Video Proof Dead People Allowed to Vote in NH Primary
Video footage provided exclusively to The Daily Caller shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state’s primary election on Tuesday.
The bombshell video is the work of conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe and his organization, Project Veritas.
Voters in the Granite State are not required to present identification to vote. O’Keefe’s investigators were able to obtain ballots under the names of dead voters at polling locations Tuesday by simply asking for them, he said.
“Live free or die,” an election worker told one of the investigators in the video. “This is New Hampshire. No ID needed.”
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I'm not sure which I find more disagreeable: James O'Queef's sleazy journalistic "style", or the fact that it has become a necessity in this country!
I think a few more lights just went out on that "shining city on the hill"!
I think a few more lights just went out on that "shining city on the hill"!
Odd the the filmer is under attack and not the actions at the polls. Maybe the voting style is supported?
Fraud in voting breaks down the very foundation of this republic. How do we expect honesty in anything if we can't expect it in the voting process? Everyone knows people cheat, but exposing each and everyone is essential. If only people would pursue Obama's cheaters!
BTW, more power to O'keefe and his team for doing what they do. Doesn't anybody remember Mike Wallace and 60 Minutes?
If you are "Looking 4 Sanity" then you should understand that it takes these type of tactics to catch these disgusting, lying, cheating, scumbags. I am very thankful for people like James who go the extra mile to keep some level of accountability in our democracy. If his tactics disgust you, then you are part of the problem and you are playing into the hand of the liberals who will stop at nothing to have their way. The whole point of a democracy is that the majority rule. If someone in the minority does not like it they are FREE to live anywhere else in the world that will have them.
This is really sad in a country like ours - these states have 11 months to get their voter registration id's in order for the voters in November. Nothing racist about a voter having ID - you need it for everything today! Get your acts together all 50 states or 57 as Odumbo says we have.
And, make sure our MILITARY are able to vote and be counted unlike 2008 - there is ample time to get all this done.
How about vetting election poll workers?
And, make sure our MILITARY are able to vote and be counted unlike 2008 - there is ample time to get all this done.
How about vetting election poll workers?
If I go to my Dr. I must show Photo ID , almost any place except Polling place there they accept a utility bill , and maybe there are several people living there, I have worked the Polls in Ohio for several years and I have always felt we were pretty honest, but it does show up , L could not believe it a few years ago when they found 200 ballots in the trunk in Minn. and counted them, When we lock or seal Ballots there has to be a R& D till they are delivered to county Election Board
It's time that some action on these crooks is taken--let them do some time by trying to destroy our Country !!! Fed. law should insisat that I.D. is required to vote---STOP the dead from voting...
Proved voter fraud gifted Minnesota with D Sen Al Franken - but apparently Al out ran the statute of limitations on illegal appointment and remains in office. 'Chicaga' style is all the rage these days, so if you want your guy in vote early and often.
Being 'sleazy' seems to be the only way to get the attention of the media (unless it casts Odumbo in a bad light, then they ignore it). This guy has uncovered a lot of stuff that needed to see the light of day.
He helped bring down ACORN, although they are still working under different names, but they are being caught and their illegal activities brought to light. This video may show up on Fox, but you can bet the other stations will not carry it because the message is not one the Dems want people to know, they NEED those dead people voting, how else can they stay in office?
God forbid we eliminate voter fraud in this Country, without so many Dems in office, we might get our Constitutional Republic back instead of this Socialist 'big brother' government we have now!
He helped bring down ACORN, although they are still working under different names, but they are being caught and their illegal activities brought to light. This video may show up on Fox, but you can bet the other stations will not carry it because the message is not one the Dems want people to know, they NEED those dead people voting, how else can they stay in office?
God forbid we eliminate voter fraud in this Country, without so many Dems in office, we might get our Constitutional Republic back instead of this Socialist 'big brother' government we have now!
I have had some sort of picture id since the 7th grade. So I think it is just plain stupid to think that any person would not have one or be able to get one in a very reasonable time.
Why don't these journalists focus on what A.C.O.R.N. is doing ? If you notice the media is not reporting on the actions of this liberal Obama FRAUD macine. The Supreme Court in the state of Georgia is demanding that Obama delivers to the court by January 25, 2012 ALL of his COLLEGE RECORDS and his ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE in order for Obama to place his name on the ballot for the 2012 Presidential election. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH ! I hope Georgia does NOT fold under to pressure from the White House.
