Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gmail - Government Incompetence in Action: Fugitive Arrested then Ordered Released -

Gmail - Government Incompetence in Action: Fugitive Arrested then Ordered Released -

Government Incompetence in Action: Fugitive Arrested then Ordered Released

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Government Incompetence in Action: Fugitive Arrested then Ordered Released

imageHow's this for government incompetence. A wanted fugitive was arrested in Texas on a routine traffic stop. After searching the car, sheriff's officials found cash and a shotgun. Upon doing a background check, they realized they had a wanted man on their hands. The next day, however, federal officials told local law enforcement to release the suspect. Guess what happened next? He promptly disappeared!

Obama the Almighty Conjures up the Female Vote

Sometimes, the very thing that could serve to become our demise becomes our pathway to victory when we choose to face it head-on and humble ourselves long enough to ask for a little help from the Almighty. Moses had his Red Sea, George Washington his Valley Forge, and Barack Obama has his 2012 re-election campaign.

And now a word from our sponsors...

House leaders praise emerging payroll tax cut deal

WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressional leaders of both parties praised an emerging deal Wednesday to extend a payroll tax cut and extra jobless benefits through 2012, but cautioned that bargainers still had to nail down final details.

Chicago asked not to stifle wireless at summits

CHICAGO (AP) - Protesters are coming by the thousands to Chicago, armed with smartphones, video cameras and social media links that will allow them to instantly map strategy, share plans and disseminate images of what's happening right in front of a police force renowned for responding with tough tactics.

Iran proclaims nuclear advances

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran claimed Wednesday that it has achieved two major advances in its program to master production of nuclear fuel, a defiant move in response to increasingly tough Western sanctions over its controversial nuclear program.

The Kennedy Has No Clothes

Valentine's Day is probably not the day most people would pick to remember the marriage of John and Jacqueline Kennedy. But on Feb. 14, CBS spent more than eight minutes recalling how it was the 50th anniversary of CBSs "historic" TV tour of the White House with Jackie.

State Agent Tells Preschooler She Can't Eat Home-packed Lunch

Talk about government run amok, get a load of this. A preschooler in North Carolina was told by a state official that the lunch that was packed by her mother was unacceptable, because it did not meet USDA guidelines.

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