Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gmail - Liberty Alert: The Jobs Numbers Lie - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Liberty Alert: The Jobs Numbers Lie - rejackh@gmail.com

Liberty Alert: The Jobs Numbers Lie

Bob Livingston eletter@news.personalliberty.com to me
show details 6:08 AM (38 minutes ago)
The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts

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Latest From Paul Craig RobertsFebruary 7, 2012
 The January Jobs Are Statistical ArtifactsThe January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts »
Last Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the first month of this year 243,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate fell to 8.3 percent. This good news is a mirage. More »
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When the Susan G. Komen Foundation announced it would cut funding to Planned Parenthood, a firestorm of controversy erupted. Moveon.org went so far as to suggest that Komen had "declared war on women." More »
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Due to a recent surge in violence in Syria, the Administration of Barack Obama decided on Monday to remove U.S. diplomats from the country. The State Department had requested that Syrian President Bashar Assad provide additional security at the American embassy, but the requests were not granted. More »
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How The Coming Economic Collapse Can Make You Independently Wealthy

Watch Shocking Presentation

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On Monday, the highest court in the State of Georgia struck down a law that restricted assisted suicides, siding with a suicide group that said the law was a violation of free speech rights. More »
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A new television show that airs tonight on the National Geographic Channel will examine the lifestyles of American preppers who are getting ready for a number of catastrophic disasters. "Doomsday Preppers" premiers tonight at 9 p.m. EST More »
Bob's Health Tip
America, The Land Of Obesity

Dr. Royal Lee was the founder of the Standard Process Company, famous for its whole-food supplements organically grown on its own farms.

Lee was at least 100 years ahead of his time. He spent most of his life in confrontation with the Food and Drug Administration and U.S. agricultural authorities. He probably never knew that the people trying to channel his great work were the big pharmaceutical houses fronted by the FDA. More »

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