Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gmail - You will not believe what the Senate passed! -

Gmail - You will not believe what the Senate passed! -

You will not believe what the Senate passed!

Liberty Counsel Action to me
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Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

Last Thursday evening the Senate passed a bill by a margin of 93-7 repealing the United States military’s ban on sodomy and bestiality. How did THAT happen? As Majority Leader Harry Reid has done so many times before, he buried outrageous activist legislation in a crucially important funding bill. In this case, the provision was attached to the Defense Appropriations Bill, which funds our military forces.

Conservatives should now be on HIGH ALERT for what’s coming next! See my important update below – Mat.


Harry Reid and his leftist cohorts have once again conspired to pass unwanted, and in this case immoral, legislation that the people of America would never approve.

The repeal of the military’s ban against sodomy and bestiality in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) could not have passed in a stand-alone vote. So the resourceful Senator Reid attached it to a defense bill, thus affording a smokescreen for the Senators who voted to pass the measure, along with all of its riders and stipulations.

This is why we MUST carefully watch the Omnibus Spending Bill being drafted by Congress right now. We must see if Harry Reid has the audacity to try to sneak the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” and other outrageous liberal bills through as riders to his Omnibus Bill.

++The Omnibus scenario is rapidly unfolding.

Reid and his Democrat co-conspirators are proposing to package all of the 2012 spending bills into a trillion dollar + “Omnibus Bill” prior to the federal government’s shutdown at midnight, December 17, when the most recent Continuing Resolution (CR) expires.

++President Obama has threatened to veto ANY spending bill if it contains “extreme” provisions.

But, what does the President mean by “extreme?”

White House Budget Director Jack Lew warned that President Obama will veto any bill with rider provisions, “such as those related to abortion and the environment… and ideological riders in it.” Extreme ideological riders, according to the President’s logic, include “family planning, women’s health, health reform and mining...”

Lew said “there should be no miscalculation about the intensity of his [the President’s] feelings on this...”

In other words, the President’s definition of “extreme” includes provisions affecting taxpayer-funded abortions, diminished budgets for his pet “green” projects, and the defunding of ObamaCare!

Also as anticipated, Reid’s spending package WILL include appropriations for leftist pet projects. Last year’s “Omnibus Bill,” which failed to be passed by Congress, contained 6,000 riders and included funding for ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood, and other favored leftist legislation.

++Barack Obama’s “line in the sand” is our call to action!

These are just a few of the reasons why Liberty Counsel Action is petitioning Congress to “Stop the Spending Now!” It’s not just the magnitude of the expenditures planned by an out-of-control, spendthrift government – it is, in many cases, where and how our tax money is being spent!

Jack, you and I are being forced to pay for things we consider abhorrent and immoral! This is totally unacceptable!

We MUST make sure that Congress gets our message loud and clear: “Stop the Spending Now!”

Go here to sign our powerful “Stop the Spending Now” Petition which will be hand-delivered to key Congressional offices before ANY fiscal bill to avoid a government shutdown comes up for a vote:

As I mentioned earlier, this petition will be sent to key congressional leaders who are involved in budget negotiations and fiscal affairs. The first delivery will happen the moment we reach 50,000 signers – or prior to the first vote on the pending Omnibus Bill, whichever comes first.

We launched this powerful petition during the Thanksgiving holiday, when most people were more concerned with family traditions than what’s happening in Washington, D.C., but over 10,000 concerned Americans have already taken a stand on this vital issue!

Liberty Counsel Action needs YOUR voice, too!

We must not yield to the radical leftists in this battle and allow reckless fiscal policies to continue to plague America! We need at least another 40,000 friends to sign our petition in the next few days so we can get our first delivery underway.

Government funding runs out in just two weeks, so we need your support NOW!

I must have your signature now to insure that your name is included along with many tens of thousands of other fiscal conservatives who desire to stop out-of-control government spending, to curb special interest funding, and to stop pet leftist projects from being funded:

++Help stop the fiscal insanity!

A popular adage says the definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Based on this saying, we have a large number of insane liberal politicians calling for the same fiscal policies that put us into this financial mess in the first place!

But it gets worse! President Obama is also twisting arms in Congress to pass his $447 billion “jobs creation package” despite the abysmal failures of his prior stimulus packages.

I URGE you to sign Liberty Counsel Action’s “Stop the Spending Now” Petition:

Thank you, as always, for your faithfulness to take action when issues affecting life, family, or freedom are on the line!

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. The Senate’s actions on the Defense Authorization Bill should put us all on HIGH ALERT! Harry Reid and his Democrat cohorts want to try and ramrod another “Omnibus Spending Bill” through Congress to hide earmarks, perks, and leftist pet projects. This at a time when America is facing economic collapse unless change comes quickly! Together, we must demand that Congress “Stop the Spending Now.” Click here to sign our powerful petition:

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