Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gmail - Stop the Bogus Balanced Budget Amendment! - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Stop the Bogus Balanced Budget Amendment! - rejackh@gmail.com

Stop the Bogus Balanced Budget Amendment!

Colin Hanna info@lfrusa.com
10:45 AM (39 minutes ago)
to me


Dear Friend,

TOMORROW, Congress is poised to hold a vote on Senator Udall's proposed Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA). It is critical that you email your senators TODAY and tell them to OPPOSE this phony balanced budget amendment!

My most recent editorial, "The good, the bad and the bogus BBA's," that appears in today's online issue ofThe Hill explains why Senators should OPPOSE Senator Udall's basically BOGUS version -- it's designed to LOOK like a BBA, when in reality it's just a political cover ploy. It gives Senators who aren't really in favor of a BBA a way to pretend to support one, in order to appease the 70 to 80 percent of constituents that are demanding a balanced budget. It's pure political deceit, the very kind of cynical act that has resulted in Congress' lowest approval ratings in history.

You can take action right now by sending your Senators an email urging them to OPPOSE the Udall Balanced Budget Amendment and to support the strong Hatch-Lee BBA. BOTH versions will be voted on this week so it is critical that you take action today.

Colin Hanna, President

P.S. Please remember to also send a message to your member of Congress and your Senators today that you support S.968, the PROTECT IP Act. (IP stands for Intellectual Property, like software, movies, music and Internet processes and programs.) Rogue websites in countries like China are stealing American ideas, counterfeiting American products, and ripping off American technology. They think they can cheat their way to the top of the world economy at our expense, threatening nearly 19 million American jobs and almost $8 trillion in gross economic output. Tell Congress this must stop immediately!


©2011 Let Freedom Ring, Inc. All rights reserved.

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