Friday, January 20, 2012

Gmail - Live From the SHOT Show and Visitor Shoots Home Invader... -

Gmail - Live From the SHOT Show and Visitor Shoots Home Invader... -

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Live From the SHOT Show and Visitor Shoots Home Invader...

Tim - USCCA to me
show details 10:35 AM (22 minutes ago)
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An Exclusive Publication of The
United States Concealed Carry Association

"Live From the SHOT Show and Visitor Shoots Home Invader..."

By Tim Schimdt
USCCA Founder

Dear Fellow Responsibly Armed Citizen,

Before getting into this week’s Concealed Carry Report I just wanted to say that I have had a wonderful time these last few days, while in Las Vegas, attending the 2012 SHOT Show.

Having the chance for myself, and many of the USCCA Staff to be able to spend time with our members and to personally answer their questions and concerns is a great feeling! I am already looking forward to the 2013 SHOT show! :)

Let's get into this week’s Concealed Carry Report, where I have added a True Defense Story in which a responsibly armed citizen saved not only his own life, but also the life of the homeowner’s that they were visiting. It shows how important it is to surround ourselves with people who are just as responsible as you and I.

I have also included an article from Cody Alderson that shocked me as I read it. Let me know your thoughts...

Until Next Week, Stay Safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder

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