Friday, December 9, 2011

Gmail - Action Alert from the Madison Project! -

Gmail - Action Alert from the Madison Project! -

Action Alert from the Madison Project!

Madison Project via
8:32 AM (6 hours ago)
to me

December 9, 2011


The Madison Project

Action Alert!

Folks, I need you to take action today. On Tuesday, December 13 there will be a leadership election in the Republican Senate Conference.

The position will be for Vice Chair and will pitSenator Ron Johnson (WI) against Senator Roy Blunt (MO). When you think of The Solution versus The Problem, nothing could be more distinct. Senator Johnson is a tea party member who is working to create change in Washington, DC with a 91% ranking on Heritage Action for America's scorecard. Senator Blunt is the status quo, who after years in the House of Representatives leadership ranks, jumped over to the Senate last fall. He has a ranking of 64% on the Heritage Action for America scorecard.

When you think of the Republicans that helped create the mess in Washington, DC, Roy Blunt is near the top of the list. This is our chance to send a message to Republican Senators, "We expect change, not the status quo."

Please pick up your phones today and call your Republican Senator (if you have a Republican Senator) and tell them, "Please vote for Ron Johnson for Vice Chair on Tuesday!"

You can reach your Senator by calling the Senate switchboard at 202-224- 3121.

For Liberty,

Drew Ryun

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