Friday, January 20, 2012

Gmail - The Union is in a Sorry State -

Gmail - The Union is in a Sorry State -

The Union is in a Sorry State

Richard W. Walker to me
show details 9:45 AM (1 hour ago)

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January 20, 2012

Do you realize that when President Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Jan. 24 it will mark 1,000 days since Congress last passed a federal budget?! Yes, it's been just shy of three years since Congress took action on the most important duty they have. To be fair, the House of Representatives has passed a couple of budget proposals, but the Senate has passed nothing. No wonder the government has a spending problem!

Would you go three years without balancing your check book? I sure wouldn't!

In the State of the Union address we'll likely hear a lot about the economy and job creation, but the government needs to stick to business and pass a budget. As far as the economy is concerned, if the government would quit micro-managing through onerous taxes and regulations, and let the markets work, we'd probably see some progress.

Thanks for your support!

Richard W. Walker
Chief Operating Officer

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