Facing another $1.5 trillion budget deficit, Obama has gift-wrapped the Holy Grail that IRS auditors have lusted after for years . . . A GREEN LIGHT TO GO AFTER YOU WITH A VENGEANCE. Cash-hungry revenue agents – with ruthless disregard for personal privacy and contempt for your Constitutional rights – are about to unleash a TAXPAYER AUDIT JIHAD. I can help you get your ducks in a row. Here is everything you need to know... Dear Jack: Only an ostrich with its head in the sand could miss the obvious fact that the U.S. government's finances are crashing. As seen in a video clip that's drawing attention on YouTube, Mr. Obama conceded, "we are out of money now." But one point the talkative Mr. Obama is not so eager to discuss openly is exactly how he plans to refill the depleted Treasury to pay for his bailouts, Obamacare, and the federal government's out-of-control entitlements. As I'll reveal here in detail, Obama has gift-wrapped and handed to the IRS its most deeply-coveted prize – a green light to go after U.S. taxpayers tooth and nail. Obama's funding emergency is so severe, the White House has quietly authorized the IRS to suck up every greenback that isn't nailed down, no matter what. Obama's admission of the patently obvious – that the till is empty – came just as he unveiled his latest budget, which even his pals at The New York Times sheepishly admit doubles the number of IRS enforcement auditors – and that's just for starters. Oh yes, the need to collect more tax money is yet another "emergency" (and thus an opportunity) for this White House. But the shocking circumstances of the federal government's deep debt – in addition to its scary cash-flow problems – are far greater than the White House, Congress, or their media lapdogs will ever fess up to. Government Revenue- Collectors Are Dangerously Desperate The stage is set and the die is cast: U.S. taxpayers (you and I) are about to endure a withering reign of cash-and-asset-grabbing by a financially desperate, totally bankrupt (financially and morally) federal establishment. There is absolutely no precedent in 230 years of U.S. history to match the government's current cash crisis. (Not an exaggeration, as I explain shortly.) From a solvency point of view, the federal government is a hungry, cornered, potentially rabid animal. Even the family dog will turn around and bite you if he is hurt or threatened. And that goes double for bureaucrats faced with the loss of their perks and power in the worst tax revenue crunch the modern political class has ever seen. In addition, these bureaucrats have a personal stake in putting the squeeze on the assets of ordinary taxpayers. It used to be police, firefighters, and military people (all of whom put their lives on the line) got generous life-long pensions, on grounds they had physically more demanding and dangerous jobs. But that benefit has been extended to literally millions of civilian federal and state-level bureaucrats. Work 20 years as a federal employee and you get a VERY generous pension. Same is true of many state workers. Yet most of those arrangements are now threatened by a severe tax collection crisis. So bureaucrats' motives are quite personal – protect their pension gravy train, in addition to simply wanting to spend more. They really see it as an us (bureaucrats) vs. them (individual taxpayers, small businesses, etc.) situation. History is being made. As a taxpayer, you are at ground-zero of the federal government's unprecedented bankruptcy crisis. Meaning if you don't take sensible precautions now, cash-desperate IRS agents are going to turn their problem into your problem. That's why I am writing today – to make sure you are prepared for the day when the IRS goons come knocking. Or better yet, so well prepared that they choose to knock onsomeone else's door instead. I'm Not Sitting Around Waiting to Be Fleeced. Here's My Plan to Survive and Prosper! Only an airtight, ahead-of-the-curve, self-protection plan can shield you, your family or your business from the onslaught of IRS audits and other government tricks soon to be unleashed against unsuspecting taxpayers. I'll reveal just such a plan right here. You will NOT find this unique information anywhere else, so please give this month's special Bonus Briefing your full attention. You see, the "good" news is desperate federal officials will go for the easy pickings first – namely the majority of people and businesses who don't understand what's coming and fail to prepare. I continue to firmly believe in the importance of avoiding the herd. Put another way, if an angry bear (okay, the IRS) is chasing you and another fellow through the woods, you need not be faster than the bear; you only have to be faster than the other fellow. I'm going to make very sure that as one of my readers, you will not be among the millions of taxpayers who get caught flat-footed in the coming IRS collection jihad. With the information I've collected for you in this briefing, you will be among a select group of forward-thinking Americans who... - Have a permanent, fool-proof, stress-free insurance policy against any IRS audit –guaranteed.
