Monday, December 12, 2011

» Obama concerned about intolerance for Islam around the world News

» Obama concerned about intolerance for Islam around the world News

Obama concerned about intolerance for Islam around the world

By Bradley Klapper

WASHINGTON (AP) - Seeking to bolster relations with Muslim countries angry about Western characterizations of Islam, the Obama administration has gathered representatives from more than two dozen governments this week in an effort to address religious intolerance around the world.

To critics, the three-day conference in Washington smacks of appeasement toward hardline Islamist governments with often dismal anti-discrimination records of their own. U.S. officials say they're simply promoting education and understanding, while also rejecting any demands from Arab states and other countries that want restrictions on free speech.

"We know that some people distort various religious doctrines to justify intolerance, foment violence or create strife that serves their narrow political purposes," said Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. ambassador at large for international religious freedom. She said offensive speech ought to be denounced, but that "religion must never be used as an excuse to stifle freedom of expression."

The dialogue comes after years of complaints from Muslim governments about perceived offenses against their faith. As examples they cite irreverent European cartoons of the prophet Muhammad and a small Florida church group's burning of the Quran, and have advocated international rules to protect religious symbols and beliefs from mockery.

But the United States and European countries have sought to block what would essentially amount to an international ban on blasphemy that would be incompatible with free speech laws in the West.

American officials believe a compromise struck in March at the U.N. Human Rights Council broke the impasse. The divisive notion of interdicting "religious defamation" was dropped as countries agreed to work together to battle intolerance and the incitement of violence against people for their religious beliefs. And at an interfaith conference in July in Turkey, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton joined others in promoting the effort as a way to safeguardreligious freedom without compromising free speech.

The improved atmosphere, the U.S. hopes, will allow officials also to examine bans on blasphemy and apostasy in the Muslim world. The assassinations earlier this year of two prominent critics of Pakistan's blasphemy law — Punjab governor Salman Taseer and national minority minister Shahbaz Bhatti — have focused attention on laws in the Islamic world used regularly to persecute Christians or silence minority dissent.

Nine European countries, three from Latin America and nine in the Organization of the Islamic Conference are among those that sent officials to the conference. The United Nations also is participating.

Still, conservative critics of the Obama administration said the administration was kowtowing to Muslim countries.

"Why is it that the U.S. Constitution must come second when representatives from Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan demand we must curb our religious libertiesand free speech?" asked Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition. "Why is our government bending to Taliban values here on the home front?"

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  1. downdraftComment by downdraft
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:25 pm

    Why should Obama worry about our Constitution at all…he has violated every aspect of it because it tells him what he can and can’t do to harm us…yet he selects it to demonstrate his Islam and Muslim Brotherhood preferences….

    America…we are at RISK of being over-run as the UK with Muslim Brotherhood, Islam…

    And Senator KERRY is out there sucking up to the Muslin Brotherhood, his future superiors…and he is selling our sovereignty to the Devil…as is Hillary, as is OBAMA…

    WAKE UP AMERICA…IMPEACH…lets get them all!

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    • capricorn1Comment by capricorn1
      December 12, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

      good points and to add to that i would say where is the muslim tolerance for christians and jews and hindus? they have none and thats what people need to see there book of fools i mean rules says your with us or you must DIE.THE MOB RULLES.

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    • Daniel from TNComment by Daniel from TN
      December 12, 2011 @ 3:43 pm

      Forget impeachment! It will never happen even if obama openly commits high treason against the United States. Liberals will not turn on one of their own, REGARDLESS (Wiener was just a token sacrificial lamb). Republicans simply do not have the courage. Even if Republicans somehow muster up the courage and impeach, does anyone honestly believe Reid will allow it to go before the Senate for consideration and a vote, knowing there ARE a few Democrats who would vote to remove obama from office?
      Face it folks. We are STUCK with obama until the 2012 elections, assuming the elections will be fair.

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    • AMVoterComment by AMVoter
      December 12, 2011 @ 3:50 pm

      Daniel, You are right that the Dems would never vote for impeachment but if the Repubs had the courage a case could be made which starts in the House and is tried in the Senate. Reid could not refuse the trial.

