Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Liberals Argue that Obama’s Too Smart For America | Vision to America

Liberals Argue that Obama’s Too Smart For America | Vision to America

Liberals Argue that Obama’s Too Smart For America


RUSH: I gotta play this for you. I’ve told you countless times how most recent instance being when, what’s his name, Caddell and Schoen wrote a piece:Obama you should quit and turn it over to Hillary. I said, “That’s not the way you go about it. You don’t tell him he blew it. You don’t tell a narcissist he’s failed and to get out of the of way. You’ve gotta say, ‘Barack, this job is beneath you! It’s too small. You’re destined for bigger. You need to be running the world, Barack! Running the United States is not even interesting to you. We can tell you’re bored silly.” That’s how you get rid of him: You tell him that there’s something far bigger, far more important out there than just being president of the United States.

Well, get this. This is this morning on MSNBC, on Morning Joe. This is Mike Barnicle, syndicated columnist, along with Jon Meacham, former editor of Newsweek and now the Random House executive editor.

BARNICLE: He has reeeemarkable gifts. He’s eloquent, he’s convincing, he’s clearly very smart. He wins the presidency in 2008; overcoming all sorts of doubts and surpassing a field filled with a couple of truly, truly good candidates –

RUSH: What doubts?

BARNICLE: I think he is stunned, given his gifts, and his inability to get anything really done in Congress. I think he’s stunned by it.

MEACHAM: In a weird way the country is not commensurate with his gifts. That’s a harsh thing to say but I have a feeling in the dark night of the soul –


Post Continues on

Pat's avatar

Pat· 3 hours ago

We can only hope he goes back to his own country, Kenya
14 replies · active 26 minutes ago
Dora's avatar

Dora· 3 hours ago

Hummm...if he is that smart, why is the country is such a mess !
15 replies · active 21 minutes ago
KT Stuart's avatar

KT Stuart· 3 hours ago

America is too smart for Obama.
14 replies · active 28 minutes ago

TOO INFORMED· 2 hours ago

Last night (12/12/2011) I had the pleasure to video tape a group of new breed of Senatorial candidates speaking at the South Florida Tea Party running for office. These four candidates know what is wrong with our country and more importently, they know how to fix America. There IS hope if there were/are more people like them running for office. In a nutshell, they all said "throw the existing bums out of office".
3 replies · active 47 minutes ago
Conan the Barbarian's avatar

Conan the Barbarian· 2 hours ago

Barack Hussein Obama is a fool by any measure....
3 replies · active 53 minutes ago
TOM's avatar

TOM· 2 hours ago

1 reply · active 2 hours ago
Patriot1776's avatar

Patriot1776· 2 hours ago

He has been given a script and has great reading skills. He is a socialist bent on destroying America. If that is "too smart" then so be it. I cannot even begin to fathom the thinking of those who can look at this nation founded on the principles of christianity and democracy and what has been accomplished in our short history and still feel that democracy doesn't work. This nation went from frontier to the greatest industrialized nation with the highest standard of living in the world. In our brief history we have witnessed the rise and fall of the most powerful communistic government in Russia that, while was a powerful force for many decades, did absolutely nothing for it's citizens who still live in third world conditions. How can anyone think that socialism or communism is what is best for this country when it has never worked anywhere in the world? And obama states publicly that the free market has never worked? The only thing that doesn't work is the government dole or entitlements that keep people from supporting themselves and reaching their own potential. He may be devious, but he isn't brilliant.
2 replies · active 1 hour ago
Robert, TX's avatar

Robert, TX· 2 hours ago

Yeah, that's a good one. Can you get a degree in teleprompter reading? Of course, the best part isObama disppears for ten days and then he pops up and does a speech. It takes him ten days to REHEARSE the teleprompter. Of course, you should not be throwing stones if your leaders are John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
Jim Fields's avatar

Jim Fields· 2 hours ago

If Obama brains was gun powder, he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose!
StevenI's avatar

StevenI· 2 hours ago

So the Liberals think AMERICANS are too dumb to worship the omnipotent Obama! Typical.
1 reply · active 6 minutes ago
Old & Cranky's avatar

Old & Cranky· 2 hours ago

If Americans want to take back America all they have to do is vote out every single incumbent; wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. Simple as that.
1 reply · active 54 minutes ago
ROFL !!! Oh good grief... why not tell him he can be GOD next ? But then... whatever it TAKES to get him GONE !!!