- Know how to audit-proof and penalty-proof your tax return, so leering IRS bureaucrats will look past you and move on to easier prey.
- Possess specific insider knowledge on how to turn your favorite hobby into a business without running afoul of the IRS or the law. (This will enable you and your loved ones tocontinue to bring in money and enjoy some great tax breaks even as job opportunities continue to evaporate.)
- Can spot, respond to, and utterly defeat automated IRS "correction notices" being sent out to millions of people who don't owe money. (Over HALF of these notices are completely wrong, yet most terrified recipients pay up anyway.)
My point is you don't have to let yourself become a victim in the Obama administration's coming taxpayer audit blitzkrieg. I am doing this not only for my valued readers, but also for my loved ones, employees, friends, associates, and personal acquaintances. (For the most part these are very busy people who haven't invested the time I have in uncovering the horrific financial pressure our bloated central government is under, or detecting how the government is desperately gearing up to raise cash.) The Death Throes of Debt-Driven Consumerism Have Thrown the Government Into a Dangerous State of Operational Insolvency Make no mistake: The ever-mooching political class who run the corrupt federal establishment know they risk losing their perks and power if the Treasury continues to run short of cash. They are a threat to law-abiding, but unprepared, Americans of virtually any means. In this unprecedented funding crisis – if it comes down to a choice between bureaucrats protecting their interests vs. taxpayers' interests – you can bet your last dollar the taxpaying middle class are the ones who will get screwed. In addition to being ruthless and desperate, the political class is deeply infected with a sense of entitlement – to YOUR money. And, as bad as things are, the truth is even uglier, even deeper. It's taken decades, but the political imbeciles in Washington appear to have finally killed the goose that lays the golden eggs of the American Dream – our once fabulous, job-creating private economy. Looted by lawyers, crippled by draconian regulation, castrated by job-killing taxation, and micromanaged to near-death by evil, incompetent, power-seeking ninnies – America's once-great system of entrepreneurship is on its deathbed. Our debt-driven consumption economy as we have known it is also dead. And with its passing comes the greatest tax collection crisis government has seen in our lifetimes. Put simply, the economy no longer has the strength to continue funding political schmucks and other taxpayer-dependent parasites in the lifestyle they have come to expect and continue to demand. The Army of Expectant Moochers Now Outnumber Taxpayers The list of moochers you and I are expected to permanently bank-roll continues to mushroom by leaps and bounds. It now includes: - Incompetent banksters;
- Politically-connected "entrepreneurs" in protected classes showering themselves with stimulus booty;
- Lexus-driving stock brokers who ought to be driving cabs;
- Union thugs running state-controlled auto makers as they angle for control of other industries;
- Government-backed mortgage crooks;
- A miscellaneous and growing list of assorted federally-funded "zombie" corporations.
This does not even take into account all of the out-of-control entitlement programs, which were already running us at breakneck speed toward a financial cliff even before Obama took office. In addition to the armies of militant moochers camped out on Congress' front door, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is warning that tax revenues have fallen so far that the entitlement crisis they were projecting to be a decade away is now imminent. Exposed: The Government's Terrifying Financial Pickle To illustrate why aggressive IRS audits are central to Washington's emergency funding plans, let me share with you my findings on how desperate the central government's funding pickle truly is. I'm personally alarmed by the rationalizations behind the coming ruthless tax-collection tactics the White House has quietly authorized the IRS to inflict on Americans. In an address to the retirement group AARP, randomly candid Vice President Joe Biden told the liberal audience: "We are going bankrupt," referring to the government's financial crisis. An analysis by the Virginia-based Argus Group notes that "Right now, federal taxes barely pay for half of federal spending." In other words, to cover the current amount of spending, taxes would at minimum have to be DOUBLED. Worse, Argus also notes that even a massive spate of money-creation (12 times higher than 1980) isn't making a dent in the runaway deficits Congress has approved. In fact, Congress' own numbers show that current programs are not sustainable without deep spending cuts (which will NEVER happen) or massive tax increases. Why Government Revenues Will Continue to Collapse, Making the IRS Even More Dangerous and Desperate The government's cash crunch is going to get far worse before it gets better. Here's why: - America's largest banks (such as Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, and Citi) still hold vast quantities of iffy commercial and real estate loans. In many cases, banks are hanging onto housing assets waiting for prices to start climbing again.
