Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Stakes Are High in 2012 Elections – Patriot Update

The Stakes Are High in 2012 Elections – Patriot Update

The Stakes Are High in 2012 Elections

Written on January 11, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

china us flags

It is so easy to get caught up in the internecine feuding of Republican presidential candidates that we lose sight of the big picture and forget that the real problem is Obama and leftwing members of Congress rather than Romney, Gingrich, Perry, Paul, Santorum, Huntsman, or Bachmann. While the Republican presidential hopefuls are doing their best to demonize each other, conservative Americans should stay focused on what is at stake in the 2012 elections and proceed accordingly. The 2012 Presidential and Congressional elections might turn out to be the most important in the history of America.

Consider what is likely to happen if Obama wins re-election and retains control of the Senate (heaven forbid that he regains control of the House of Representatives):

  • Obamacare will remain in place and will make it to the magic 11th year when the real costs begin to show up in the federal budget.
  • Illegal immigration will be handled in a way that turns illegals into a major constituency of the Democrat party—a constituency whose members are not required to produce a picture ID in order to vote.
  • Government spending will continue until the United States finally defaults on its debt and becomes just another province of China.
  • Taxes will steadily increase in an attempt to pay the interest on a national debt that is out of control.
  • Job killing federal regulations will proliferate at an increasing rate until the federal government controls every minute of every American’s life.
  • As regulations and taxes increase unemployment will rise correspondingly.
  • Supreme Court justices will retire or die and be replaced by new judges who are even more leftwing in their thinking—“living Constitution” advocates who see it as their right to legislate from the bench.

By the end of a second Obama term, the United States of America will be the Union of American Socialist States. There is some good news in this bleak picture. By the end of a second Obama term, America will finally have an official national language. Unfortunately, it will be Chinese.

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70 Responses to The Stakes Are High in 2012 Elections

  1. steve says:

    You may be correct. Our education system has had 40 years to dumb down the public. Now most cannot even begin to understand what you are saying.

    Socialist/Communists always start with Education and replacing any adults in it. Just look at the purges of the USSR, Red China, Cambodia, etc.

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    • town mayor says:

      You are unfortunatly correct and the attidude will be; yea but he gives us free stuff.

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        • Leigh Shafer says:

          Are you kidding me? Just look at the thousands of doctors who are no longer practicing medicine because the costs of serving their patients have skyrocketed with the Affordable Health Care Act – and consider the fact that payments to the doctors for medicare patients has dropped to an all time low. This is no way to run a business and certainly no way to run a country!

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          • Michael says:

            Having been accepted for med school after serving four in the U.S.A.F. I recalled my uncle an MD telling me to stay out of medicine because it was becoming socialized. I’m thankful he shared his advice with me which I took.

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        • Randy131 says:

          Daves must be living on Mars, because nobody living on this planet since Obama became President believes in what Daves just said.

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          • janmarnc says:

            Dave is a “moron”! Lets hope he’s not the majority concerning this awful event, if it happens! I’m really afraid for our children and grandchildren if that “man” remains in office!!! He has done so much damage, that we may be unable to counter his assaults on our (once?) great nation…sigh! So all I can say to you people out there is…PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

            Thumb up Thumb down +12

          • Retired Marine MSgt in Marana, Az says:

            janmarnc wrote: “sigh! So all I can say to you people out there is…PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

            What you should have said is “VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!”

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          • am2sweet says:

            Dave is obviously receiving the Obama ‘freebies’ to come up with anything like that.

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        • Floyd says:

          one of these days daves you’ll see the light . your just an obama bat right now, Blinded in sight mind an heart.. you even gave obama your looks like thats what you did..
          still waiting for you to refute all these obama atrocities against the United States of America you say you can prove false..

          I know i’ve posted this a number of times ,,But still so many have NOT seen this,,I’ll be posting this till election day..
          PS.I add a new screw up by obama everyday cause this is what he does to America..EVERYDAY..!
          Here are just a FEW things Obama has done since in the White House. I’m sure you forgot but once you read the list it’ll ring some bells in your head..! And WE all know this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more he’s done to DAMAGE America..4 more years I HOPE & PRAY NOT..!

