Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gmail - Warning! End of Petrodollar & Obama says YES WE CAN, Bailout Euro Banks - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Warning! End of Petrodollar & Obama says YES WE CAN, Bailout Euro Banks - rejackh@gmail.com

Warning! End of Petrodollar & Obama says YES WE CAN, Bailout Euro Banks

Townhall Spotlight TownhallMessage@townhallmail.com to me
show details 6:39 AM (5 minutes ago)

This is NOT just another Warning, it's a FACT!

The U.S. Dollar is about to be Devalued & Sold-Off, TWO Ways!

  1. Central Banks of: Switzerland, Europe, Canada, England and Japan have joined forces to Flood the currency market, with Cheap U.S. Dollars! The Obama Administration Agrees!
  2. The PetroDollar is Officially Eliminated by Key Countries. The PetroDollar is the Key & Sole reason, The U.S. Dollar is Still Alive!
  3. It's Official,..

    The Artificial Demand of our Dollar, will be eliminated!

    U.S. Dollar Supplies, will Skyrocket by the Trillions!


  • Who Owns Petrodollars and Why They're getting rid of them.
  • How the End Petrodollars will affect U.S. Treasury Bonds
  • What Central Banks Are involved
  • The Ultimate Plot Behind The U.S. Dollar Dumping Scheme
  • Who Will Benefit From it
  • How Will It Affect Your Money

This is NOT a Rumor.... This is Reality

Click Here -- To Learn More

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