Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gmail - On What?--McCain Says He Didnt Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality; And Rep. Paul Ryan Says, The Books are Cooked in Washington -

Gmail - On What?--McCain Says He Didnt Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality; And Rep. Paul Ryan Says, The Books are Cooked in Washington -

On What?--McCain Says He Didnt Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality; And Rep. Paul Ryan Says, The Books are Cooked in Washington

E-Brief from via
12:11 PM (26 minutes ago)
to me
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Today's Headlines: Thursday, December 08, 2011

‘On What?’--McCain Says He Didn’t Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality

Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Didn't Know Defense Bill He Approved Lifts Military Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality

Steve Forbes says: "The MRC is in the forefront of battling this smothering, monolithic culture. It plays a crucial, uniquely effective watchdog role in exposing media bias and partisanship." Please make a tax-deductible gift to MRC today!

Rep. Paul Ryan on Transparency: ‘The Books are Cooked in Washington’

Obama Refused Keystone XL Pipeline, But Insists He’s ‘All In’ on Domestic Energy Production

Obamacare Showers Millions of Dollars on School Health Clinics

Gingrich’s 1998 Jerusalem Visit a Reminder of Mideast Sensitivities Facing GOP Candidates

Future Health IT Networks Will Include ‘Interventions’ – Such As Text-Message Reminders to Patients

Rights Group: More U.S. Companies Covering Cost of Gender Reassignment Surgery


By Rich Galen
the 2012 election will be a referendum on Barack Obama and he is running out of time to convince Americans he can actually step up and lead this nation.

Where Have Our Cojones Gone?
By Ben Shapiro
We live in a world of bullies. So long as we continue to psychologically castrate our own boys, the bullies of the world will continue winning.


Grassley calls for top Justice official's resignation over gun-running operations
Marines to cut troops, not weapons, to meet 2013 budget cuts
Gingrich: John Bolton will be my secretary of state
Putin accuses Clinton of encouraging Russian protesters
President Obama won't go to Hawaii while payroll tax is in limbo
Despite $5 billion investment, Obama’s green-car revolution sputters
Lawmakers blast administration for calling Fort Hood massacre 'workplace violence'
Radical Elizabeth Warren opens lead on Sen. Scott Brown
Feds use video surveillance to catch people engaged in workers’ comp fraud
Colorado launches bid for spaceport near Denver

Text messages show frustrations of officers assigned to patrol Occupy Denver protests
Sarah Palin says she won't endorse before Iowa, praises Gingrich

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