Report: Maricopa County workers took gifts
11 said to be influenced by vendors
Eleven Maricopa County employees may have violated county ethics policies and state law by accepting free tickets to concerts, sporting events and other gratuities from companies that contract with the county, according to an internal investigation obtained by The Arizona Republic.
All of the employees were placed on paid administrative leave last week; eight were issued pre-termination letters and three received pre-suspension letters. Most of the employees are covered by Merit rules and are scheduled for private pre-disciplinary meetings this week to help determine the accuracy of the investigation. One employee who was not Merit protected was fired, but county officials would not release his or her name.
A spokesman for the County Attorney's Office said the investigation may lead to criminal charges.
The investigation began after a county worker, Rhys Williams, reported gift violations to a department supervisor in August. Kate Baker, an independent investigator who contracts with the county, reviewed the allegations.
Baker's investigation highlighted the cozy relationship that has developed between county employees and contractors and revealed a side of county practices that rarely draws scrutiny. The investigation concluded that employees have abused their positions by accepting gifts from contractors as payback for their business.
In one instance, a county worker is specifically accused of being influenced by gifts from a vendor. In another, an employee accepted gratuities from companies that were awarded tens of millions of dollars in public money for construction of the new court tower in downtown Phoenix. That project became the subject of failed corruption investigations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former County Attorney Andrew Thomas that focused on the relationships between judges, lawyers and politicians rather than the influential mid-level county employees who more often have day-to-day contact with vendors.
County Manager David Smith said he was "deeply disappointed" in the number of people who accepted freebies. He pointed out the investigation found that several employees refused gifts.
"It tended to make me think there was sort of an undercover culture where this was permissible," he said. "Obviously, we need to affirm that it was not. Policies were in place, training had been done ... and they still went out and did it."
Smith will meet today with employees in facilities management, the department where most of the violations occurred. He said top county officials are changing the way they oversee certain contracts with vendors, the county's ethics policy has been strengthened and county employees will be informed of the new policies.
Smith added, "I think there will be a vendor or two that might be barred from doing county business for a period of time."
Richard Carr, a manager in the Facilities Management Department who earns nearly $73,000 a year, was accused of the most egregious violations. He managed budgets andconstruction projects and throughout the years developed friendly relationships with vendors.
Last year, Carr went on a fishing trip with architects, attorneys and contractors to British Columbia, mostly at the expense of county vendors, the report said. The participants were helicoptered in. Carr paid for about 35 percent of the cost of the trip and likely got a $4,000 benefit, according to the investigation.
Over three years, Carr accepted as many as 20 tickets valued at more than $2,000 from Phoenix-based contractor Evans Overhead Door to see James Taylor, Neil Diamond and Paul McCartney. He attended a Diamondbacks baseball game with an architectural firm and went to a Suns game and spring-training games at the expense of other contractors.
The investigation said Carr also acted to favor Evans Overhead Door by allowing a representative to define the scope of a county project for which a contractor had not yet been selected and for which a scope of work had not yet been set. "Thus, it appears the gifts he accepted from Evans produced actual influence," the report said.
Evans has had contracts with the county for at least a decade.
Carr also got his son a job with Evans Overhead Door. The report said he later felt "bothered" by having done so. In early 2011, Carr stopped taking tickets and other gratuities after he received tickets to a patio party from one county vendor at the upscale Diamond Club at Chase Field. More than 100 people attended that party, including others who worked for the county.
"Carr's acceptance of a $4,000 trip from a vendor whose project he was overseeing at the time is wrong," Baker wrote in the report. "It creates the appearance of impropriety, and shows very poor judgment. He does not appear to have the necessary strength of character to resist the temptation of accepting significant benefits from vendors with whom he works."
The internal investigation concluded:
Rhys Williams, a Capital Facilities Division chief assistant, accepted tickets for himself, his wife and daughter from Carr to Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney and James Taylor concerts. He knew the tickets were paid for by Evans Overhead Door and knew it was wrong to take the tickets. Williams believed that Carr was favoring the company on a project, became concerned and eventually reported the gift violations.
Michelle McClintock was an administrative assistant until July 2010 with the county's Department of Transportation. She still works for the county. She received two tickets from Carr for the Evans Overhead Door skybox at Arena to a Tom Petty concert. She also saw Cirque du Soleil with her stepson and saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Earth, Wind & Fire. She became "uneasy" about taking the tickets.
