Dear Jack,
It’s January 20, 2012.
It’s time for a change.
And you can make that history happen.
It’s now been about 48 hours since Barack Obama stood behind his radical environmentalist bankrollers and announced he would not allow the Keystone jobs and energy pipeline to be built.
Right now I’m writing to you from a truck stop outside of Port Arthur, Texas, where much of the energy Keystone delivers would go to be refined.
This is where I’m from.
The folks here back home I talk to all have one thing on their minds.
You see, 265 days from now you and I will see the swearing in of a new presidential term.
Whoever takes the Oath of Office on January 20, 2013 must support the development of American energy and American jobs.
Folks here all tell me the same thing. They want a change at the White House.
They’ve spent their lives building the pipelines that fuel jobs.
They’ve spent their lives out in the oil patch or on a Gulf platform that deliver your energy.
They’ve spent their lives in the refineries that create your gasoline.
They are counting on you to help me hold Barack Obama accountable for his attack on American jobs and energy.
You see, Keystone officials are now planning to reroute the pipeline in an attempt to get it built despite Obama’s opposition.
But Obama will fight any effort to build the Keystone jobs and energy pipeline – even if it means he has to go around the law.
Voter have a right to know the damage Barack Obama will inflict for another four years if he is allowed to continue blocking the Keystone pipeline.
You and I have a job to do.
Between now and Election Day, I need your support, because I’m going to hold Obama accountable to voters.
Go here to chip in $10 to stop Obama’s job-killing radicalism.
Obama was going to originally wait until AFTER the election to reveal his decision to kill Keystone jobs.
But thanks to your support, you and I put so much pressure on Congress they passed a law forcing him to reveal his position now, so voters can hold him responsible.
Now that he’s killed the original plan, he’s now trying to kill a new, different pipeline plan that wouldn’t require his approval.
It’s now up to you and I to lay the hammer on Obama. We’ll let him know voters want a president, whoever it may be, who will not try to kill the new, “Plan B” pipeline.
That means I must raise a lot of money, and fast, to build an operation that will defeat Obama’s campaign, of job-killing regulation and obstruction.
Folks here at home, and even in your community are angry at Obama and demanding change.
You can be a part of history that sparks an economic renewal.
Go here to chip in $10 to stop Obama’s job-killing campaign of radicalism.
Thank you from on the ground here in Texas,
 Donald Ferguson Executive Director P.S. I’m writing to you from a truck stop near Port Arthur, Texas. It’s been about 48 hours since Obama announced he would try to kill the Keystone jobs and energy pipeline, and in 365 days we will swear in a new presidential term.
Folks here in Southeast Texas, my home and where much of the Keystone energy would go to be refined for your use, are angry and scared. They want to see change 365 days from now.
Help me hold Obama accountable to voters. Go here to chip in $10 to stop Obama’s campaign of job-killing radicalism.

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