Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Gold Price Drops by 75%? -

Gmail - Gold Price Drops by 75%? -

Gold Price Drops by 75%?

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show details 12:46 PM (7 minutes ago)

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser, They have some important information to share with you. Thank you.

Dear Reader,

Gold has gone crazy.

While gold prices continue to skyrocket on the world market, there are still pockets and regions where pure gold can be had for as much as 75% below the spot price.

Find out how one savvy gold buyer in Texas consistently buys gold for $420-$520 per ounce even as the market continues to hover around the $1,700 mark.

Click the link below to hear his story and see for yourself:

gold video

I need to warn you, this is not a traditional gold buying strategy, but more a guerrilla tactic.

If you don't care where your gold comes from, as long as it's legal (and 75% below market price) then you need to hear this story.

If you're hoarding gold, using it as a hedge, or want to sell it for profit, this is the best way that I know to acquire this metal and avoid these insane market swings.

Click the link below to the story right now:

To Your Success!

James Gorrie
Editorial Director, Absolute Wealth

P.S. How are you ever going to accumulate any real amount of gold if you don't know all your options?

You're going to want to know this, so you might as well click the link and hear the story:

gold chart

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