Monday, December 5, 2011

Pelosi: Dirt On Newt To Come – Patriot Update

Pelosi: Dirt On Newt To Come – Patriot Update

Pelosi: Dirt On Newt To Come

December 5, 2011


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is holding back some information on Republican Newt Gingrich that could detract from his presidential campaign, according to a report published Monday.

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi toldTalking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

Gingrich, who served as Speaker of the House, worked with Pelosi in Congress from 1987 to 1999. Pelosi also served on the ethics committee that investigated Gingrich for tax cheating and campaign finance violations in the late ’90s.

Gingrich filmed an ad with then-House Speaker Pelosi in 2008 to urge action on climate change, which haunted him early in his presidential bid this year. Gingrich called the ad “probably the dumbest single thing I’ve done in recent years” last month.

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213 Responses to Pelosi: Dirt On Newt To Come

  1. Jennie says:

    And this coming from a idiot that is accused of insider trading? Who cares what botox Nancy has to say.

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    • Lenny says:

      You are soooooooo right.What ever Nancy piglousy say is not worth hearing

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      • Livefree1200cc says:

        Let her holler from the rooftops the truth about Newt. Let all the neo-cons and Dems turn on each other so Ron Paul can save this country from Bankruptcy.

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    • Pitts says:

      Pelosi has no room to talk. She riped off the American People on her government flights, which included free booze, food, souveniers, etc. Pelosi has no room to talk at all. She and her husbands company, Star Kist Tuna, held pay increases back from their workers when the minimum wage was raised back in the late 90′s.

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      • lucitee says:

        AHHHHHH! Star Kist Tuna, huh! Then he should be quite familiar with “barracudas”!

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      • Chuck says:

        You don’t know any of that as fact. Piling it on for no good reason dosen’t accomplish anything, except maybe swells your ego a little more. The woman has no class and never tells the truth, if it can be avoided.

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      • MH says:

        Good now I can boycott star kist tuna along with GE and heinz.

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    • eDWARD Chandler says:


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    • Capt Gene says:

      I agree however the problem is all the useful idiots who will believe her. Remember when the mantra was “it’s the seriousness of the charges and not the evidence”? The whole idea is to create enough doubt to swing the election. Don’t forget we’re talking chicago (lcit) politiKs.

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    • jim says:

      Who cares what that painted cadaver Moron has to say??!! I hope Newt doesn’t hold back on ALL that useless BITC* is and has done!!

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  2. Gary M says:

    SCUM; just about says it all about Pelosi.

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    • Livefree1200cc says:

      She is a scum…thankfully so is Newt. Get him out of the race – he wants bigger government with more control. Ron Paul for Victory !

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  3. Rocketman says:

    Don’t look just at what Newt says, look at his voting record. He’s been in favor of most gun control bills that went through the congress when he was the speaker. He supports digit thumbprints to purchase new firearms. He’s been involved in the Fanny May and Freddy Mac scandals and took money in order to help them continue. Except for Romney, Newt is the biggest flip flopper in the Republican field. Ron Paul is a champion of the second amendment, is consistent in his support of liberty and is planning on cutting 1.5 trillion dollars from the budget. Paul in 2012 is the only hope that America has.

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  4. niles says:

    This woman is a boil on the butt of society.

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  5. Al Duhan says:

    Pelosi, They should have burried this wax face liar right after she died. Look at this mess, it can’t be alive. No Way

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  6. U.S.Patriot 01 says:

    after the way pelosi and the dems ran roughshod over this country for 4 yrs she had better keep her trap shut if she still wants a job

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  7. Kate says:

    No matter what crap she comes up with the main stream media will totally blow it outof proportion! I am not crazy about Mitt Romney, but he is the only canidate that they cant dig up dirt. He does walk the talk. If he is the republican candidate I will support him. I would support Mickey Mouse over obama! The only way we can get this country back in order is to defeat obama snd support the republican candidate.

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  8. Jerky says:

    I think Pelosi is a moron she is a disgrace to the human race.

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  9. Hawwison says:

    She smells like the sewer from whence she was expelled! Get rid of the piece of trash!

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  10. GINGER says:

    A year in a locked room??? really??? can;t be too bad or illegal or they would have prosecuted..whoops…forgot…she is a Dem and whould use info only if it could be benefit her or her cronies..I personally do not believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

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  11. Chuck says:

    Ethics ia a word unkmnown to the Wicked Witch of the West. She will dunp every shred of paper, true or false, that she has gleened from confidential files, if it reflects poorly on Speaker Gingrich.

