Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SILLY: Obama Politely Asks Iran to Give Us Our Drone Back | Conservative Byte

SILLY: Obama Politely Asks Iran to Give Us Our Drone Back | Conservative Byte

SILLY: Obama Politely Asks Iran to Give Us Our Drone Back

Hey, give us back our spy plane!

President Obama publicly acknowledged for the first time yesterday that Iran is holding a special stealth US drone that went down over its territory.

“We have asked for it back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond,” Obama told reporters at a White House press conference alongside Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The United States doesn’t have diplomatic relations with Iran, and tensions have escalated following US-led efforts for further sanctions in response to Iran’s nuclear program.

Critics chided Obama for publicly appealing to Iran to return the spy plane.

“The president should not be in the position of looking silly,” said John Pike of Global Security.org. “He should not be in the position of publicly making requests where he knows the answer is going to be no. I would say that he looks silly.”

Continue Reading on www.nypost.com

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286 Responses to SILLY: Obama Politely Asks Iran to Give Us Our Drone Back

  1. Jim J. says:

    Sheeez obummer! Just go get the silly drone. Some of your relatives probably have it on blocks in their front yard.

    • Still laughing out loud on that one, Jim J.! Hilarious!

      Of course, I gotta wonder how long and hard the Iranians laughed when they got the Coward-In-Chief’s request to “give it back”!

      • jim says:

        As usual,ole barry makes US look as SILLY and INCOMPETENT as He is!! DUH!!

        • SteveP says:

          Odummy: No-Balls-In-Chief

          • VALERIE says:


          • ccfonten says:

            Makes me think of when we were kids and someone hit the baseball into the neighbor’s yard…Hey mister!! Throw us back our ball!!!!!
            And then the teenager who lived there picked it up and took it inside!!
            What a spineless fool odumbo is.

        • Ray says:

          Silly…Incompentent? He took over with two hopelessly expensive un-winnable wars and HE is silly and incompentent? He has been in charge when most of the wanted people have been found and killed. I think Bushie is the incompentent one to get us into wars that we will never win. We are fighting ideas, not countries. These people have had these ideas for a thousand years, and it has nothing to do with a country as these ways go back long before the western world told them where their borders were and who there leaders were. They laugh at us and our stupid idea that we can somehow change them…just as they laughed at the Russians and others that thought they could change them.

          • Elaine Connelly says:

            That is only because he continued the policies of George Bush. LOOK IT UP YOU LIBTARD. GO AWAY YOUOBAMA SUPPORTER, YOU TICK ME OFF.

          • VALERIE says:


          • Joe says:

            What flavor Kool Aid do you like best?

          • Mary says:

            Bush bashing is really does credit to you, really. After all what did you want him to do when the towers fell and the Pentagon was hit? Act like Obama and ask the terrorists not hit us again? Maybe he could ask Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan to stop harboring the terrorists? Maybe if your real sweet like Obama we would get them destroy their chemical weapons and nuclear weapons? Better yet why don’t we just send a couple of our newest fighter jets over to Iran and park them on the lawn. Would that make you happy?

          • Jim J. says:

            Well Ray, I Hope you enjoy sitting back watching your Nazi hero take away my SS and retirement I worked 40 years for so as not to be a welfare junkie. Hope you enjoy government controlled Internet, TV, radio, news print and your life. You might be one of those under “Prolonged Detention” citizens for up to 10 years without trial. Ray, this is only a sample of what might happen to American citizens and not Muslims, Illegals or known terrorists.

          • Juggernaut69 says:

            The wars are un-winnable because we have tied our hands with stupid rules of engagement. People cannot even shoot back without the fear of being in trouble. We bring the pres into these things too much and we let the politicians dictate how we will fight them. All of this adds to the cost in both dollars and American lives. If we went in and blew things up broke stuff and we not. What happened to our fighting forces and who thought it was a good idea to neuter them?
            As far as Obama I can tell you the world knows when we get a liberal such as him we are weak and have no strength or will to stand up for our selves. Looking at history we had hostages in Iran Carter was unable to get them free and even launched some of the least successful operations to free them. Regan takes office and Iran could not get them out of the country fast enough. We fcse a similar image problem with Obama in office. His victories so far are from intelligence gathered in ways he will not let us use. He tries to ride them as how great he is when he is standing on the backs of those who made it happen. This pathetic attempt to get a spy plane (one his administration knows was over Iran) back prove this. If we had a no no-nonsense person in office they would be scared. Iran sees this as a chance to make friends with countries that do not like us and they will use it as such because there is no fear of retaliation from this country.

          • Vet Mike says:

            Ray you are so in love with Obammmmmmma and you have your head so far up his arse that the next time he goes around a corner you will be dead because he just broke your stupid neck.