1 reply · active 20 minutes ago
submachine's avatar

submachine· 2 hours ago

He dithers too much to be any kind of smart.
I do not believe this cretin is even intelligent. An intelligent person is cogent enough to recognize his own shortcomings. In BO's case those would be arrogance, petulance, an urge to retaliate when challenged, and a personal belief that he can NEVER be wrong. He was raised to BELIEVE that he was brilliant.................he is NOT!!
3 replies · active 50 minutes ago
SEAN MURRY 's avatar

SEAN MURRY· 2 hours ago

he is too smart for America maybe if goes back to kenya it would be smart for America.
Nobdy-cares13's avatar

Nobdy-cares13· 2 hours ago

Let him go and correct all the mistakes made in Africa the need his leadership
spxz's avatar

spxz· 2 hours ago

It's been a hard few days. I neeo ded a laugh. The man is dumber than a box of rocks. Consider his economic ideas. He doesn't believe in a free market. Yet, historically, only free markets have ever been successful. There are too many logical and easily understood reasons for this, too lengthy for this venue. The POTUS has no clue as to how jobs are created. He has no clue as to what a viable energy policy is. Does intelligence mean selling out your country for appeasement of your political base? It is clear that only a moron thinks an idiot is a genius.
Kay10's avatar

Kay10· 2 hours ago

Lets just agree and send him back to Kenya, his birth place and let him use his smarts there.
2 replies · active 16 minutes ago
luca brazie's avatar

luca brazie· 2 hours ago

he's smart,huh. that's why he has to shred the constitution to get his socialist bills passed,pay senators and congress men off to get them to vote his way,no sir we have a true product of Chicago politics through the soviet union ,this SCUM BAG MUST GO AND ALL THAT ARE LIKE HIM.....
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
BobL's avatar

BobL· 2 hours ago

Obama is nothing more than a teleprompter reader with the flare of a well educated broadcast journalist.

It's the unelected people behind the scenes that make all of the decisions and write the scripts.
Wolf-Talker's avatar

Wolf-Talker· 2 hours ago

The Great Black Father in Washington is not too smart for America, the majority of the American public are too dumb and have been for years. Yes the job of running America is way too small for Him (the Great Black Father) ahd he should be running the World. It would be a very good move if He were to be put in charge of that wonderful organization there in New York, the United Nations as the Leader of the Entire World! Then everybody everywhere could be singing the song by Louis Armstrong, "What a Wonderful World".
Dave's avatar

Dave· 2 hours ago

If you compare Obama to Jimmy Carter, Carter looks like a genius. Obama Obama has improved the standing of Carter and now he has been replaces as the worst president in modern times. Carter should be thankful for this. Obama has one goal that is the destruction of this country. If he is re-elected he may accomplish this goal, but what would the useful idiots that follow him replace the system that we have with?
Greg H.'s avatar

Greg H.· 2 hours ago

Eloquent? Anyone who's ever watched Obama speak off the cuff without a teleprompter knows better than that. He's a dunce whose sentences are halting, broken and full of uhs, ums, pregnant pauses and moments when he has that deer-in-the-headlights and/or indecisive-squirrel-in-the-middle-of-the-road look.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
GDC's avatar

GDC· 2 hours ago

That shows how STUPID Liberals are.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
MichaelH's avatar

MichaelH· 2 hours ago

What's the matter with you people? Can't you see how well he's handled Iran? He's only used ONE of his options, so far. He asked politely for our plane back, didn't he?
If that doesn't work, he can say, "pretty please". If that fails, he can threaten to hold his breath.

You folks don't understand what a really great man we have in the White House.
1 reply · active 30 minutes ago
Jack Hotchkiss's avatar

Jack Hotchkiss· 1 minute ago

Let's not talk about Educated IDIOTS anymore.That case has been proven by the lefts and lib's.

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