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  2. lovemycountry2Comment by lovemycountry2
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:27 pm

    Well of course he is! He’s a Muslim at heart and wants to change the opinion of most who know full well what the Muslims are, cold blooded killers who will decapitate anyone who they consider infidels. Can’t say it any plainer than that! Just read their Koran. But you won’t find the creep doing anything about the death of Christians or Jews, thanks to all you idiots who voted for the guy.

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  3. AbbyComment by Abby
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:27 pm

    Why is Obama so worried about Islam and ignores Christianity? His track record shows him to be against anything religious if it concerns Christianity but in essence he is forcing Islam down American throats?

    I thought our Constitution was to protect all religions, not just Islam. Besides Islam is not a religion really, it is a way of life through force, retribution and terrorism. How can the media show this as a good thing?

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  4. yougottabekiddingmeComment by yougottabekiddingme
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:27 pm

    OMG – and I do mean Oh My God! Islam was founded by a man who slaughtered thousands of Jews and Arabs and enslaved their women and children. To this day, Islamic women are treated like second class citizens – AT BEST.

    I am NOT buying into the PC rationale that it is a peaceful religion. Did Jesus Christ wage wars? Was he married to 13 different women – like Mohammed? Does the Holy Bible command Christians to kill non-believers (in any of its translations)? When someone acts improperly in the Christian world, civilized Christians condemn their actions. How many Muslim leaders are standing-up and condemning the violence?

    Saudi Muslims killed thousands of Americans around the world. Appeasement is not the answer.

    President Obama – your feeble attempts to pacify these despots are horribly misplaced. You cannot turn-off the hatred that has been inculcated in Islamic youth for generations.

    Kum Ba Yah Mr. President. Kum Ba Yah.

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    • txgoatladyComment by txgoatlady
      December 12, 2011 @ 2:31 pm

      The term “women” when referring to Mohammed’s wives isn’t necessarily correct. I believe his last wife was 11 years old. I too wonder why the term tolerance is used when talking about accommodating one of the least tolerant “religions” in the world. Plus, I thought Obama was worried about the homosexuals being treated equally in other countries. Is he aware of the penalty for homosexual activity in Muslim countries?

      Does anyone recall that freedom of speech a few years ago allowed a so-called artist to stick a crucifix in a jar of urine? Can you imagine someone doing that with a statue of Mohammed?

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    • lovemycountry2Comment by lovemycountry2
      December 12, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

      He Obama and his wife promised to change this country and they did. Now we are being forced to accept a religion that is trying to take over the world with their ancient customs and phony religion made up by a guy that couldn’t even read or write.

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    • lovemycountry2Comment by lovemycountry2
      December 12, 2011 @ 2:37 pm


      Only some of his wives were children, there were women in his harem as well. You are entirely too quick to correct other people’s news articles and comments. That homosexual ruse was just a way to gain gay votes, he doesn’t give a hoot how anyone’s treated and he does know the penalty. Gay votes in this country is what he’s looking for as the muslims don’t care what he thinks.

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    • newsjunkyComment by newsjunky
      December 12, 2011 @ 2:44 pm


      Yes, I remember that incident, and I also remember the picture of the Blessed Mother being smeared in feces which was hung in a gallery and considered art, and the Jesus Christ Superstar play in theaters portraying Jesus as a *****. Actually, the list is endless, and you won’t hear too much about it as many are falling away and accepting pseudo religions.

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    • txgoatladyComment by txgoatlady
      December 12, 2011 @ 4:51 pm

      Hmm….how is pointing out that Mohammad’s last wife was a child “correcting” the post? I used the example to further point out the original person’s point about what a nice guy Mohammad was. Funny that you took offense when the poster did not. I am not sure what your deal is today, but you have been jumping on every comment I make. Perhaps you need to read posts more carefully before you attack.

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    • newsjunkyComment by newsjunky
      December 12, 2011 @ 5:52 pm

      I can’t believe that they starred out the word that begins with a “q.” It’s just another word for gay. I think some of these moderators are going to extremes.

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    • AMVoterComment by AMVoter
      December 12, 2011 @ 5:56 pm

      newsjunky – some sites are so bad that you can’t use the word “black.”