          • ccfonten says:

            Elaine is right…..odumbo is quick to take credit for the good things others do before him, yet even quicker to blame everyone else for his failures (which seriously outnumber the successes!)

          • Ciaogino says:

            Hmm. Seems to me we won that war in Iraq – unfortunately we may end up losing it due to our fearless leader’s decision to remove our capability to insure success. He’s probably taking advice from Bush – since Bush seems to be at the heart of every problem our nation has or has ever had. Sigh….

          • Big Ugly, Wyoming says:

            It was the democrat controlled Congress, you fool.
            Have you forgotten ALL of your history?

          • Lacywild says:

            Son, you need to be run out on a rail with your little friend,Obama.

          • Rene says:

            Ray, your right about fighting ideas..for once a liberal who gets it…so hopefully you are not too blind to also admit that these ideas that go way back include getting rid of all “infidels” and that hasnt changed..in other words if we stop “meddling” in the middle east, they will get stronger and will continue to strike out at the “infidels” no matter how much we give them.. they will not rest until we are all gone and only muslims are alive on this earth… Bushie got that, you dont.. btw, since you are implying that they have a right to not want Israel around, again, like you said, going back “thousands” of years, Isreal did exist and did have their country so they do have a right to be there and to now fight off anyone who wants to take it away.. wake up, whether you lean right or left in THIS country, those folks want us all dead.. its not a conspiracy theory, just the facts..

          • Doug Swanson says:

            Come on Ray…enough with the Bush bashing 3 years after he leaves office. Obama is a Marxist Muslim who will never take a hard line against the Muslim Brotherhood. He is pansy in chief and the world knows it. Just need to say good bye to him before he completely destroys our economy and our reputation as a world leader.

          • Mona Callender says:

            this is what scares me for the election coming up…..stupid people like Ray, he has drank almost all the kool-aid. THINK RAY how would you run your home. you make 50,000 so you spend 150,000 that makes sense to me….oh boy……..maybe you’ll see the light before election rolls around…..think about your childrens future……not the past…..

          • Laura says:

            Still blaming Bush? Do you happen to remember it was congress who approved the invasion? Or do you remember that congress was controlled by the democratic party who tied Bush’s hands on everything he proposed. Voted on things and then turned around and blamed Bush.

          • Deb Hanes says:

            Yes, Actually.. HE IS SILLY, STUPID AND INCOMPETANT!!!

          • David says:

            Barrack, go back to your golf game!

          • Bill says:

            So expensive and unwinnable? Both countries have free elections. Many other dictators have also been toppled since the main kingpin in the region is gone. People are more free, women vote. But that is not worth anything, right Ray?
            And expensive? Maybe we should give more welfare and unemplyment rather than pay brave men and women who fight for liberty. Welfare is not expensive?

        • Caped Crusader says:

          Oslimer, Is one cunning sumbitch! This Drone fiasco has taken our minds away from the economy and the fast and furious fiasco! That’s slick oslimer, But not slick enough……..

      • Dennis says:

        They’re still laughing…..

      • Ron says:

        This is the biggest coward/woosy that has ever set foot in the White House. He is not smart enough to know that you negotiate things like this from strength, not weakness. You say to Iran, “you can either turn it back over to our military, or you will have to deal with us militarily” and you mean what you say, not down on your knees begging..

      • G Lloyd Smith says:

        Judy; thanks for the post! I am sure when he asked, he politely bowed!!!!!!! Would like to see George Washington return long enough to take this puke-boy behind the outhouse for a minute or two……and I would give up many things, just to watch!!!!!!!

      • Laura says:

        Whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaa……”can we have our spy drone back so we can spy on you some more……..pweeze ???” “NO”. “ok, sorry for bothering you my brothers”…..YOU STUPID A$$HOLE OVOMIT, Wouldn’t surprise me if that was intentional on ovomit’s part to give away our technology secrets and let enemies of the U.S. (his friends) catch up with us…….get that BASTARD out of the oval office.

    • william says:


    • Keith says:

      I REALLY wish I had thought of that one! That was good. Unfortunately, probably true.

    • John says:

      All our military equipment which may enter or overfly other countries should be built with internal satellite-activated self-destruct mechanisms.
      This has happened many time before and gives our enemies the opportunity to take our technology and use it against us!

      • Jim says:

        You took the words out of my mouth. We are supposed to be more advanced than most other countries. Technologically that may be so, but streetsmarts we are not. This is a continuation of the destruction of this once great country.

      • Dingbat36 says:

        Exactly!! This is not some little kid’s bike being held by the neighborhood bully. But that is the way Obama is acting…………give it back (whine, whine, beg, beg)

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