Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gmail - Biden's Blatant B.S.! - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Gmail - Biden's Blatant B.S.! - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Biden's Blatant B.S.!

Christine O'Donnell christine@christinepac.com via bluehornet.com
8:14 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
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Pardon my language, but they were the first words out of my mouth when I read Beau Biden’s letter to my lawyer. (Beau Biden is Delaware’s Attorney General and Vice President Joe Biden’s son.)

Beau Biden is abusing his position as DE Attorney General to protect the Obama/Biden liberal agenda!

Joe Biden’s son refuses to prosecute a clear cut case against his daddy’s sugar daddy, George Soros.

Let me explain…

Biden’s letter was in response to part of the complaint we filed against CREW for the illegal act of knowingly filing a false claim against me during my 2010 U.S. Senate race.

This is a political pattern of CREW’s… they’ve falsely attacked Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, and so many strong conservatives… including just about every one of the 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates such as Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Rick Santorum.

Going into the 2012 Election Cycle, it’s clear CREW intends to keep up their sleazy tricks. Therefore, we are fighting back to stop their crooked, unethical political tactics. Among other actions, we’ve asked the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office to pursue criminal charges against them because it is illegal to knowingly file a false claim.

We submitted a mountain of evidence that proved CREW was fully aware their claim was false but planned to go forward anyway. Among this evidence was proof that their entire claim was based upon a perjured affidavit!

Which brings me back to the blatant B.S.

Baby Biden claims his office can’t pursue criminal charges for a perjured affidavit because they don’t know if the affidavit was signed in Delaware, so it might not be in his jurisdiction. They claim they can’t simply ask where the affidavit was signed because there’s no perjury investigation.

Confused? You should be. It is legal, partisan B.S.!

CREW is nothing more than a puppet front-group for George Soros’ socialist agenda and...

George Soros spent MILLION$ of dollars to get Obama/Biden into the White House!!

So it is no wonder Joe Biden’s son won’t pursue a claim against his daddy’s sugar daddy.

Shame on you, Beau, for prosecuting in such a blatantly partisan manner.

We need your help to keep fighting. The 2012 Elections are too important to let CREW keep getting away with this.

We need to challenge Biden’s illogical partisan decision. We MUST put pressure on the Obama appointed U.S. Attorney.

We have a winning fight. Yet, liberal, unethical politicians like Beau Biden will use their office to protect the Obama/Biden agenda and try to block us at every turn.

We plan to appeal this as far as we can. But all of this costs money. Right now no one else is fighting CREW head-on the way we are

But we simply can't do it without you.

We need to raise at least $10,000 to challenge Biden’s decision before the end of the year.

We need 100 people to give $100. Or, 200 people to contribute $50.

Will you please contribute $100 towards defeating CREW’s underhanded tactics?

Any amount will help us meet our goal and help us STOP CREW. Can you contribute $75, $50 or $45?

And for any donation over $45, I will send you a personally signed copy of my book Troublemaker… just in time for Christmas! It makes a great gift!

God Bless,

Christine O'Donnell

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