Friday, January 6, 2012

Gmail - GOOD NEWS to report on RECALL campaign -

Gmail - GOOD NEWS to report on RECALL campaign -

GOOD NEWS to report on RECALL campaign

Office of CDBO via
7:26 AM (4 hours ago)
to me

As we've been reporting to you for months now, Barack Obama's political operatives have been working to RECALL one of the most successful conservative Republican governors in America: Gov. Scott Walker.

Today we have some good news to pass on to you. A Wisconsin judge has ruled in favor of Gov. Scott Walker that the state's election board must, "take affirmative steps" to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions." Here's the headline from Fox 6 News:

As you know we'd put out an alert on the fact that there were countless bogus and fake signatures being put on RECALL petitions, including ones that were signed as Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler. The state's election board however, had refused to invalidate these signatures saying they would operate with the presumption that signatures were valid unless proven to them otherwise.

Now they will be compelled to do their job and make sure that only qualified voters' signatures will be counted. This is a great victory!

We continue to thank you for your support for our efforts to stop Barack Obama's corrupt political hacks from succeeding in their campaign to RECALL Gov. Scott Walker.

You can contribute anywhere from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000 to help us defeat this RECALL Gov. Scott Walker campaign.


Thank you very much for your support. If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:

Campaign To Defeat Obama
P.O. Box 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684

Also, be sure to share this email with your friends on Twitter & Facebook:

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