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  12. Jim Delaney says:

    When the likes of ethically-challenged scoundrels like Pelosi, Frank and Clyburn warn us against nominating Newt, it sounds more like a strong recommendation for his nomination. These ruthless slimeballs are so obvious.

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  13. fbs says:

    The news media shouts about anything anyone says about the republicans, true or not. But look at how they covered up for Clinton with his many sexual exploits. We can’t find out anything about Obama because all of his records are sealed. Why would they be sealed unless he has something to hide? The media has ruined Cain, who seems to be a really good man. It is getting to the point where good men don’t want to run for office because the news media and folks such as Pelosi hunt for any slight piece of dirt they can try to pin on republicans. People need to stop all this garbage the dems put out.

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    • Chuck says:

      Cain is an adult and he ruined himself. These black racists seem to think they should be treated differently than anyone else. His lawyer begged that Cain’s affairs were private and no one else’s business!? Not when you run for the highest office in the land.

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  14. STONEFACE says:

    BEWARE THE FANGS OF THE SERPENT. THIS WOMAN can be called a lot of things but like Queen Jezebel, she has friends in many high places
    protecting her power. May every secret of Ms Pelosi and CLNE come to the front page of Drudge Report! IJN

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  15. I can not stand this woman. Unethical, deceitful and mean spirited are all the
    adjectives I can find for her. If she was sworn to secrecy then she should be punished
    for her actions.

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  16. michael owens says:

    You reckon Pelosi has a brain cell left in her head or has all the free booze she has consumed eat up what brain she has left?

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  17. Ridge Runner says:

    We have got this trash problem it seems in most of the candicates on both sides of the aisle.we need to vote out the trash and try to get term limits for congress and senate so they want have so much time to become scumbags.You can’t legislate morals but can vote the people out if they don’t have any.

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  18. Mark in LA says:

    You knew that the stench of Newt would eventually filter through even the most powerful barriers.

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  19. Livefree1200cc says:

    Ron Paul 2012 ! – the only way we are digging our way out of the hole we are in.

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  20. Doug Rodrigues says:

    Similar to Obama, Newt sounds very good when he speaks. Unfortunately, his past voting record with siding with the Democrats would have one believe that he’s a RINO. Now before anyone gives me a negative for my commment, go look up Newt’s record yourself. You decide……

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  21. Virginia Wilson says:

    Look people, whatever they say about Newt or Romney or whomever, we have to stick to one goal and that is to get Obama out of office! I’d vote for Mickey Mouse before Obama. If we don’t get Obama out of office, this country is DONE, FINISHED!! No one has done more harm and damage to this great country than Obama. He has an agenda and it’s to look like Europe or worse, Russia!

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  22. SSG says:


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  23. why doesn’t someone trip the old hag?

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  24. James says:

    Washington D.C. is FULL of that type person. She is one of them. They all know someting on each other. That’s why they all should go. Gingrich was right in there with them for a long time. He’s no Angel.

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  25. buddy9210 says:

    Cubbies, are you kidding me, this clown needs to be taken to the circus and left there!!! This women is such a lying IDIOT that it is actually funny to watch these Libbies work and come out and say,” Oh have I got such a poop list on Newt!!!” She, of all people has got to be kidding, this women has more dirt on her than a pig in a stye!!! Vote these clowns into the unemployment line with me!! God Help US!!!

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  26. MH says:

    Someone needs to pull all of pelosi’s skeletons out of the closet for all to see. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Newt is no conservative anyway he’s just as bad as McCain was. Why don’t we just say uncle and give up? The establishment is going to pick the candidate they want and tell us to sit down and shut up anyway. Kiss this election goodbye and we will not get another chance. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America serves us right for being so easy to manipulate!!!!!

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  27. Can’t be. If the tax cheating and campaign finance fraud were true he’d be part of the current administration. Time to put Nana to bed.

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  28. Skip says:

    How much of the $30,000,000.00 for the mentally retarded field mouce in her district did she put in her pocket..lest we forget she is a crook…

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  29. Who pays attention Pisslossy or Obamor. They deserve each other

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  30. Insurgent says:

    And the First Amendment states—————

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  31. Livefree1200cc says:


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