Friday, January 20, 2012

Gmail - Who Should Get Jobs: Unemployed Americans or Bring In More Immigrants? -

Gmail - Who Should Get Jobs: Unemployed Americans or Bring In More Immigrants? -

Who Should Get Jobs: Unemployed Americans or Bring In More Immigrants?

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show details 9:45 AM (1 hour ago)

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser,
NumbersUSA. They have some important information to share with you.
Thank you.

NumbersUSA: For Lower Immigration Levels


This taboo question is sweeping the internet and national media (including New York Times and Huffington Post), prompted by the TV ad we have been running in Primary states.

It's a question that every politician ought to have to answer. When you click on one of the buttons below, we will give you a chance to send a free petition to your Members of Congress asking them to back your position.

CLick on the image of the ad to watch it. AND FORWARD THIS EMAIL SO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY CAN VOTE, TOO.

VOTE: Who Should Get The Next U.S. Jobs?

Unemployed AmericansorBring in more Immigrants

Click on your choice and we'll send a free petition giving your opinion to your U.S. Representative and your state's 2 Senators. We'll also send you a weekly report on the running vote results

Every year, federal immigration policies automatically give permanent work permits to about a million new immigrants at every occupation level.

At the same time, 20 million Americans (including foreign-born U.S. citizens) who want a full-time job are unable to find one.

  • Some politicians question whether this automatic program should continue to add more immigrant competitors for scarce jobs.

  • Others say the extra competition from another million immigrants is good for the economy overall, adding vitality and needed skill.

Vote above. And join the national debate about whether to continue immigration at current levels or to reduce the number of new immigrant workers to make it easier for unemployed Americans to get a job.

This petition is organized by NumbersUSA, America's largest-member
immigration-reduction organization. We are non-profit and non-partisan.

Copyright © 2012 NumbersUSA . 1601 N Kent St, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209. All Rights Reserved.

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