our children to be good communist! Open your eyes those of you who sleep! Even if you still prosper now, it (FREEDOM OF THE PEOPLE) is being taken over by the rest of the communist muslime world.

          • What Kool-Aid are you sipping this morning. Have you sought help? You need it. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Yours was left with the other waste in Love Canal.

        • Denise says:

          I would like to state publically, that Obama and his gang of thugs are facilitating the rise of the Antichrist. Anyone, with even the slightest knowledge of biblical end times prophecies, can see that they are unfolding right before our eyes. Those who cannot see this, are willfully blind. Many people are thrilled, and are ready to welcome him and to share in his very short reign. In the end the Lion of Judah will prevail.

          • bhs3kgt says:

            It’s terrifying to think about it but I’m afraid you may be right. The times are certainly chaotic enough. The Muslims think their new leader will come out of the well he fell into and rule the world soon.

        • Laker says:

          Is it just me, or why do I doubt any govt. agency that has B.H.Obama’s name hat the top of the flow chart?

      • John K says:

        Spoken like some one that knows nothing about an oil well. Just the EPA, (Enormous Pompous A@@’s) they act as though they know what they are talking about yet in truth have no clue what so ever. You wish to show how much you know about an oil well, let me ask this. How can a frack job that takes place from 12,000 to 16,000 feet under the fresh water table, seep up through not one but 3 layers of both pipe, (said pipe on average 1/4 in thick) and cement, (said cement on average 1 foot thick pure layer)?

      • Marc Jeric says:

        Another eco-nazi spewing his ignorance!

      • Texas001 says:

        Sure they are protecting us, like their statement that “about 8 percent of man-made worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are due to simple human breathing.”

        The question is who is protecting us from the EPA?

      • Larry says:

        You are right. These idiots would get rid of every regulatory agency in the world so that companies like the chicken companies could put diseased chickens on the market and companies could put unsafe drugs on the market. Look at the drugs that have been pulled off the market because of safety reason causing things such as heart attackes etc. Who would be policing these things if it were not for the regulatory agenices?

        • don says:

          larry- they are the one that ok them for market. even knowing some are bad. because of the money involed. wake up

        • Duke says:

          FDA, Federal Drug Administration was set up for our protection from Bad Drugs causing a Medically Induced Situation. The Federal Protection Agency is an enviormental agency(FPA) and has no bearing on Drugs, Foods, etc. It deals with things like Chemical Run-offs, ground water,etc. Chemical Storage and containment goes to OSHA which is Safety. Now let’s get back to the “Fracking Truth”!

      • Frank J. says:

        spoken as a true kool aid drinker and follower of obama RH. you are a true marxist who throws out statements without any go back downstairs to mommys basement now she is serving you your cookies and milk and then you can take your nap.

      • Frank says:

        You, sir are an idiot!

        • If anyone are idiots, it is the anti-science, pro-pollution dolts who haunt this site. There is plenty of natural gas production in the US, just look how the price keeps on dropping, The resistance from near shore drilling came from “Red” state folks who depend on tourism and fishing. Look at the jobs in La, Al and Ms, 50% were not in the energy sector. As to coal, the country decided to limit strip mining and universally, except the mental midgets on this site, understand the EPA regulations and the need for land reclamation. One can oppose policy, but flat-earth, anti-intellectualism and anti- scientific review reflect a simplistic understanding of not only our country’s needs, but the world in general.

          How you folks hate the next generation to be born. You love pro-choice, but you are hardly concerned what country they will inherit.

      • NancyJ says:

        Schumann, you have no clue to what you are talking about.

        It is time to close down the EPA and return control to the individual states. Maybe then we will have inexpensive fuel for our vehicles. That is if Obama gets his hand out of our pockets.

        • Bob says:

          Just about every state has it’s own EPA, NEA and many other agencys ? The states are more aware of their problems than the federal government and can respond much sooner. Federal government agencys are just political tools that take away states rights. The government has ignored it’s main responsibility to defend our country against foreign invaders. Both parties are responsible for our open borders and have done very little to fix this problem. If the Federal government would mind it’s own business, the states would have solved this problem years ago.

      • sane american says:

        If you drive a car, heat your home, use lights, watch tv, want to eat, want toilet paper to wipe. Do you not realise the world has to have energy. Where is it going to come from?

        If you are concerned about the “children” how will you feed them and keep them warm?

        I give up on you bunch of morons.

      • AGGREEN says:

        ***Screw the EPA. My well-being is enhanced by lower-cost abundant domestic supplies of natural gas (and oil). I live in northeast Pennsylvania where the economy is on the upsurge (like in the new oil drilling region of North Dakota). Comrade Chairman Obammy and his leftist minions have dedicated themselves to tanking the American economy for the sake of national socialism. It’sd no surprise to me that Obozo has been endorsed for re-election by the Communist Party U.S.A.

      • AnyD says:

        RHSchumann, Yes, that is a correct assessment of the charter of the EPA. If only they held to that in a fair and honest way.
        As it is, they do the bidding of the Democrat party as most people who desire to regulate stuff are from that party in the first place it’s only natural.
        How, pray tell, did we survive until the late 60s without them if they are so vital?
        One of their first major initiatives was to remove DDT from the market. That chemical was actually harmless. They gained popular support for it’s removal after Rachel Carson wrote the book Silent Spring which incorrectly tied the used of DDT to birds eggs failing and causing the birds to die. Science never supported the claim and in fact the tests deliberately fed a diet deficient in calcium to the birds so that their shells would be too thin.
        Thus, the EPA is actually an arm of radicals who are bent on derailing capitalism.
        If only they did what they were chartered to do.

        • don says:

          there lays the serect. they have one goal. power over you. that it in a nut shell.

        • Duke says:

          AnyD, So was Agent Orange. We sprayed it in Nam to kill Folage and it sure did and is still killing (People exposed to it some 50 yrs later) I’m not saying your wrong in what your saying or thinking, but some of that stuff is leathal! You may as well hold a Automatic rifle and spray people with bullets. Difference in that, one is faster and noisy if you understand what I’m saying. The other is Slow and Silent………….

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