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    • TexamericanComment by Texamerican
      December 12, 2011 @ 6:53 pm

      Hey lovemycountry2, Since when is pedophilia ok?? txgoatlady had it right.

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  5. Mary SComment by Mary S
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:28 pm

    Why is there tolerance these days for anything anyone labels “religion”, except for Christianity? When accomplished young men like Tim Tebow can be ridiculed, vilified, and denigrated for expressing his beliefs, why should we have tolerance for an ideology that makes it acceptable to murder anyone who disagrees? I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe in which no United States of America ever existed.

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  6. AbbyComment by Abby
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:31 pm

    Why is this being aDDRESSED TO the Western World? It should be addressed and enforced in the Mid-East and by other Muslim groups. They can destroy people, places and things in the name of Allah Well, Christ came and said to love your neighbor as yourself after first Loving God who created us. Twisting Muslim beliefs for their benefits and not going to rest until all people are converted is not religious freedom.

    This administration is destroying our Republic (from the inside out which was the intentions of this elected official and his bosses (soros, etc.)).

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  7. grumpyComment by grumpy
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:55 pm

    I don’t know why anyone expects Obama to be any different than he is. He has been from the start an Islamic sympathizer as well as a Marxist Racist lying Chicago crook.
    Earlier today I posted essentially the same as below on “It’s still a free country, isn’t it?” maybe it fits here even better.
    I believe that you can be moderate, or be Muslim. You cannot be both! Read the Qur’an and you will be convinced.
    I do believe that there are people who say they are Muslim and are moderate. They are like those who profess other religions, but do not practice it.
    It is impossible for a true believer and practitioner of Islam to be moderate! The Muslims universally preach That the Koran/Qur’an is the ultimate and final truth. They support the institution of sharia law, and death and destruction to non believers. Islam is universally against every thing that is representative of our country and Western civilization in general.
    Islam is not a religion. It is a mental illness!
    I am all for a constitutional amendment that declares that Islam is not a religion, but a terrorist sect and is to be treated as such.

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  8. AMVoterComment by AMVoter
    December 12, 2011 @ 2:56 pm

    Obama is so worried about Islam yet he is anti-christian! Obama and his thugs took the Bibles away from our wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital, denying them their 1st amendment rights, yet he provides the Koran to terrorists at Gitmo. When called on it they backpedaled like the liars Obama and his administration are.

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  9. freedomfighterComment by freedomfighter
    December 12, 2011 @ 3:03 pm

    With Christianity, it is a problem because of separation of government Church/Christianity, yet Obummer sees no problem with the Government getting on the Muslim bandwagon, just because he is pro Muslim, and say we should be more tollerent/willing to accept their hate America religion.
    Where exactly is the FAIR line drawn?.

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    • bna42Comment by bna42
      December 12, 2011 @ 4:45 pm

      “With Christianity, it is a problem because of separation of government Church/Christianity”

      Where do you see anything pertaining to “separation of government Church/Christianity”? If you are referring to the First Amendment, it says nothing about seperation of government and church. It simply says that government can not ESTABLISH a religion and our government is far from even attempting to establish a religion. It also goes on to say that the “free exercise” of religion can not be destroyed by government, yet the liberals are working tirelessly to accomplish exactly that.

      I don’t think you will find anything in the U.S. Constitution concerning Christianity.

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  10. GHUComment by GHU
    December 12, 2011 @ 3:14 pm

    “Obama concerned about intolerance for Islam around the world”……WHAT A JOKE!
    He’s so concerned about Muslims/ Islam but doesn’t care that hundreds/ thousands of Christians and Jews have been killed by those “peaceful” Muslims around the world. We’ve seen what Obama thinks about Israel, Christianity and the Catholic Church in particular. Islam is the most intolerant “religion” that ever existed. Do you know why there were the Crusades?…..because for hundreds of years Muslims were killing Christians and destroying Christian sites.

    Hey, Barack Hussein Obama, we don’t want the USA turned over to Sharia Law. Why don’t you go live in Iran, Saudi Arabia or any other Muslim country.

