Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gmail - Shotgun Tabs Added to the GunCount, Terry Killed One Year Ago, Holder Testifies on Fast and Furious, Libyans Disarmed, Granite State Concealed Carry on Campus, Tweaking Your M-1 for Competition and Why Are We Waiting for National Concealed Carry? - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Gmail - Shotgun Tabs Added to the GunCount, Terry Killed One Year Ago, Holder Testifies on Fast and Furious, Libyans Disarmed, Granite State Concealed Carry on Campus, Tweaking Your M-1 for Competition and Why Are We Waiting for National Concealed Carry? - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Shotgun Tabs Added to the GunCount, Terry Killed One Year Ago, Holder Testifies on Fast and Furious, Libyans Disarmed, Granite State Concealed Carry on Campus, Tweaking Your M-1 for Competition and Why Are We Waiting for National Concealed Carry?

Guns & Patriots GunsandPatriots@email.humanevents.com
6:09 AM (4 hours ago)
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Guns & Patriots Newsletter
An Exclusive Publication of Human Events | Vol. 3, No. 50

This week in Guns & Patriots...
Neil W. McCabe, Editor

Dear Guns & Patriots readers,

On the overnight of the December 14 into December 15, there was a firefight along the Arizona borderlands with Mexico. In that firefight, Border Agent Brian A. Terry, who first responded with a beanbag gun in accordance with his escalation of force instructions, was cut down by an AK-47 sold to a straw purchaser with the full blessing from agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

We did not know then that Terry's death would end the Holder-led program called Operation Fast and Furious, but it did. One year later we still don't have all the answers, but I look back to one year ago this week in my article: "One year ago, Holder's Operation Fast and Furious Came Undone." This week's video is a tribute to Brian A. Terry.

We continue to receive positive feedback about the GunCount, our gun inventory program. The free version handles up to 10 guns, and the GunCountPlus version for just $39.99 is unlimited. You can download it here. Either way, all users will always receive each and every improvement, such as this week's upgrade of the shotgun or shotgun ammo functions.

Please check out our sponsor this week: Stansberry Research. "Wal-tirement" is Here! In a move that is shaking the very foundations of conventional retirement wisdom, the undisputed "King of Retail" is offering a program that, for many retirees, could actually replace Social Security, 401(k)s, IRAs, pension plans, and the like. Click on the link in your Guns & Patriots e-newsletter to learn more.

There are many amazing articles this week, please check them out below.

Neil McCabe signature
Neil W. McCabe
Editor, Guns & Patriots

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Neil W. McCabe and Brian H. Darling

Editor Neil W. McCabe and Brian H. Darling, Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation discuss one year of Fast and Furious and the arrogance of Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. Neil also interviews Robert J. Laplander about Medal of Honor recipients from the Philippines in 1899... Read More
Lt. Col. Oliver North, USMC retired

Excerpt: "This week, while the SecDef was in Hawaii, we learned that the White House vetoed plans by military commanders to recover or destroy an errant remotely piloted aircraft before the Iranians could get their hands on the high-tech device. Meanwhile, the U.S. defense budget is being savaged in Congress. Washington has clearly forgotten to "Remember Pearl Harbor."... Read More
W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Dec. 11, 1941: Four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, isolated and embattled U.S. Marines — and a few good sailors, soldiers, and civilian contractors — put up a heroic defense of Wake Island in the Pacific, beating back an attempted Japanese landing with heavy losses to the enemy... Read More
Stansberry Research

How the "King of Retail" is revolutionizing retirement in America... Read more
Robert J. Laplander

Excerpt: "Each citation reads exactly — and simply — the same: With 21 other scouts, charged across a burning bridge, under heavy fire, and completely routed 600 of the enemy who were entrenched in a strongly fortified position."... Read More
Kathryn M. Delong

Last week, news outlets reported that Libya's interim government had administered a deadline requiring armed, out-of-town militias to relinquish their weapons and leave Tripoli by December 20... Read More
Emily Miller

It took weeks of research and dozens of phone calls to finally find a suitable place to take the required gun safety class to register a handgun in the nation's capital. Thanks to a referral from Atlantic guns, I found Donna Worthy — even though she's not on the list of certified instructors given out by Metropolitan Police Department... Read More
Audrey Hudson

Attorney General Eric Holder admitted on Thursday that e-mails from his computer were withheld from a congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, angering lawmakers who threatened the nation's top cop with impeachment and contempt charges... Read More
Neil W. McCabe

Just a quick note for readers from Kandahar. The USO here received a few bids for the work to repair their floor after the flooding that messed up the facility here. One of the staff told me the bids came in at just above $100,000 US... Read More
Raquel Okyay

Congratulations 112th Congress for seeking to amend title 18 of the United States Code, giving law abiding citizens with firearm permits the right to carry concealed handguns outside of the state in which they reside, as long as such state issues concealed firearm permits already, or does not have laws that prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms... Read More
Neil W. McCabe

It was on a Houston TV station Dec. 13 that the lawyer for Carter Country made the outrageous charge that agents from the BATFE actively encouraged reluctant Carter Country employees to sell weapons to suspected "straw purchasers."... Read More
Jen Veldhuyzen

Step inside this book, and you slip into heavy boots in muddy foxholes, stiff fingers shivering as you field strip a frozen M-1 or clean your Browning Automatic Rifle with its .45 caliber brass brush. Look through the sights of the guns detailed in US Infantry Weapons in Combat, and you look into the soul of a bygone era... Read More
Neil W. McCabe

The state of New Hampshire allows concealed carry, and its laws assert "pre-emption," which means that cities and towns do not have the right the authority to regulate firearms. When two New Hampshire residents challenged the firearms ban at Plymouth State College, they were served with a restraining order banning them from campus, too...Read More
John E. Nevola

Excerpt: "Macie smiled widely and clapped to the beat as Jonah and Nora gyrated wildly across the dance floor. Something beyond them caught her eye. That was when she saw Jake standing at the entrance to the club with another GI."... Read More

Excerpt: "By these arts this union, the last hope of Greece, the last hope of ancient liberty, was torn into pieces; and such imbecility and distraction introduced, that the arms of Rome found little difficulty in completing the ruin which their arts had commenced. The Achaeans were cut to pieces, and Achaia loaded with chains, under which it is groaning at this hour."... Read More

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