Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gmail - The truth about ObamaCare rationing for seniors -

Gmail - The truth about ObamaCare rationing for seniors -

The truth about ObamaCare rationing for seniors

Grassroots Action to me
show details 4:50 PM (38 minutes ago)

Grassfire Nation Update


It is now clear that the BIGGEST LOSERS in the ObamaCare statist healthcare overhaul ARE AMERICA’S SENIORS and those approaching retirement age. Consider these shocking facts:

  • According to Obama’s own chief actuary in the Department of Health and Human Services, ObamaCare will savage Medicare by cutting $575.1 billion in this decade alone.
  • One website says that ObamaCare “will affect all aspects of health care for seniors -- coverage, prices, and access.”
  • “Medicare Advantage” -- the popular program which gives seniors more choices in healthcare -- is already being decimated by ObamaCare with major insurers dropping the plan altogether and Obama’s actuary projecting a 50% reduction in the program by 2017.
  • And then there’s the reality of HEALTHCARE RATIONING that will be implemented by ObamaCare’s “Independent Payment Advisory Board” -- appointed by Obama with the power to make Medicare rationing decisions without Congressional oversight!

Of course, many seniors have been kept in the dark -- even deceived about ObamaCare by the nation’s largest membership association of seniors, AARP. From the onset, the AARP aggressively lobbied for passage of ObamaCare. Even as these troubling details emerged, AARP continued its staunch support of Obama’s plan...

The reason?

AARP stands to reap billions in profits by offering gap coverage as a direct result of deep cuts in Medicare!

This “Grand Deception” created by Obama and aggressively promoted by the AARP that seniors support ObamaCare is a lie now threatening the health care of every senior and the solvency of our nation.

With American seniors now at serious risk due to ObamaCare, and AARP essentially turning their backs on the concerns of seniors, Grassfire Nation is partnering with Conservative 50 Plus to unite conservative citizens in opposition to ObamaCare.

It is vitally important that seniors and those approaching retirement age stand together with one voice against ObamaCare and the AARP’s Grand Deception!

To accomplish this goal, Conservative 50 Plus has just launched a National Petition exclusively for seniors who oppose ObamaCare.

Click here for more and to sign:

+ + Supreme Court Showdown over ObamaCare

With Supreme Court oral arguments just weeks away, Conservative 50 Plus wants to deliver at least 100,000 petitions to the Supreme Court and key leaders in Congress before the hearings begin from seniors who oppose ObamaCare

Jack, if you are a senior or are approaching retirement age, Conservative 50 Plus needs your help right now.

Click here to sign this important petition and have it hand delivered by Conservative 50 Plus to the Supreme Court and key members of Congress prior to the scheduled March hearings:

+ + Don’t allow your voice to be co-opted

Jack, the left-leaning and self-serving motives of the AARP do not represent conservative seniors.

In fact, while seniors face drastically reduced healthcare choices, higher taxes and the prospects of reduced care, AARP will be taking in BILLIONS!

That’s why it is imperative for seniors to take a strong, principled stand -- striking a blow for freedom by purging ObamaCare from the American landscape.

Join with other conservative-minded seniors who are speaking up and adding their names to Conservative 50 Plus’s National petition Opposing ObamaCare by clicking here:

Once you’ve signed, Grassfire Nation is urging you to forward this message to 25-30 of your friends and family members, encouraging them to join with you by signing this important petition opposing ObamaCare.

Have them click here to sign the petition:

Join conservative seniors who are standing up in their opposition to ObamaCare by clicking below and adding your name to Conservative 50 Plus’s national petition opposing ObamaCare.

Click here to have your petition hand-delivered to the Supreme Court and to key members of Congress before the hearings on ObamaCare begin:

The time to follow has past. Americans must rise up and lead the charge to restore our nation.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Again, Obama and the AARP have hatched a LIE that most seniors support ObamaCare -- and now our healthcare and our nation’s future is in peril. After signing our petition, forward this message to 25-30 friends encouraging them to be a part of this national movement of American seniors and those approaching retirement age who are standing against ObamaCare:

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(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact Grassroots Action with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.)

+ + + + +
Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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