Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Keep Christ in Christmas" Brings Out the Haters | Godfather Politics

"Keep Christ in Christmas" Brings Out the Haters | Godfather Politics

“Keep Christ in Christmas” Brings Out the Haters

Keep Christ in Christmas_Cropped

There, I can use the “hate” word, too. Every time a conservative objects to some Liberal practice or policy, he’s described as a “hater” or using “hate speech.” Well, back at you! The latest hate-fest is taking place in Pitman, New Jersey. People are taking sides over a banner that hangs over Broadway that reads “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

“I think it’s wonderful, Christ is Christmas,” said Maria Marandino of Vineland.

Some unnamed residents who live in Pitman and who believe the sign that hangs across Main Street violates the Constitution, contacted the Freedom from Religion Foundation in Wisconsin [an organization] that promotes separation of church and state. The group’s consultant told Eyewitness News by phone that they’ve asked the town to remove the sign. (source)

Let’s get a few things straight. Christ is in the word Christmas, so I don’t see how using the words “Christ” and “Christmas” can be a problem. Do these nut jobs want to ban the words themselves? If someone walking on a public, tax-payer funded sidewalk and says “Merry Christmas,” will this bring out the Christ haters?

I realize that some government officials are substituting Happy Holidays for Merry Christmas and putting up Holiday trees instead of Christmas trees, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. The academics who substitute BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) for BC (Before Christ) and AD (anno domini, “In the Year of Our Lord”), think they’ve gotten rid of Jesus Christ. A sharp student might ask, “So why do the years in BCE get smaller as they move forward and the years in CE get larger? What’s the significance of the middle point between BCE and CE?” Even in this politically correct dating structure of BCE/CE is still dependent on the birth of Christ.

The claim that hanging a “Keep Christ in Christmas” banner is unconstitutional is absurd. The Constitution itself acknowledges the birth of Jesus Christ:

“DONE in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth.”

The use of “Lord” is a reference to Jesus, and 1787 states how many years it was at that point in time from His birth.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation says they will look for private property in Pitman to hang their sign, which reads:

“At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

Talk about hardened hearts. I hope they hang their sign and emblazon it with lights so everybody can see what idiots they are.

Some enterprising lawyer should push this anti-Christmas movement with rigid consistency. Government employees should not be permitted to claim December 25th as a paid holiday because it would be an endorsement of the Christian religion. For this reason, public school children should have to attend school on December 25th, even if they get off for a “Winter Holiday.” A holiday is a holy day.

To be consistent, all government employees should have to work on Sundays and Christmas. Allowing government workers off on these days is an explicit endorsement of the Christian religion. Public schools should also be opened on Saturday and Sunday because they are religious days. (The Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday and we don’t want to give the impression that government is endorsing any one religion.)

Give government workers and public school kids Monday and Tuesday off. There would be a practical benefit in addition to the required secular status of the days off. The nation’s highways would be less congested on these two non-religious days since government employees and public school children would be at home, sleeping in on their non-religious weekend.

By the way, the Constitution mentions Sunday as a day of rest for the President in Article 1, section 7. This means that there are two unconstitutional religious statements in the Constitution and no mention of a “separation between church and state.” The First Amendment prohibits “Congress” from an establishment of religion. Congress doesn’t have anything to do with what’s going on in Pitman, New Jersey. Let’s send the Christmas haters packing.

Great article explaining the amount of hate against Christians our judeo-apartheid rulers are willing to go.
Article [I.] First Amendment to Our Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice that the First Amendment to Our Constitution says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF. Whenever any person or group is denied the disp;lay of a reliigiious icon, material, etc., they should file suit againsst the group or individual that p;revented free exercise of their religion. It is a constitutional right, and if Congress can not deny the free exercise of one's religious beliefs, then I fail to see where anyone else has tht authority.
Don't necessarily think that religion is a problem for these folks but more so Jesus Christ. See religion can be whatever you want it to be but a relationship with God is another story. Could be one of the reasons for the separation clause, NOT to eliminate Jesus but ensure the States' church (religion) didn't become the law of the land to control people. THE reason we left to establish America. We need to start agreeing with these people that religion is bad but Christianity has nothing to do with religion. Christianity IS NOT a religion! That's why it's okay for everything else under the sun EXCEPT Christianity.
Monte's avatar

Monte· 4 minutes ago

These vermin don't want freedom of religion. They want only freedom of atheism.
BIRTHER's avatar

BIRTHER· 3 minutes ago




Read more: "Keep Christ in Christmas" Brings Out the Haters | Godfather Politics

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