Friday, January 13, 2012

Gmail - Obama's Justice Department plays politics with Illegal Immigration Laws -

Gmail - Obama's Justice Department plays politics with Illegal Immigration Laws -

Obama's Justice Department plays politics with Illegal Immigration Laws

Conservative Byte Alerts
5:07 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

I will never stand down, shut up or step aside for protecting our border and fighting for our laws. But that is exactly what the Democrats and Obama's Administration would rather see me do.

Barack Obama's Justice Department and the extremists who oppose me would love to replace me with a Sheriff who will look the other way, be silent and allow illegal immigration and human smuggling to continue, while ignoring the laws of our land.

That, I promise, will never happen.

Just last month the Obama Justice Department issued a scathing, but unsubstantiated report about my office and our efforts to combat illegal immigration. They accuse me of using "racial profiling" tactics during our course of investigating those who are in this country illegally. Yet, they offer no evidence to support their claims.

This is nothing but a political stunt aimed at intimidating me from doing the job I was elected to do. I have unapologetically enforced the laws of the state of Arizona and our country. But, this doesn't fit into their overall political agenda.

This investigation will not deter my stance on enforcing ALL state and Federal Immigration laws including crime suppression, human smuggling, identity theft investigations and raids in the work place.

When I became Sheriff, almost 20 years ago, I took an oath to defend the Constitution of both the United States and the State of Arizona. I will continue to enforce the Arizona law, best known as SB1070, including other state and federal laws against illegal immigration.

I need your help today. I cannot fight for our borders alone- in order to ensure that our borders and security is safe we need other leaders across the United States who will join me. I'm counting on your help to support candidates who will by making an immediate donation of $25, $50 or even $100 to Joe PAC.

I created JoePAC so together we can support candidates and causes that promote border security and combating illegal immigration. Further, the mission of JoePAC will be to identify and support candidates that also espouse the principles of less government, cutting wasteful spending and promoting real private sector job growth through tax cuts and the elimination of burdensome regulations.

The Mexican Drug Cartels have placed a $1 MILLION bounty on my head and I receive daily death threats all for doing the job I was elected to do! The liberal media is constantly distorting the facts about our legal operations in Arizona, but I will not be intimidated by any of these lame tactics. I will always enforce both state and federal laws against illegal immigration without apology.

I am only one Sheriff and I realize the county I represent in Arizona is only small part of the whole picture. We need elected officials in all 50 states at the local, state and federal level who will enforce the laws and fight against illegal immigration. That's why I need your help.

Your financial support today is so critical. Please follow this secure online link and make a much needed contribution. Any amount you can offer today is tremendously appreciated. I promise I will not let you down.

I pledge to you that I will never give up or surrender. Thank you for your support.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona

P.S. I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitutions of both the state of Arizona and the United States. As long as the laws are on the books, I'm going to enforce them unapologetically. But I desperately need your help. We must ensure more candidates who promote border security and combating illegal immigration are elected. Please follow link to make a donation of $25, $35, $50 or more today.

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