Janice Bowie, a capital-project manager, took a ticket to see Celine Dion from Carr and learned while at the concert that the ticket was paid for by Evans. Recently, she accepted a ticket to a patio party for a Diamondbacks game from Arrington Watkins, an architectural firm that was doing business with the county. In January 2010 and January 2011, she accepted tickets to the Waste Management Phoenix Open from GilbaneBuilding Co. and Ryan Cos., construction firms that worked on the court-tower project.
Michael Bregar, a budget analyst, accepted concert tickets for himself and his wife to seeCarole King and Bon Jovi from Carr, knowing they came from Evans. He didn't report the gifts because he feared disciplinary action.
Lynda Cull, a procurement officer, took tickets to a concert and took her daughter. Carr gave her the tickets, and she knew they came from Evans. She believes the tickets "changed hands so many times before reaching her that no obligation could be implied."
Art Jones, a technical specialist, accepted tickets to an Eric Clapton concert from Evans.
Robert Jones, a senior job-order contract supervisor, accepted a ticket three years ago for a spring-training game that was paid for by a county vendor. He also attended a Paul McCartney concert with tickets from Evans. Jones also solicited food and gifts for meetings.
Kurt Simmons, an electronic technician, accepted free tickets to a Coyotes hockey game that were paid for by Evans.
Dean Graham, an electronic technician, accepted tickets from Evans to a Paul McCartney concert. The gifts were a present for Graham's wife's birthday.
Michael Mahr accepted tickets for himself and his wife to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra from Evans.
Rob Evans, a partner with Evans Overhead Door, told The Republic on Friday he felt pressure by county employees to hand out tickets.
Evans said that years ago, he began donating tickets for his suite at arena to the county's Combined Charitable Campaign.
Over time, he said, individual employees began to approach him because they knew he had tickets.
"Once they knew you were in possession of a suite ... they would come and ask you for tickets -- that's the way it's always been," he said. "You feel like you're put on the spot. You almost feel like you're obligated to do it because they hire you to work. They'd run into you, call you. You feel like you get taken advantage of. It's kind of a catch-22. In your mind, you feel if you don't, there are so many politics downtown, you're always trying to do the right thing so people don't get upset."
Reach the reporter at or 602-444-4712.
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- tripwire
- Dec-12 @ 5:46 AM
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MCSO Top Brass started doing this in 1995, but it's ok cause Joke was in charge!
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- paul9
- Dec-12 @ 10:35 AM
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Yes Kenny we know that in your little wee mind everything crooked that everyone esle does is just fine as long you can blame Joe Apraio or George Bush.
- americannative
- Dec-12 @ 12:11 PM
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Tripwire, PROVE IT
- OldWileE
- Dec-12 @ 7:35 AM
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Nice try. But this doesn't have anything to do with Arpaio.
Get over it.
- KennyPowers55
- Dec-12 @ 9:48 AM
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I think he called an audiable on WileE's usual play of blaming a Dem or Obama for something completely unrelated. FYI the story does say "That project became the subject of failed corruption investigations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former County Attorney Andrew Thomas that focused on the relationships between judges, lawyers and politicians rather than the influential mid-level county employees who more often have day-to-day contact with vendors."
- will0310
- Dec-12 @ 10:14 AM
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Expect this story and the "LINK" to the investigation of the Supervisors and Judges to be downplayed by the Republic. They have too much invested in getting Arpaioout of office to give him something to justify that legal episode... and I even think Sheriff Joe has been there too long and needs to retire.
- ColtPeacemaker
- Dec-12 @ 7:29 AM
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State Representative Chad Campbell got a free trip to Ireland from Science Foundation Arizona after he voted to give $53 million to them over a few years and the state got nothing in return. Campbell should be put on leave.
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- kayaker20
- Dec-12 @ 8:04 AM
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Try this...Campbell should be fired!!!
- paul9
- Dec-12 @ 8:10 AM
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Please say it ain't so! An Arizona DEMOCRAT taking gift (bribe)! Who could believe it?!
- paul9
- Dec-12 @ 12:01 PM
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Looks like we have 6 true believers who feel as long as its a Democrat taking the gift/bribe it's ok. Why am I not surprised in the least?