- As troubling, the same cogent analysts who foresaw the real estate crash now warn that bloated housing inventories and rising jobless rates suggest another 14% across-the-board drop in home values. Commercial real estate and local businesses, on which local governments depend for funding, are also on a downward spiral.
- Robert Kurtner of Moody's Investors Service recently said "This is the first time in 20-25 years we have seen a recession affect the entire nation simultaneously."
- California's financial collapse has dominated the news, but the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities notes that state governments across the country are facing the worst revenue contraction in post-war history, amid a projected deficit of $166 billion in 2010 and $350 billion+ in 2011. Collapsing state-level pension programs, which have NOT made the news but soon will, are already in a near state of default.
Put another way, tax receipts across-the-board have only just begun to collapse. And the government is going to become increasingly desperate to find new ways to get money from you. The Wall Street Journal noted a few months ago that new tax schemes coming out of Washington (including surtaxes on wealth, taxing medical benefits, etc) already add up to a job-killing, pre-REAGAN-era effective tax rate of 46%. A Federal Reserve President Talks Out of School – READ THIS!!! To give you an idea of just how much financial pressure the government is under, consider that even mass confiscation of private assets won't be enough to save Congress from bankruptcy. Not long ago, for example, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank president Richard Fisher made a frank but virtually unnoticed speech. It should be required reading for anyone who has to pay taxes. In addition to criticizing the political class for getting the U.S. into a "deep hole," Fisher observed that federal unfunded liabilities (meaning obligations Uncle Sam can't currently pay for) are close to $99 TRILLION! Even when our economy was healthier, the total wealth it could produce in one year came to about $14 trillion – meaning it would take seven full years of 100% confiscation of our entire gross domestic product to dig the government out of its bankruptcy hole. A Wave of Mega-Audits is Headed Your Way Like a Tsunami With less and less prosperity available to levy, the IRS and other enforcement agencies are now the government's last line of defense against a rising sludge of national insolvency, financial malaise, and collapsed entrepreneurship. So here's the rub: With tax revenues from profitable businesses sinking fast, bureaucrats at all levels of government are scrambling for new revenue to satiate their spending fetishes. They don't see you and me as sovereign citizens either – Productive people who earn, save, and invest their money wisely are perversely seen as a resource of the state – something bureaucrats own and control for their own ends, something they can exploit. You may have read that foreign "investors" in U.S. debt are making their way to the exits. The hints abound of what is to come: When Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told students at Peking University the U.S. was a "safe place" to park their money recently, he was practically laughed off the stage. More substantially, the Chancellor of Germany and rulers of China have both taken the once unthinkable step of directly criticizing Washington's reckless deficit spending, warning the world that the dollar's days are numbered unless the U.S. gets its act together. Their message: It's only a matter of time before foreign creditors cut Uncle Sam's deficit-spending credit card in half. In short, foreign funders of out-of-control U.S. spending know our government is full of crap, in addition to being in a state of financial insolvency. Only the uber-ignorant, celebrity-obsessed bulk of the U.S. populace isn't in on the joke. But the truly unfunny point is desperate U.S. officials have only a few revenue targets left: Starting with honest, hard-working, law-abiding people like you and me. Obama Telegraphs His Ugly Plans to Take What Belongs to You Oh yes, Obama and his opportunists are still enjoying the reins of power, despite their recent voter rebuke. Totally unfazed, he is doing much more than doubling the number of IRS auditors, bullying Swiss banks into not accepting any more deposits from American citizens, and internationalizing IRS efforts to punish capital flight from U.S. shores. The stage is being set to rip off the public in ways small and large, petty and grand. Anyone who fails to understand the dark forces at work within the desperate U.S. political class is being set up for