Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Liberty Alert: Of Course Obama Failed -

Gmail - Liberty Alert: Of Course Obama Failed -

Liberty Alert: Of Course Obama Failed

Bob Livingston to me
show details 6:14 AM (6 hours ago)
Why Community Activists Shouldn't Run The U.S. Economy

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Latest From Wayne Allyn RootFebruary 2, 2012
 Why Community Activists Shouldn't Run The U.S. EconomyWhy Community Activists Shouldn't Run The U.S. Economy »
Barack Obama was a community activist. He had never invested in, managed or started a business, much less served as CEO. He had no relevant experience to operate as CEO of the world's greatest and largest economy. But we gave him the job anyway, and he failed. Wayne Allyn Root asks: Why are we surprised? More »
Outside The Asylum
 The Wrong LessonThe Wrong Lesson »
Retired Lt. Gen. William Boykin has decided not to speak during a prayer breakfast at the U.S. Military Academy. Islamofascists had asked West Point to rescind Boykin's invitation. They don't want anybody to hear what the outspoken Christian has to say. More »
Personal Liberty News
 Soros: Romney, Obama The SameSoros: Romney, Obama The Same »
Billionaire investor George Soros said something last week that pointed out what many conservatives have been afraid to admit to themselves as the Republican Presidential primary drags on: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama really aren't that different. More »
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Scientific discovery reveals the secret to speaking any language in just 10 days. Discover the sneaky linguistic trick featured on PBS and recommended by Forbes...
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Do you think that substances like aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen are safe? If you take any pain killers, you are going to be shocked by this controversial article. Read about the dangers of these as well as healthier alternatives.

 Congressional Insider Trading Bill Gains Amendments, SupportCongressional Insider Trading Bill Gains Amendments, Support »
Senator Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) introduced on Tuesday amendments to the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act that the lawmaker says would bring an end to the revolving door between Federal employees and companies seeking Federal loans. More »
 Report Analyzes Terrorism TrendsReport Analyzes Terrorism Trends »
A new report by the Homeland Security-funded National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Response to Terrorism (START) details trends in terrorism and other crimes throughout the United States from 1970 to 2008. The report finds that during the 38-year span, about one-third of all terrorist attacks occurred in five metropolitan U.S. counties. More »
 Research Proves Hand Washing, Prevention More Effective Than VaccinationResearch Proves Hand Washing, Prevention More Effective Than Vaccination »
If a flu pandemic were to spread throughout the United States, researchers at the University of Michigan say that masks and hand hygiene — not vaccines — could cut the spread of the illness by up to 75 percent. More »
Book Review
Jerusalem, The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Jerusalem, The Biography by Simon Sebag MontefioreAfter reading the amazing history contained in Jerusalem, The Biography, by Simon Sebag Montefiore, I couldn't help but be thankful that our Founding Fathers established a country that allows all citizens the rights to their own religious beliefs and keeps government out of it. (At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.) As a lesson about what happens when governments and religion become intertwined,Jerusalem, though, is a cautionary tale. Because the saga of conflict told inJerusalem not only sheds light on an astounding history of warfare among countries, empires, ethnic groups and civilizations, it demonstrates what happens when militaristic religious leaders decide to rid the Earth of their rivals. The result is a kind of never-ending ethnic cleansing.

The fact that Jerusalem is the center of the spiritual world for so many people seems to make politics there frighteningly complex and deadly. Consequently, if you have any interest in understanding why the area in and around Jerusalem is such a contentious piece of real estate, Jerusalem explicates, in exquisite historical detail, the thousands of years of fighting over a piece of ground that so many people want to possess. Sometimes, the details supplied by Montefiore are a bit overwhelming. But the historical tidbits, footnotes, archaeological gossip and descriptions of what we know or think we know about what historical figures did to each other in this part of the planet are never less than fascinating and illuminating.More »

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