Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gmail - Just a start - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Just a start - rejackh@gmail.com

Just a start

Rand Paul rand_paul@ronpaul2012.com via bluehornet.com to me
show details 3:39 PM (1 hour ago)
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Display images below - Always display images from rand_paul@ronpaul2012.com
February Money Bomb

Dear Jack,

Over $550,000 is already in!

What a great start to today's Money Bomb!

But it's up to you and me to prove that this is only a start.

So if you haven't yet done so, won't you please contribute as generously as you can to Ron Paul's Money Bomb right now?

I hope you will.

Super Tuesday is rapidly approaching after all.

And every dollar you can contribute will allow the Ron Paul campaign to continue mobilizing voters with direct mail, email, internet ads, and hard-hitting TV ads - including the new one that's coming out later this week!

I'm sure the campaign will alert you as soon as it's ready.

But please know your generous support is making a tremendous difference.

In fact, Ron Paul is really starting to turn heads by picking up support where it counts – in the delegate race.

Click to donate

The delegates he's gaining are ultimately the folks who will select who go to Tampa, Florida, and decide on our Republican nominee.

The truth is, no one but Ron Paul has the campaign organization to win at the grassroots level.

In fact, no one even comes close.

But whether it's standing firm for constitutional principles or answering the call to serve his country in the military, my father stands alone in many respects.

For example, no other candidate can say they've spent their political careers fighting to ensure military veterans get the medals and the benefits they deserve.

No other candidate can claim to have overwhelming support from the United States military, as members of the military have given Ron Paul more contributions than all other Republican candidates COMBINED.

No other candidate is talking about a return to a constitutional foreign policy that puts America's national security first.

And no other candidate is stating that before our nation goes to war, Congress must issue a Declaration of War and ensure our troops have a clear mission and the tools they need to fight, win, and come home.

Jack, as my father marches toward victory in this critical presidential race, he desperately needs your help.

You've worked incredibly hard up to this point. You've given generously, and for that I thank you so much.

But there's more work to be done.

So if you haven't yet done so, won't you please contribute as generously as you can to Ron Paul's Money Bomb today?

It's absolutely CRITICAL that my dad can continue to count on you.

Thank you for all you do!

For Liberty,

Rand Paul

P.S. My father stands alone in many respects.

No one other candidate answered the call to serve his country in the military. No other candidate has spent his career fighting for veterans. No other candidate is talking about a return to a pro-American, constitutional foreign policy.

Now, he's counting on you.

If you haven't yet done so, please contribute as generously as you can to Ron Paul's Money Bomb IMMEDIATELY!

Click to donate

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


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