the slaughter. Petty Fleecing of the Public Has Already Begun You may have noticed the petty fleecing by state and federal employees has already begun. More state-level, federally-inspired speed traps, automated camera ticket scams, green fines of all stripes, regulatory penalties for petty infractions on home improvement projects, mysterious new Internet and cell phone "surcharges," and on and on. If you like to enjoy afternoons on your local lake, you've probably noticed the number of officious police, game wardens, and forestry agents have recently multiplied (all from different jurisdictions trolling for fines, fines, fines) – barking orders at sunbathers and handing out tickets to working-class boaters for ridiculous petty infractions. The long arm of Uncle Sam's intrusive tax collection schemes seems to know no limits. For example the Census Bureau is now using satellite global positioning systems (GPS) to create a national database of the precise coordinates of each U.S. home (making it easier for government-contracted satellite systems to "inventory" what is on your property). These are only early indicators, I am sorry to say. The tax collection jihad has not yet gotten into high gear. There Are Now More Moochers Than There Are Taxpayers Now here's where things get truly scary! Successive administrations have steadily reduced the number of voters who also happen to pay income taxes. As an editorial in Investor's Business Daily confirmed: "More than 85% of the personal income tax is paid by a small, overtaxed band of Americans who in number are less than 25% of eligible voters." Worse, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that Obama's plans to remove even more "disadvantaged" people from the tax rolls (using a system of credits) means that a majority of people who vote in the next election will be nontaxpayers, fully able to tax an oppressed minority (you and me) with impunity, without themselves paying any income tax at all! It goes without saying there are not enough voting taxpayers left to ensure Washington treats us with respect. So it falls to you and me, and millions of hard-working people like us, to ensure that our rights as U.S. citizens are protected – because most voters no longer have any skin in the game when it comes to paying income tax. Most voters simply don't care if some other segment of the populace is being abused with IRS audits. Someone You Know Will Need IRS Audit Protection – Batten Down the Hatches! Now that I've detailed the problem, let me spell out my solution! Yes, this is the very same acclaimed IRS defense kit you may have read about in the Wall Street Journal, which rates it as the Number One guide of its kind in America. In addition to Dan's MUST-HAVE IRS Problem Solver manual, the kit contains 5 audio CDs and a workbook with ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WILL EVER NEED TO DEFEAT IRS ABUSES OF POWER. I'm talking about...  | Avoiding and/or coping successfully with an audit. |  | How to avoid tax traps when hiring independent contractors. |  | How to cancel interest and penalties. |  | How to safely and legally turn your hobby into a money-creating job without incurring a hassle from the IRS. |
Dan's kit also delivers priceless information on how to evaluate and respond to the millions of automated notices the IRS cranks out annually, demanding money from unsuspecting people. Most just roll over and pay the bill – when in fact Dan has established that these IRS demand letters have a worse than 50% error rate! One of the most important features in Dan's workbook (also included in the kit) is all the forms and documents you need to completely audit-proof your personal tax return! And not just audit-proof it either – if you follow his simple instructions the IRS will not even be able to sock you with expensive penalties. And if you ever are slapped with fines or penalties, Dan's material will even show you how to cancel them! You or Someone You Know Will Be Faced With A Nasty IRS Encounter, and Soon – Get Ready Now! A little about Dan Pilla, whose meticulous research into the IRS has made him the author of eleven books, dozens of research reports, and hundreds of articles – the national "go-to" guy when it comes to ANY trouble with the IRS. Concerning Dan's IRS Problem Solver manual, the Wall Street Journal recently cited it as the best tax resource in the nation, noting: "Daniel J. Pilla provides nine valuable secrets to winning your audit, but bear in mind that the general rule is never try to handle an IRS audit yourself (it's like trying to perform your own brain surgery). [He] supplies plenty of sample form letters – requesting an abatement of penalties, for instance, or