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  11. AZROBComment by AZROB
    December 12, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

    From Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope” I quote: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”. Yes, this is Hussein’s own words and is always overlooked by his adoring minions.. There were many other comments he made also mostly about whites and his hate… Obama is a Muslim no matter how much he or his followers deny it. And remember, it wasn’t the Christians, Jews, Budists, Hindus, Mormans or any other religion that has been bombing, beheading, torchering and killing tens of thousands of people over the past few decades–it was the Muslims seeking their 72 Virgins.. How did Obama ever get elected? Can you say A-C-O-R-N ? Yes, Obama got 52% of the votes in the ’08 election and ACORN was responsible for several hundred thousand fraudulent votes for him–maybe even a few million..They are being investigated in 20 states. ACORN changed it’s name but is STILL gettinggovernment grants from Obama… (per “Judicial Watch”)

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  12. jenerseaComment by jenersea
    December 12, 2011 @ 3:39 pm

    So when is Obozo going to stand up for Christianity? Why is he silent when Christians are being murdered daily around the world, in Egypt, Sudan, Persia, and other Mooslam countries? He walks into a church knowing full well that he is doing everything he can possibly get away with that is against GOD’s laws. America wake up, if he is reelected than total evil will be unleashed upon this country.

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  13. Daniel from TNComment by Daniel from TN
    December 12, 2011 @ 3:49 pm

    Once again!
    Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political/military organization determined to conquer the world. Islam did not consider itself a religion until the mid 1800s when it saw a monetary advantage to being classified a religion. Islam does have a small element of religion associated with it. Mosques are the equivalent of chapels. Calling Islam a religion is like calling the US Army a religion because it has chapels where religious services occasionally occur.

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  14. gunsmokeComment by gunsmoke
    December 12, 2011 @ 5:03 pm

    If you DO NOT want others to be Intolerance to Muslims, Islamic Religions, then STOP trying to FORCE it down OUR throats and upon us and to expect us to change from OUR own Religious Beliefs… this is what the Muslims, Islamic Religions are trying to do, especially with OBAMA in the LEAD…… When and if you STOP doing this, then maybe it might come to end, but NOT until then….. I for one am Damn Sick and Tired of hearing the Whining and Complaining of theso called People who Believe in the Muslim, Islamic Religions…… KEEP it to YOURSELVES and SHUT-UP, otherwise expect further Insults and Intolerence to this….. or you can go back to your Own Country from which you came from, which might be better if you did anyways… we DO NOT want you here……PERIOD, ENOUGH SAID !


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  15. freedomfighterComment by freedomfighter
    December 12, 2011 @ 5:07 pm

    Where does it stop?. He petitioned the UN for more tolerance for Lisbians, gays, cross genders, etc, now he is doing the same for more tolerance of Muslims, what is next?. Whatever it is, we are sure it will be something which is part of his Agenda, as he radically transforms America, and possibly the whole world as he bashes to get all of his agenda thoroughly unopposed. It is really scary what this man is doing to our once great Country, mostly without any opposition, now he is trying to force his agenda on the whole world. Can you say one world Government?.

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  16. CirbuckComment by Cirbuck
    December 12, 2011 @ 5:07 pm

    Once again, a complete breach of faith and testament to “honor, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”. I don’t know how much more obvious it gets than to have a standing president pushing a religion when it says in the Amendment 1 or the Articles, “shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”… Even if you argue in lawspeak that it actually says “Congress shall make no law….” and not the president; and I guess you could say that he is not actually passing a law or “establishing” a religion, seems to me it flies right in the face of the intent of the Amendment and were anyone of a number of Republicans, Libertarians, or any other politician or voted officer of the United States to start a program of pushing Catholicism, Judaism, or even one of many Protestant Christian religions in such a way as to have it gain authority and respect throughout the world (much less the US), they would lynch him after impeaching and drumming him/her out of office.

    The guy has no honor, is completely self centered, and is completely outside the norm for a traditional Exec Officer for the US of America. Not even close. So much for taking any oaths of office. Pathologically untrue and meaningless.

