U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Crossing With Mexico?

The bloody drug war in Mexico shows no sign of relenting. Neither do calls for tighter border security amid rising fears of spillover violence.

This hardly seems a time the U.S. would be willing to allow people to cross the border legally from Mexico without a customs officer in sight. But in this rugged, remote West Texas terrain where wading across the shallow Rio Grande undetected is all too easy, federal authorities are touting a proposal to open an unmanned port of entry as a security upgrade.

By the spring, kiosks could open up in Big Bend National Park allowing people from the tiny Mexican town of Boquillas del Carmen to scan their identity documents and talk to a customs officer in another location, at least 100 miles away.

The crossing, which would be the nation’s first such port of entry with Mexico, has sparked opposition from some who see it as counterintuitive in these days of heightened border security. Supporters say the crossing would give the isolated Mexican town long-awaited access to U.S. commerce, improve conservation efforts and be an unlikely target for criminal operations.

“People that want to be engaged in illegal activities along the border, ones that are engaged in those activities now, they’re still going to do it,” said William Wellman, Big Bend National Park’s superintendent. “But you’d have to be a real idiot to pick the only place with security in 300 miles of the border to try to sneak across.”

The proposed crossing from Boquillas del Carmen leads to a vast expanse of rolling scrub, cut by sandy-floored canyons and violent volcanic rock outcroppings. The Chihuahuan desert wilderness is home to mountain lions, black bears and roadrunners, sparsely populated by an occasional camper and others visiting the 800,000-acre national park.

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201 Responses to U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Crossing With Mexico?

  1. Another Veteran says:

    Is his Obama’s idea? He said ATMs cost american jobs and now this? What a crock, do they really think that kiosks will stop the drug traffic and gun running? This fits in with both Holder and Obama as an idea that will go down in infamy.

    • True Patriot says:

      I think we’ve sold our soul to Mexico, or Texas to Mexico. What’s next?
      Website: http://www.haasstrep68.com

    • Insurgent says:

      Open the season year around, no daily bag limit, all artillery is legal !!!

      • SteveB says:

        Now that is a immigration policy!

        • slapjack says:

          Is this what we can expect from a HAAAAAAAAAAAvard graduate???? Civil disobedience union organization hate discontent mental retardation and general idiocy???? We the people must demand all funding with our tax dollars to universities must be curtailed ASAP to prevent this LIBTARDATION of our youth. Talk about dummbing down!!!!!! We have allowed a bang up job to happen right under our noses. Obummer the Stupidadzhole of the Commie Libtardation of America aka The Prez.

          • Deby Zimmerman says:

            He’s NOT a graduate of ANY college….TRY and find his records, let alone ANYONE WHO WENT TO SCHOOL WITH HIM….. REALLY??? NOBODY remembers the GREAT ONE????? PRETTY hard to hid with HIS SMUG attitude so obvious!!! BUT such is the case!! Shoot, he doesn’t even have any “old” girlfriends who dated him in college!! REALLY???? NOTHING, this Muslim has NO PAST… now to make him invisible and we could be totally rid of him!!!! SOMETHING needs to happen to end the path of destruction that he has set up for our nation!!!!

        • Frank C says:

          I think the “idoits” in Washington are getting dumber by the day.

          • Lonnie W. Lynch says:

            No, they are not getting dumber by the day, We the people are for allowing them to stay there and continue to make these stupid decisions !!!!

        • JOHN JUAN JJ says:


      • ovgrandpa says:

        I’ll go along with that. makes good food for the voltures

      • JOHN JUAN JJ says:


      • Doris Carman says:

        Unmanned port of entry. hmmm, doesnt that sound like what we need.? You know all the mexicans and whoevers will surely stop and scan. They have proven to be so law abiding all these years.
        Maybe a better idea is for stupid to go to Mexico and tell El Presidente (like calderon tells us) how to run his country so people dont have to leave there to live properly. We go everywhere else and talk about human rights. Go there too. Tell them they are corrupt. also that they have the resources for good living all over mexico if the government would let the people make money enough to live on.Gold, silver gemstones lots of resources. oil?

    • ghostrideraz says:

      The man has no concept of our Nations Security Needs. He must go. It does not matter if we pick Rommney,Gring or any other candidate. As crazy as Ron Paul is sometimes he is being to sound alittle more on track.
      Lets Get Obama out. We con not afford him!