asking for the release of a levy placed on your salary – that could be used to respond to almost anything the IRS throws at you." Dan Pilla's story is amazing. At age 18, he cut his professional teeth by whipping the pants off abusive IRS thugs who had shut down his father's family business. Dan locked himself in a law library, researching the tax code until he found proof the IRS was acting illegally. Young Dan acted as the family lawyer in court, and convinced a judge to overrule the IRS's actions. Some 30 years later, Dan has helped literally hundreds of thousands of taxpayers defend their rights and protect what's theirs. I've known Dan Pilla personally for better than 10 years and can tell you no one in the country knows more about the IRS. Even the Associated Press has noted Dan Pilla knows more about how the tax code works than even the commissioner of the IRS! Never Fear an Audit or IRS Encounter Again Once you hear Dan's CD series and apply the lessons in his manual and easy-to-use workbook, you are much less likely to ever face an audit. And if you do, you'll be greatly empowered. Dan has proven time and again that the IRS is dead wrong in its audit results between 60% and 90% of the time. And while people fear audits, the fact is IRS auditors have no power over you whatsoever. In one section, Dan shares his secrets accumulated in 30+ years of actively helping people through real tax audits. You'll learn:  | How to make the IRS look past your return for easier prey. |  | Key steps to penalty-proofing your tax return. |  | How to cancel IRS penalties and interest (which often double or even triple how much uninformed taxpayers end up paying). |  | The IRS slaps taxpayers with 30 million+ penalties each year. Your chances of being hit – 1 in 4. Learn how Dan routinely cancels penalties with his deep understanding of the tax code. |  | Key mistakes to avoid if you are confronted with an audit. |  | Enjoy a treasure trove of tax advantages when you successfully turn your hobby into a business. You'll find all the forms and information needed to make it happen safely and legally. |  | The most common IRS problems faced by small business owners and how to avoid them. |  | Yes, you can save big money by hiring independent contractors – here are the forms you need to use to pass IRS muster. |
As though all these amazing benefits were not enough, I've arranged for you to also receive a FREE one-year subscription to Dan's monthly email newsletter, Pilla Talks Taxes. You ALSO Get Monthly Updates and Free Emergency Consultation! When you receive each information-packed monthly edition of Pilla Talks Taxes ($99 retail value) you will get ALL the new inside skinny on what the IRS is doing to fleece the public, as well as the very latest on how to protect yourself. Even better, by ordering this package now, you get a free consultation ($79 retail value) with Dan Pilla himself in the event you are ever audited or need help with a tax problem. That's right, complete audit protection. Rest assured, with all the audits coming down the pike, you or someone you know is going to want to have all this information in your hip pocket. And in the meantime, you can begin audit-proofing and penalty-proofing your tax returns going forward. Now for the best news of all: You can obtain Dan Pilla's ENTIRE taxpayer protection kit for a song – a mere $99 for my family of readers. That's all, and you will never have to worry about the IRS again. You have my word. Let me sum up all that your modest investment of $99 gets you. - Dan Pilla's 316-page IRS Problem Solver Manual: From Audits to Assessments – How to Solve Your Tax Problems and Keep the IRS Off Your Back Forever. This guide tells you how to cancel penalties, defeat sneaky IRS collection notices, audit-proof and penalty-proof your tax returns and much more.
- Dan Pilla's five CD lecture series, going into even MORE detail on inside secrets to audit-proofing your tax return, dealing with IRS "correction notices," audits, and appeals, canceling penalty and interest assessments, turning your hobby into a paying businesslegally and safely, and saving BIG money for your business by hiring independent contractors. (Tax professionals and taxpayers pay $299 to attend this series in person.)
- Dan's must-have 26-page companion workbook, so you can take full advantage of his IRS-busting knowledge when dealing with your specific tax situation.
- A full one-year subscription to Dan's monthly newsletter, Pilla Talks Taxes. Each issue is PACKED with new updated information you need to stay current on existing law, tax snares being created by money-grubbing bureaucrats, green energy tax credits worth big bucks, and much, much more.