This is certainly expected to happen in November and this video is valuable in that it confirms the absolute necessity for voters to provide a photo ID at every polling place. Precinct Committeemen should make it a priority to intefere with possible voter intimidation, as well. As informed citizens, we have to go to polling places in November with our eyes wide open. I, for one, am prepared to open my mouth if I see anything irregular. I always notice a police car near the high school where I vote and I hope that police are dispatched at all large polling places in November.
ID should be required to vote, to drive a car, to board a plane to have on your person at all times. The work of O'Keefe should be applauded. This shoot the messenger logic is ridiculous. He should be awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor and a statue should be erected in Washington for his exposing of the rampant fraud which our government is involved in.
What is worse...dead voters or those who live to tell the lies? Truth is after you take away the cheat to win Democrat voters... the non-Romney voters are still 75% while Paul/Huntsman would be dead last.
You cannot depend on journalists to oppose the Democrats. They, for the most part are "Liberals". Why they are on the Communist bandwagon, I'll never know.
How can any Legal Citizen of any state of our Republic sit back and tolerate this illegal non sense. What is our Governor and State Attorney General doing about it. Think about it...there are bums out there trying to minipulate our voting that affects our livelyhoods and our future...these pinheads must be brought to JUSTICE as an example to other pinheads you will pay for the crime. Stop talking and phone, email, fax our Governor, State Attorney General and demand they investigate and prosecute these morons.
If citizens, in their roles as jurors are incompetent to judge the worthiness of the law, how are they in their roles as voters competent to judge the worthiness of those who write the laws?
Albany, NY use to be able to promise x# of votes to the Dem. party. At Ralph's & the Fountain bar/rest. it was the chuchle that people that had passed away were still voting. Guess what party does not want photo ID to vote.
The whole of the Election process stinks so bad that for the dead to come and vote (if they did physically) it would bring a better smell to things! We have to have Voter citizenship Verification and State Panels to approve the Absentee voting. Otherwise we will lose again. Look it up people the 2008 vote was 30.4% absentee! A lot of dead fish floating on top of the water and nobody is paying attention! It is estimated by several sources that as much as 12% of the total national vote was done from aboard! Thanks to the State Department involvement in bringing refugees here under the veil and giving Muslim immigrants priority ...Thanks to Jihadist Hillary and Billy who started this 19 years ago and they are bringing them now at a rate of a million a year! So once they are naturalized they can move back to their countries and receive Social Security and vote on Absentee ballots! Wake up America! How much of the other 18% do you think were actually illegals registered by ACORN that voted on Absentee ballots? Think about it!
How can anyone in their right mind attack the person who made this report and not the system which allows this to happen.
The USA is projected to be the beacon of democracy in the world and there is today no requirement for people to show proper ID in order to perform a function that innumerable men & women have died to defend.
It is a pure abomination that proper control of the voter registration rolls and proper ID are not required when so much proof has been brought to light that the problem is rampant.
Total shame on our elected officials and the crooked judges who allow this farce to continue.
I have a serious doubt that "We The People" can ever retake control of this situation......
The USA is projected to be the beacon of democracy in the world and there is today no requirement for people to show proper ID in order to perform a function that innumerable men & women have died to defend.
It is a pure abomination that proper control of the voter registration rolls and proper ID are not required when so much proof has been brought to light that the problem is rampant.
Total shame on our elected officials and the crooked judges who allow this farce to continue.
I have a serious doubt that "We The People" can ever retake control of this situation......
Between not requiring a photo ID and the new evidence that the computerized voting machines can be hacked, our election process is a joke. And as if that weren't enough, 2-3 of the first states to hold primaries determine the choices the rest of us have to vote for. Can we not have the nation divided into regions (NE, NW, SE, SW, for example) and have each region vote on the same day? The candidates can't be everywhere in even one state at one time, so what difference does it make if more than one state votes in a primary on the same day? The candidates I most wanted to vote for have been eliminated already by 2 states with substantially different beliefs and values than the state I live in. Why do they get to choose for me?
All States must get there act together and voters must have proper voter registration ID in order to vote. YOU will never get a true count unless we police what our law requires. ( I REPEAT OUR LAWS !!!!!! ) Fraud in voting should be exposed and dishonest people should be charged with a criminal offense. EVERY LAW ABIDING CITIZEN SHOULD REPORT ILLEGAL TACTICS AND DEMAND IMMEDIATE REFUSAL OF VOTE ,PLUS CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING ENFORCED AGAINEST THOSE WHO VIOLATE.
Each state should police its own electorate. Is this in the constitution somewhere? I think so.
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