Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gmail - Attorney General declared "hostile witness" -

Gmail - Attorney General declared "hostile witness" -

Attorney General declared "hostile witness"

Liberty Counsel Action
8:25 PM (16 hours ago)
to me

Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

Chairman Darrell Issa has declared Attorney General Eric Holder to be a “hostile witness” to express his extreme dissatisfaction over Holder’s testimony regarding “Operation Fast and Furious” to the House Oversight Committee. Please see my important update below – Mat.


Attorney General Eric Holder is in growing disfavor with scores of Congressmen who are calling for a vote of “no confidence” in Holder’s management of the DOJ. Others are loudly calling for his impeachment.

Representative Darrell Issa, Chairman of the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, did not mince any words in his assessment of Eric Holder’s testimony and degree of cooperation with Congress:

“The Department of Justice's conduct in the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious has been nothing short of shameful.”

“You have made numerous statements about Fast and Furious that have eventually been proven to be untrue. Your lack of trustworthiness while speaking about Fast and Furious has called into question your overall credibility as Attorney General.”

Issa’s anger at the unreliability of the DOJ’s testimony led him to declare the Attorney General of the United States to be a “hostile witness” in the investigation. Shouldn’t we expect more of the nation’s top law enforcement officer?

Holder is now slated to appear before the Oversight Committee on February 2nd to address extreme managerial failures, a lack of response from the DOJ to Congress, and the DOJ’s misleading testimonies.

Meanwhile, scores of congressional and political leaders are now uniting to call for Eric Holder’s resignation or impeachment.

Representative Paul Gosar has introduced a House Resolution for a vote of “No Confidence” that has at least 100 signers to date calling for further action if Attorney General Holder stubbornly refuses to resign.

Please, join Liberty Counsel Action in supporting the House “No Confidence” Resolution by signing our petition calling for the removal of Eric Holder as Attorney General through his resignation, impeachment, House Resolution, or other means:

++We join Chairman Issa in calling into question Eric Holder’s credibility as Attorney General.

Late last week, Liberty Counsel, our sister organization, handed Eric Holder’s Department of Justice a major defeat in their groundless attack on a Florida pro-life educator, Mary Susan Pine.

Holder and the DOJ had sought to levy thousands of dollars in fines against Pine as well as to get a permanent injunction banning her from continuing her faithful 20-year ministry outside an abortion clinic in West Palm Beach, Florida.

But this scheme was thrown out of court and drew sharp criticism from Judge Kenneth L. Ryskamp, who concluded that the government lacked evidence to prove not just one, but “all three elements of its FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act) claim.”

Judge Ryskamp concluded that “the evidence could not lead a rational jury to find that Ms. Pine’s conduct [i.e., having peaceful conversations with clinic visitors on a public sidewalk] constituted a physical obstruction within the meaning of FACE.”

In ending the DOJ’s two-year political persecution of Ms. Pine,
the Judge chastised Holder for seeking to apply federal law in a clearly unconstitutional manner:

“The Court is at a loss as to why the Government chose to prosecute this particular case in the first place.”

“Stretching the terms of FACE to apply to this that a desire to provide people with information about alternatives to abortion constitutes an unlawful motive, would unjustifiably impinge on Ms. Pine's First Amendment rights.”

When Attorney General Eric Holder should be prosecuting terrorists, he is wasting time manufacturing baseless lawsuits against pro-lifers. This action by the Attorney General is an abuse of power and an example of badly misplaced priorities.

This is yet another reason why Attorney General Eric Holder MUST BE REMOVED from office! Go here to sign Liberty Counsel Action’s petition:

++Eric Holder’s misguided, highly politicized agenda.

Eric Holder is sworn to be our nation’s “top cop,” yet I, along with many other attorneys and professionals in the nation’s judicial system, no longer have confidence in Mr. Holder’s legal and professional judgment, or his opinions and advice, which are the chief requirements for successfully performing the duties of the United States Attorney General.

Thus far in his tenure, Mr. Holder has: Dishonored his oath to uphold the Constitution; allegedly deceived Congress; routinely taken risky and controversial actions; expressed biased viewpoints; and advanced ideologies detrimental to American law and culture, including systematically undermining natural marriage and actively promoting a pro-abortion agenda.

I urge you to take a moment to sign this important petition now:

Thank you in advance for standing against Eric Holder’s dereliction of duty in the office of Attorney General. This is a very important campaign, and I am grateful for your support!

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. There is an abundance of evidence that Eric Holder, the nation’s highest ranking law enforcement official, is simply not fulfilling his solemn oath to uphold America’s laws and defend our Constitution. He must be removed from office! Please, click here to sign the petition:

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