Friday, January 20, 2012

Obama Blames Press for ‘Cold and Aloof’ Image: ‘I Don’t Go to a Lot of Washington Parties’ | Conservative Byte

Obama Blames Press for ‘Cold and Aloof’ Image: ‘I Don’t Go to a Lot of Washington Parties’ | Conservative Byte

Obama Blames Press for ‘Cold and Aloof’ Image: ‘I Don’t Go to a Lot of Washington Parties’

President Barack Obama blames the press for creating the image that he’s “cold and aloof,” according to a new interview with Time magazine.

The reason? He doesn’t “go to a lot of Washington parties” and “mix enough with them”:

My suspicion is that this whole critique has to do with the fact that I don’t go to a lot of Washington parties. And as a consequence, the Washington press corps maybe just doesn’t feel like I’m in the mix enough with them, and they figure, well, if I’m not spending time with them, I must be cold and aloof.

The fact is, I’ve got a 13-year-old and 10-year-old daughter, and so, no, Michelle and I don’t do the social scene, because as busy as we are, we have a limited amount of time, and we want to be good parents at a time that’s vitally important for our kids.

Obama made his comments to Fareed Zakaria, the magazine’s editor at large, and also addressed his difficulties in working with Congress, blaming a lack of bipartisanship.

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40 Responses to Obama Blames Press for ‘Cold and Aloof’ Image: ‘I Don’t Go to a Lot of Washington Parties’

  1. RUTH says:

    You lying POS – you are a MARXIST, RADICAL,COMMUNIST!!! You and Moochelle are always partying!

    • Concerned Citizen says:

      Queen Obozo wants to be a good parent? Yea!!! He’s forcing homosexual education down our children’s and grand children’s throats in our schools? He’s a lying POS and a sponge on top of that. When he and Moochelle the whale wastes billions of our tax dollars on worthless trips to Hawaii and Kenya, then he is not a good parent. He’s unpopular with the DC news and New York news media because he’s been lying to the press and the American people constantly. Purjery!!! Where is the federal Judge when you need one? See website:

    • stealthy1 says:

      WHat a joke, hasn’t he hosted more party’s at the whitehouse in 3 years than any other president?

      • Rose-Marie Noa says:

        Not only that the Lame Stream Media has been slobbering all over these 2 since day one!!! where does he come off saying this? He’s just trying to get their sympathy!!! As usual you can tell he’s lying because his lips are moving!!

    • kay says:

      What a lie—-

    • Likedtheoldusabetter says:

      Oh yeah, Obozo… certainly were eating up all that attention given to you yesterday at the Apollo Theatre, NYC, when you dropped by. ( see ” Today ” this AM to see this)

      Your little singing spot was nauseating….you really think you’re a rock star what with all the females screaming like you were Sinatra in the ’40s.

      You need Thorazine to keep you in the here-and-now.

      Maybe you can get some after your impeachment is final, you POS.

    • GENE says:

      Right on. Plus, they burn an awful lot of fuel in AF1 for their trips around the world. This imposter is now blaming the press for his being aloof and cold – always has to blame someone – he is never at fault.

    • Jack Hotchkiss says:

      Well said. Worthy of being said again and again!
      You lying POS – you are a MARXIST, RADICAL,COMMUNIST!!! You and Moochelle are always partying!
      You lying POS – you are a MARXIST, RADICAL,COMMUNIST!!! You and Moochelle are always partying!

  2. Sally says:

    And how many people are going to fall for this? Some people believe everything this lying blankety-blank says. Even when he contradicts himself.

    This is not the biggest lie he has spoken. His nose is so long, he can’t even begin to see the end of it!!

  3. Phyllis says:

    Omg, he is such a great liar. He can look you in the face and not blink an eye and lie. He honestly thinks we are stupid! Problem is…….the ones he appeals to may be stupid or Communist!
    We must learn to fight fire with fire. Hilary was asked why she didn’t create millions of jobs in New York like she promised. She said that was before Bush started 2 wars. She was cheered and that was that. When his parties and vacations and golfing is questioned, they say he deserves to have time off. Oh, then it is dropped. Bush golfed and they said look at him golfing while soldiers die. Gee!

    • Dingbat36 says:

      The real truth of the matter is that Obama does not go to “Washington Parties”. He doesn’t care to associate with the people who make up our Congress……..He isn’t “comfortable” with them (read that as he really does not LIKE them) which is why he only goes to Capitol Hill for the State of the Union speech, so he can disrespect them and the SCOTUS openly.

      Reporters? His press conferences are conducted entirely by his press secretary “du jour” (he’s had so many)……What president in history has ever NOT appeared at press conferences. Only one in my memory, THIS one!

  4. Big Ugly, Wyoming says:

    Aren’t muslims supposed to hold themselves separate from the “unclean”?

    Besides, we all know that Obama and the Pet Gorilla don’t ‘go out’ to “party” ….. they bring the party to them.

    If Obama will not go to the party, then the party must go to Obama.

  5. Michelle says:

    SERIOUSLY??? If they kissed his butt anymore they would disappear if he stopped short.

  6. AliveStillKickin says:

    In the same vein as Billy Boy Clinton…..I guess it depends on what your definition of “party” is.

  7. Ellen says:

    You lying Marxist POS bastard!

  8. Pat says:

    No, he isn’t lying …… he HOSTS the biggest parties!

  9. Bob Marshall says:

    I doubt if many Americans bother to read books like THE MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT or CULTURE of CORRUPTION, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, Audacity of Deceit, THE ROOTS of OBAMA’S RAGE to find out about the real Obama, his cabinet, advisors, ties to Socialist, Communist and other Anti-American Extremist. Men like Bill Ayers, and George Soros. his involvement with certain lobbyist groups, ACORN, ACLU, SEIU, and the Nation of Islam to name just a few of many. Michelle has a lot to hide from the public. Unfortunately, like with Hillary and Bill, it is exposed in the book Core of Corruption. It is indeed fortunate for Hillary, Bill, Obama and many others, millions of citizens won’t spend a few dollars to find out just how corrupt our government officials are in the White House, Congress and other agencies.