- aznative2400
- Dec-12 @ 12:21 PM
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Everything about your statement is a it always seems to be when you post. And by the way, there were about 30 legislators, including both former Speakers, who took these LEGAL trips to Ireland that were paid for with private money. So why do you single out only one person???? Get back to work Rep. Harper!! And stop running your business out of your state office paid for by taxpayer dollars!!!
- rockyAZ
- Dec-11 @ 11:45 PM
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They'll get more than a slap on the hand. I suspect some will get fired. Beyond that, I will not guess. This is a VERY big deal. It looks like most, if not all, of the individuals involved KNEW they were doing something very wrong.
- watchdog1952
- Dec-12 @ 7:30 AM
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Arizona always has been a grab it and see if you can get away with it mentality.
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- GetRealAlready
- Dec-12 @ 10:20 AM
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Oddly enough, a large number of people in our population - ESPECIALLY those in politics - ARE FROM CHICAGO.
- DaisyJones48
- Dec-12 @ 11:25 AM
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It's not just is politicians in general. Many who run for office say they know the pay is low but they aren't doing it for the money. They run because they want to "serve the citizens" or make the city/county/state a "better place." Please. They do it for ego, power and greed. For you old timers...remember AzScam? Perfect example. But then again, nothing beats Chicago politics.
- exctyengr
- Dec-12 @ 5:29 AM
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I don't think so, DavidH. David Smith the County Manager, former Marine, combat veteran and a man of very high ethical standards will mop the floor with these birds! I know for a fact that these people had been trained as to what the ethical standards are, and I am reasonably confident that the vendors did to. As rockyAZ points out this is a VERY big deal and David Smith will deal with it.
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- watchdog1952
- Dec-12 @ 6:58 AM
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David Smith is a political hack. He should be fired. Saying, "Geez, we have a written policy against that behavior" is a sorry excuse for failure to adequately and diligently supervise County workers--mostly mid to top level management.
Hey, AZ Republic, where was Yvonne Wingett and all of this wrongdoing when the paper was busy with her yellow journalism articles re Thomas, Arpaio et al.???????? Why'd you bury the story until December?
- OldWileE
- Dec-12 @ 7:35 AM
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David and the BOS should be monitoring and have checks in place to discover these gross violations sooner. It seems every problem we hear about in Maricopa County has been ongoing for quite some time.
It's also part of their jobs.
- PhxAFPBird
- Dec-12 @ 8:26 AM
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excty....Good maybe he will help me too. I've been trapped in a hostile work environment for three years. My health has declined in the past 3 years due to the hostile environment.
- anonymouse
- Dec-12 @ 9:08 AM
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someone already lost their job. I bet there are 11 people that would gladly take their positions and not take free anything.. Evans should have been giving these tickets to his employees for their loyalty and hard work.
- MiaMama
- Dec-12 @ 10:36 AM
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David: hope you're wrong; hope some heads fly. But if you take a look at the Maricopa County Org Chart you will see that the Citizens of Maricopa County are at the head of that chart.
That means that we, the citizens "hire and fire" those in charge of this ethically challenged bunch. Looks like we haven't done a very good job of electing quality people.
August, 2012, primary elections for ALL Board of Supervisors. Is it time to clean house? Hope the Rep keeps investigating and exposing...then we'll know who gets deserves to get the boot next time around.
- John2008
- Dec-12 @ 11:37 AM
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This happens in every city. town, county and state govt! Nothing new here.
- ReggieVV
- Dec-12 @ 12:07 PM
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But all the State legislators who took tickets to events and days at resorts on "scholarships", thats OK. Why can't they resign or be fired for that stuff? What part of Illegal gratutites don't they understand? Last year the legislators got "scholarships" to th ALEC conference in New Orleans.
- tripe
- Dec-12 @ 12:18 PM
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You're probably right. It's only bad when you get caught. Which one of us doesn't like freebies?
- rockyAZ
- Dec-11 @ 11:47 PM
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This is NOT about lawmakers or other politicians. It is about people who knew they were violating the public trust while employed by Maricopa County. There will be consequences for those involved.
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- azinnj
- Dec-12 @ 12:33 AM
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No, this story isn't about politicians. But, FedUp is correct. None of the politicos that did the same thing got fired or punished. If anything, "law"makers should know better than the average county worker that what they are doing is unethical or outright illegal.
- marinegunny
- Dec-12 @ 1:17 AM
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government employees following the lead of their leaders and government law makers and politicians?