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  17. ronpughComment by ronpugh
    December 12, 2011 @ 5:08 pm

    Islam n. 1. heads will roll/ antonym: tolerance

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  18. Get a clueComment by Get a clue
    December 12, 2011 @ 5:22 pm

    I loved it during the debate Saturday night when Gingrich called a spade a spade…saying that the Palestinians were an invented people. RIGHT ON! Finally, somone who is not throttled by political correctness. I loved it. I am so looking forward to getting rid of the muslim in chief. Obama is the worst enemy we have and we must remove him. I know everyone reading this agrees. Hey how about this…I’ll bet $10k that if Gingrich wins the Republican nomination that OBLUNDERHEAD will issue an executive order that there shall be no debates, becasue we all know that Gingrich would wipe the floor with his skanky muslim ***.

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  19. ter334Comment by ter334
    December 12, 2011 @ 6:24 pm

    Our govt and the press have a very serious credibility problem with the citizens. We have literally lost our faith in govt, thanks be to O and his 40 czars, and we are convinced the press is completely bigotted by their endless reports of how great O is and always injecting reporters opinions/slanted conjecture of political happening instead of just reporting events and who says what. And of course we are losing respect for the GOP because they do nothing and say nothing about O trashing of America, our govt, our culture. Why don’t they? I presume it is becuse they too are nothing but politicians/pagans and therefore believe in nothing but getting elected. And in keeping their campaign funding intact? The nation is being torn apart, it is not falling apart, and like Nero they are fiddling while America burns because of arsonists!

    Is anyone besides me concerned about how foreign countries are using our dollars to beat us into a pulp? The ME uses our dollars and euro dollars to build mosques here to undermine us since mosques are just political cells to cause social unrest. Then Iran uses eurodollars to buy weapons and technology from perhaps Russia to supply to arab spring political uprisings that are just Iranian puppet states. Then China has so many dollars from us buying beads and baubles from them they then use to buy up strategic elements and oil supplies around the globe. Who will take the Chinese Yuan when selling oil? What can someone do with millions of Yuan? What can they buy with them? I suggest we stop importing oil from the ME and threaten china with putting

    I am all for a constitutional amendment that declares that Islam is not a religion, but a terrorist sect and is to be treated as such. This is a great idea by someone called Grumpy.

    I am in favor of pushing O out of office immediately so he, Biden and HRC get no pensions for their time in executive office. Then the Speaker will be a care taker president until our next elections. And all of O’s decisions will be declared null and void so he can become the president that never was! We definately do not need people like him in office, or even in America. He should be exiled to Iran. If you recall HRC, back when she was running for the presidency, suggested Iran should be attacked if they threatened Israel Is she now a turncoat?

    Our Constitution is still the finest document of governance ever written, but the current people that have all taken an oath to uphold and defend it have failed, and failed misserably in honoring their own oath of office! Obviously significant reform of who is in office is urgently needed, as well as reform of reporting, and not just reform, but an end to the financial empire/cartel of bankers that own the fed res is desperately needed! It is absolutely stunning that our fraudulent president, who may not even be a citizen?, is concerned that the most intolerant organization the world has ever seen is treated with intolerance instead of the high unemployment at home and the massive debt he has dumped on the taxpayers. As the bible says. You reap what you sow. You sow intolerance/violence on a global scale, you reap intolerance/violence! You sow hatred/jihad that’s what you get!

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  20. mcrankComment by mcrank
    December 12, 2011 @ 10:57 pm

    And where might his concernbe for THIS country whose interests he is supposed to be protecting and the Christianity which has been such an integral part of this nation? But, no, he is concerned about Islam and hellbent on destroying Christianity.

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  21. SweetOlBobComment by SweetOlBob
    December 12, 2011 @ 11:12 pm

    Oh ! He’s concerned about intolerance to the people who kill their own daughters, make sex toys out of little boys, rape women in order to convert them, rape little babies, force marriages, behead their enemies, molest goats and sheep, continually disrupt customs and commerce with their demonstrations of piety, swear to kiill infidels ??

    But he isn’t concerned about the treatment of the United States by the world that he bowed down and apologized to ?

    Well, I guess that sums it up, eh? – What a guy !

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