- Fool-proof audit protection. Enclosed with this package you will be given a free personal consultation with tax expert Dan Pilla if you are EVER audited by the IRS or need other tax help. In my view this is one of the best features of my offer – because you orsomeone you know is probably going to need this free, no-obligation service within the next 3-4 years.
I am very proud to be able to offer you this package of necessary, defensive IRS protections. By ordering this $99 special now, you will be able to sleep well at night with the knowledge you andeveryone you know has a significant added layer of protection against the coming IRS audit onslaught. As I mentioned, even under procedures that are already in place today, the IRS slaps some sort of fine or penalty on 1 out of 4 taxpayers. And that doesn't even count the number of bogus computer notices the agency mails out annually by the millions. That means that sometime in the next four to five years, your number is likely to come up. And when it does, your small investment today in Dan Pilla's 316-page IRS Problem Solver Manual is going to pay off in spades. Basically you are buying very cheap protection that is virtually certain to pay off in the very near future. Satisfaction in This MUST-HAVE Product is Totally Assured Best of all, your satisfaction in this product is completely and totally assured. If for any reason, within 6 months, you don't want to keep this information for emergencies or problems, or if you decide no one you care about will ever be abused by the IRS, you simply return it to me for a full refund. That's it. Dan's five-component taxpayer protection kit is the perfect armor you need to gird for the coming IRS audit jihad. When the IRS comes a'calling, you will be one of the few people in America whose day (or year) it won't ruin, because you will have taken the defensive steps you needed to protect yourself. Millions of Americans are going to be blindsided with an unwelcome and highly-intrusive audit in the coming months and years. Congratulations to my cherished readers for taking steps to avoid becoming victims. I wish we had more Americans like Dan Pilla looking out for us. And I wish we had more Americans like you. Vigilant. Prepared. And not willing to roll over and play dead when abusive bureaucrats come knocking at your door, or place of work, or neighborhood. | Yours in Preparation and Self-Reliance,  Lee Bellinger, Publisher Independent Living |
P.S.You need to protect yourself from the coming Obama IRS audit jihad NOW, before you are blindsided by nasty tax auditors hell bent on turning your finances upside down and taking their pound of flesh! Let me re-cap what I want to rush you right away for a mere $99: - Dan Pilla's 316-page IRS Problem Solver Manual: From Audits to Assessments – How to Solve Your Tax Problems and Keep the IRS Off Your Back Forever. This guide tells you how to cancel penalties, defeat sneaky IRS collection notices, audit-proof and penalty-proof your tax returns.
- Dan Pilla's five CD lecture series, going into even MORE detail on inside secrets for audit proofing your tax return, dealing with IRS "correction notices," audits, and appeals, canceling penalty and interest assessments, turning your hobby into a paying business legally, and safely, and saving BIG money for your business by hiring independent contractors.
- Dan's must-have 26-page companion workbook, so you can take full advantage of Dan's IRS-busting knowledge when dealing with your specific tax situation.
- A full one-year subscription to Dan Pilla's monthly email newsletter, Pilla Talks Taxes – each issue is PACKED with new updated information you need to stay current on existing law, new tax snares being created by money-grubbing bureaucrats, new tax deductions that can save you big bucks and much, much more.
- Fool-proof audit protection. Enclosed with your kit you will be given a certificate good for a free personal consultation with tax expert Dan Pilla if you are EVER audited by the IRS or have some other tax problem. In my view this is one of the best features of my offer – because you or someone you know is probably going to need this free, no-obligation service within the next 3-4 years.
Any one of these five component benefits could easily be priced at $99 or more. But you'll get the whole kit-and-caboodle for a mere $99 total. It's the kind of high-value deal I'm proud to bring to my cherished readers, and I hope you'll take full advantage of it today. P.P.S. – In addition to all the valuable bonuses above, if you act right away, I will throw in a FREE six-month subscription to Independent Living newsletter, America's largest and fastest growing financial and self-reliance advisory. Each month, this nationally acclaimed newsletter will provide you with doable, practical strategies to bolster your wealth, health, freedom, and privacy. So please don't waste a moment! To order, simply click the button above, or call my 24-hour customer service line: 877-371-1807and give the operator the code LILIRS11063. |