  10. Patricia says:

    When one plays golf all the time and taxpayers provide expensive entertainment at night, one doesn’t need or want to go to dull parties.

    • Likedtheoldusabetter says:

      You said a mouthful of truth here!

    • GENE says:

      We can’t get this SOB AND HIS BIG BUTT OTHER OUT of office immediately. This country cannot afford his playboy attitude and his complete disregard to the citizens wants and needs. I am sick and tired of seeing his gorilla face and sickening voice on TV. He should be censored and removed from TV AS WELL AS IMPEACHMENT.

  11. Patricia says:

    Let me qualify that comment: One will willingly go to stupid parties if money is available for reelection.

  12. stopthemadness says:

    I never thought in my lifetime I would feel this way about The President. NOTHING he says can be trusted. I can’t listen to him talk, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
    When I was a kid if you heard it on the news or read it in the newspaper IT WAS TRUE.. The good, the bad and the ugly. Now I have to go to a foreign newspaper ( the Canadian free press) to get the facts. Actors/actress just acted they didn’t spout their liberial views and nonsense. They somehow forget that if they “taxed the rich” that would INCLUDE them. Let’s see Alex Baldwin write me a check?
    I love my country and I want it back…

  13. Spoony says:

    Yep! Those vacations in foreign countries and playing golf do keep the president very very busy and preoccupied with his family to the point of having little time to be bothered with bailing the nation out of debt while standing in the bucket on the beach!

    Yes, I can see how tiring it can be to have to put with all those nasty inquiries and calls for honesty and integrity in dealing with the nations problems; how utterly devastating it must be to be harrassed by the people of the United States who only want a fair shake not a shake down!

    It’s plain to see that his TIME in the office at work is limited if you look at his record of “accomplishments” for three years! It’s there but you have to squint a little to find it! How exhausting it is for a president to have to be burdened with responsibility! It’s enough to make a person put his feet up on the desk and take a long break just to bear up under such stress!

    Why, it’s enough to turn your hair white over night!

  14. Yes the presidency is a very busy job,perhaps in the interest of your children you should consider resigning…and of course you don’t go to many Washington DC parties..YOU HOST THEM!!!

  15. Marni says:

    While President Obama blames the press and anyone else he can blame for creating the image that he’s “cold and aloof,” we all know that that’s just an excuse. He’s created the image himself. He’s really good at diverting attention away from the real problem. Actually, he’s cold and aloof to congressmen, senators and many others in his own party. Just go to youtube and watch this video of Chris Matthews of CNN being interviewed by Alex Witt on November 20, 2011: Thrill is Gone? Matthews Turns on Obama: ‘I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe’. (Video by StageRightShow) Just watch it and hear why, according to Chris, the “thrill” is gone.

  16. George says:

    Obama being called aloof and cold is the greatest understatement I’ve ever heard.


    He doesn’t go to many parties because he’s always out of town or on vacation or at the golf course. He really feels that the average American believes this crap. Trhee years ago the did, not today folks.

  17. Bernie says:

    But he sure hosts a lot of parties (sometimes in secret) at the WH on our dime….if he does not go to “alot of parties” outside the WH, it is because he is paranoid plus the fact that there would not be room for the hundreds of Security that necessarily surround him.

  18. gparra9 says:

    My guess is the reason he doesn’t attend Washington parties is they don’t serve Chitlins, Fried Chicken, Collard Greens or Water Melon & have to use “REAL” Silver Ware, most Ghetto rats aren’t use to this!!!!

    • Likedtheoldusabetter says:

      I do hope both the Obamas do get to read these comments about them from time to time.
      Outwardly, they will, no doubt, chalk them up to just the thinking of the ignorant unwashed masses and non-useful idiots.

      Howver, one of these days, there will be one of our comments too many and they will go ballistic. This will be due to the fact that they will finally have the Gestaldt experience that they are both so reviled and detested in the US and that the lies they have told themselves for years and years, will hit them right between the eyes….both are so arrogant.

      Don’t think that just a little of the disgust we express doesn’t hurt them, even just a little bit.
      Every single day.

  19. Old Timer says:

    I can understand why he is upset with the press. lord knows he has payed enough for them, they ought to do and say exactly as he tells them.

  20. The Truth says:

    Nope, obama only goes to parties thrown by non-repentant terrorists, and only if they are to help him get elected.

  21. The Lion Den Roars says:

    Just another day the Same Ole Crap fumes from His mouth . KING MUSLIM < CHICAGO 'S Prize BIG DADDY HOMO < IS Now CALLED KING HOMO . From drug dealer , to homo tricks , to KING Homo an don't know wher he was hatched.

    Right Pelosi . maddam sec.

  22. Rocky says:

    Not many Washington parties ? Could be, they are always on vacation !

  23. GramP says:

    This President is really not living in reality! Even a comment such as this one shows where his head is……….and it’s surely not in touch with the problems we face in America! Does anyone really think his going to Washington parties would make him look any different? Press coverage of him going to parties would only reveal more of his “super-duper” personality and more of his “pompous” super-duper pseudo intelligence attitude. Whew!!!!!!! Go back to Chicago, Obama. I hear Rahm, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and Rev Wright is having a “welcome home” party for Daley! That is your style!

  24. Larry says:

    The only parties he goes to are the ones that give him a very lot of money and if they don’t give him a lot then he makes some kind of excuse.

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