Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stop illegal immigration while we still can | CowboyByte

Stop illegal immigration while we still can | CowboyByte

Stop illegal immigration while we still can

I am not a cold hearted racist or bigot, just a caring, responsible American who has great concern for our country and respects those who obey the laws of our country and enter legally according to those laws.Illegal immigration has absolutely nothing to do with racism, but has everything to do with the laws of our nation. Illegal immigrants have always been portrayed as the victims, when in reality the American people, our culture and our country are the real victims.

Illegal immigrants, particularly those from Mexico, have no allegiance to this country and they’re realistically not here to take part in the American dream, but in reality to take advantage of the American dream at our expense. Check out You Tube “Aztlan Rising.”

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186 Responses to Stop illegal immigration while we still can

  1. Pat says:

    It’s not a matter of being cold-hearted or a racist, it is a matter of taking care of our own people. We can’t afford to take care of the immigrants who want to come here, our people are having a rough time of it and they come first. We have schools in horrible conditions and an education system “dumbed down” to accomodate children who are not English-speaking, we have bridges and roads getting worse every year, and a healthcare/welfare system going downhill fast. Turn out the torch in Lady Liberty’s hand and turn over the welcome mat while we take care of our own people. It is not cold-hearted, just realistic.

    • dolly says:

      I stand behind Newt’s claiming that he would stop any funding to states that don’t do away with being a SANCTUARY city, go Newt.

      • Jo Ann says:

        Apparently California is rumored to be considering becoming a “Sanctuary State”-all of it. If that happened, you would see many pouring out of the State but how many can afford to do that, given the severely depressed Real Estate market in some areas?

        • Texas001 says:

          It is thinking like this (California considering being a Sanctuary State) that has got the lefties in California in all the financial difficulty they are in today. I remember back in the 1980′s when we used to put out food at the south Texas ranch for the wetbacks migrating through to the north. A border patrol agent told me to stop as I was aiding and abetting felons. At the time I just blew him off but now I realize what he said was true. Now the wetbacks that are coming through are real criminals, some packing firearms, some packing dope and almost all do considerable damage to my property. In the 80′s I would took pity on them but now I just call “la migra”. Some times they catch them, most times they don’t and I am only 7 miles from the nearest Border Patrol station.

      • RICH says:


        • Ed Orr says:

          Tell us YOUR choice of for a presidential candidate….OBAMA?

          • RICH says:

            NEWT..WANTS AMNESTY FOR OVER 12 Million Mexicans. Plus With The Current INS Laws That Would Add Another 20 To 30 Million”"! NEWT IS AN IDIOT AS IS “ANYONE” WHO VOTES FOR THIS OPPORTUNISTIC ILLEGAL SUPPORTER”!

        • Kansas Kahuna says:

          Rich…I can agree with you on Romney, but on Newt??? And just who would you like to see for another four years…obama the left wing illegal imposter who has all but destroyed this country? Newt is by far the sharpest pencil in the box. Better state your case more clearly, or most of those reading and responding to this blog will take you as a FLAMING LIBERAL MISFIT!

          • Kansas Kahuna says:

            Rich…After reading your rebuttal, you apparently haven’t done your homework. You sound like the type of nitwit who listens to 15 minutes a day of MSNBC!

          • Gerald Hughes says:

            I see no real difference between Newt, Obama and Romney.
            If those are my choices I’ll vote for Ralph Nader again, and concentratee on removing RINOS drom among the incumbents and putting enough senators and reps in, (real republicans)
            Not Boehner and Cantor Snowe Collins Lugar and Brown, to keep Obma from being able to do anything

        • Texas001 says:

          Rich, I have you figured out. You are either a leftie or a Ron Paul supporter. I am a staunch conservative but Paul is to my right and actually he is so far right that he is meeting nobama coming around the other way. New world order Newt? You got Newt mixed up with “I want to be dictator of the world nobama”.

          • Kansas Kahuna says:

            Texas001…You got your ducks in a row! I agree with you! If we don’t stop this bickering over candidates, the worthless half-breed for sure will be in for another term. I frequently read and occasionally respond to the topic at hand, especially when I read comments such as those by Rich and Warloc. Warloc has made numerous worthwhile to the point comments here and on other blog sites, but the points he makes are not entirely factual. To me a half truth is no better than a lie. We should all ask ourselves the question…are my comments helping or hurting the cause to rid this country of the imposter that I fought against his type in the 1960′s?

            Since I have important business to take care of I’ll be leaving this blog for now, but will return later to read comments to see if we as a group are still tearing down the candidates. Out of all the candidates on the GOP roster, only RINO Romney is one that I would have a hard time pulling the lever for in the booth!

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