Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gmail - Event Alert: Stop the War on Coal -

Gmail - Event Alert: Stop the War on Coal -

Event Alert: Stop the War on Coal

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show details 11:49 AM (1 hour ago)

National Mining Association: Act Online

The National Mining Association (NMA) is the official voice of the American mining industry in Washington, DC.

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NMA ACT Online

Help Protect American Coal Jobs

Act Now!

What: Field Hearing on OSM-BLM Consolidation
When: Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Where: Highlands Fire District, 2838 Kona Trail, Flagstaff, AZ

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold a field hearing in Flagstaff, Arizona at the Highland Fire District on Jan. 25 to solicit input on the proposed consolidation of OSM within BLM.

Rather than going forward with this ill-advised and illegal OSM-BLM consolidation, we must stop OSM from carrying out job-killing changes to the stream buffer zone rule.

Under the Obama Administration, OSM has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars to launch a brand new unnecessary and unjustified stream protection rule that will result in significant and sweeping changes to coal mining in America. OSM's current analysis demonstrated that the rule would cripple the coal mining and destroy thousands of coal mining and related jobs across the nation.

We have to use this opportunity to tell OSM and the Obama Administration to stop this rulemaking. America has lost enough jobs in this recession already. We can't afford to make tens of thousands of American families pay the price for the Obama Administration's continuing war on coal.

We encourage all coal supporters in the area to attend and make mining's voice heard. Here are some relevant factoids on the Stream Buffer Zone Rule for your reference.

Thank you for your support

© 2011, National Mining Association.

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