Friday, January 20, 2012

Gmail - March for Life! -

Gmail - March for Life! -

March for Life!

Colin Hanna
11:23 AM (1 hour ago)
to me


Dear Jack,

This week is the 39th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the wrongfully decided Supreme Court decision that tragically legalized abortion and has since resulted in over 50 million innocent lives being taken away. On Monday hundreds of thousands will gather in Washington, DC for the March for Life: a powerful march for the day when all life will be respected.

Can you join me and many other Americans at this year's March for Life? Click here for more information.


If you are not able to attend, please take a moment to pray on Monday for the safety of those traveling long distances to the March for Life, pray for the pro-life movement's efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and pray for those considering having an abortion.

For those attending, we would love to post your best pictures of the March for Life on our Facebook page! So be sure to take some pictures and send your favorites to

Many thanks,

Alex Cortes
Executive Director


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