- FedUpInArizona
- Dec-12 @ 7:16 AM
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...and like that's any different than the politicians.
- OldWileE
- Dec-12 @ 7:37 AM
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rocky - These are Merit employees. Which is why they get warning letters instead of the "at will" employee who was fired on the spot.
Unions have no place in the public sector.
- catbert
- Dec-12 @ 8:00 AM
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The County Merit Rules don't protect employees from being fired for gross misconduct and/or financial abuses. If they aren't fired, don't blame the rules - blame the corrupt/inept County management.
- will0310
- Dec-12 @ 10:19 AM
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How many of the politicians in the Fiesta Bowl scandal got "FIRED"? Exactly ONE... Russell Pearce... but he was recalled mostly because of 1070 and other legislation related to illegal immigration...
The only one who will get fired in this scandal is the non-union employee...
- rockyAZ
- Dec-11 @ 11:48 PM
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Everybody in THIS situation should be dealt with appropriately. When specifics of bribery with lawmakers is the story, we deal with them accordingly at that time.
- marinegunny
- Dec-12 @ 1:16 AM
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innocent until proven guilty
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- OldWileE
- Dec-12 @ 7:39 AM
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You don't have to commit a crime to warrant termination of your employment.
Unless you work for the government, apparently.
- anonymouse
- Dec-12 @ 9:14 AM
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so don't put them on paid administrative leave. they are getting free money and not having to work for it!! make them work until the investigation is over and then dish out the punishment if they are guilty. why should they get a free vacation? make them take their vacation time while being investigated but no free time off from work.
- exctyengr
- Dec-12 @ 5:34 AM
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I don't think so, saveBrice, The County Manager is a person of very high ethical standards, he will deal with this appropriately. The fact that this has become public knowledge and is being properly investigated - no cover up - just open and honest facts should tell you something about County senior management.
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- kayaker20
- Dec-12 @ 8:07 AM
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Well, of course, we'll see just how high his ethical standards really are...
- I4thstreet
- Dec-12 @ 9:30 AM
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If this illegal behavior has been going on for some time, which it has, and the extent of the activity is so wide-spread, which it is, the county manager must suffer the consequences......the buck stops at his desk. It is under this county manager that all these numerous allegations have been reported. "Where there's smoke, there's fire." It is the county manager's duty, not only to hire honest and efficient employees, but to set the atmosphere for efficiency and honesty and to monitor his staff. That evidently has not been done. In this instant it appears that the county manager has failed in performing his duties.
- ratssmellbad
- Dec-12 @ 6:47 AM
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I guess you missed government workers and politicians around the country doing the same thing. LA mayor was found guilty of taking 500k in gifts and tickets and was forced to pay it back. But he never paid it back, a rich donor did.
- MiaMama
- Dec-12 @ 7:23 AM
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Even though this isn't about legislators, this time, they also deserve to be investigated about receiving gifts. How many of them went back and amended their disclosure reports to prove their "honesty and integrity". Has Pearce paid back his $40K of freebies yet?
If the local media will keep up the investigative reporting, we voters might be better informed for 2012 elections.
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- Wheresthesanity
- Dec-12 @ 7:43 AM
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The biggest problem with that is the State legislature set up the rules so they don't have to meet the same ethical standard they require of everyone else.
- NinthFloorHooligan
- Dec-12 @ 7:55 AM
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I don't disagree at all on keeping the same standards on elected officials, but let's also state the obvious here: Pearce lost the confidence of his district and lost his job. Along with it, he lost any future opportunities for public office. I see numerous references to Pearce here. Seems like some of you still have old axes to grind.
- hearusnow
- Dec-12 @ 8:41 AM
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Has Galardo paid his back??????? Pearce paid his back in many ways and rightfully so!
- MiaMama
- Dec-12 @ 9:21 AM
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NinthFloor: my comment included ALL lawmakers who took freebies. I have no "axe to grind" regarding Pearce. He's just the top taker and was so blatant that he "had done nothing wrong".
Hear: don't know Gallardo's status on repayment. I doubt that any legislator will pay back anything, but they did get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. And it's good that the voters now know about all this...
- marinegunny
- Dec-12 @ 1:15 AM
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Kind of like the culture at Peoria PD at the upper echelon? Command staff member with outstanding photo radar tickets, command staff members being less than truthful in I.A.s, having D.U.I.s, and being above scrutiny? Wonder if all those rumors are true?
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