          1. Obama Lying About His Social Security Number
          2. Obama Lying About His Nation Of Birth
          3. Obama’s Endless Tyrannical Executive Orders
          4. The Obama Soros’ Occupy Wall street Mob
          5. Uganda
          6. Obama Giving Solyndra 535 Million Of Our Money
          7. Raising The Deficit To 18 Trillion
          8. America’s First Credit Downgrade
          9. Obama’s Fast And Furious Criminal Operation
          10. Repeal Of DOMA
          11. Repeal Of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
          12. Obama Buying His Union Votes With Our Tax Money
          13. Obama Empowering The Muslim Brotherhood And Al Qaeda
          14. Obama Swearing That He Would Side With Muslims Against Us Patriots
          15. Obama’s Hate Speech Provocations
          16. Obama putting Muslim’s Rights Over All Other American’s Rights
          17. Obama Ignoring North Korean Aggression
          18. Obama’s Democrats Voting Against Auditing The Corrupt Federal Reserve Bank
          19. Obama Giving Brazilian & Soro’ Owned Oil Company Two Billion To Drill Off Shore With The Oil Slated To Go To China
          20. Lopsided Nuke Deals
          21. Obama’s Expensive & Unnecessary Trip To India
          22. Obama’s Illegal Aunt Living Off Our Taxes
          23. Obama Taking 500 Billion From Medicare And From Our Senior Citizens To Fund His Illegals On welfare
          24. Obama Having The Cross and the letters IHS covered up that symbolizes the name of Jesus Christ at Georgetown University obama delivering a dismal 45-minute speech.
          25. Mosque At 9-11 Ground Zero
          26. Obama and Hillary calling in the UN to slam Arizona, 22 States & our nation’s laws
          27. Our Tax Money Being Used To Fund The Democrat Propagandist National Public Radio
          28. Obamacare
          29. Abortions paid for under Obamacare
          30. Suing Arizona
          31. Obama’s Wealth Redistribution
          32. No Social Security Cost Of Living Increase For Retired Americans For Two Years
          33. Bailouts
          34. Bribes
          35. Obama’s & BP’s Mishandled Gulf Of Mexico Oil Aneurysm
          36. 535 Billion Of Your Money Spent On Illegals Every Year
          37. Obama’s 2.6 Trillion Amnesty
          38. Economy Trashed By The Democrats
          39. Democrat Voter Fraud
          40. No Real Border Security Enforcement
          41. Siding with the Marxist Zelaya in Honduras against the will of the people their
          42. No Jobs
          43. Beer Summit
          44. Calling Our Returning Veterans Potential Terrorists
          45. AG Holder setting the 9-11 terrorist trial just blocks from the 9-11 attack site
          46. Calling Christians Potential Terrorists
          47. Hands Holding Crotch During Pledge Of Allegiance
          48. Rev Wright
          49. Michelle
          50. Massive & Reckless Spending
          51. Harry Reid
          52. Nancy Pelosi
          53. Sestak Obamacare Death Panels
          54. Nationalizing Banks
          55. Nationalizing US Industry
          56. Obama’s Massive Stimulus Failure
          57. Calling Tea Party Activists Racists
          58. New Black Panther Party Thugs empowered by Obama’s AG Holder
          59. Using the NAACP to spread Racist Propaganda
          60. Obama’s Dept Of Justice Refusing To Prosecute Black Racist Discrimination Against White People
          61. ACORN
          62. Dead People Voting As Democrats
          63. Calling Terrorism A Man Made Disaster
          64. Calling America a Muslim Nation
          65. Obama Giving One Billion Of Your Money To The Hamas Terrorists Of Gaza
          66. Bowing to the Saudi king of Terror
          67. The Obama Apology Tour
          68. Obama’s Marxist Czars
          69. Obama’s Muslim Czars advocating for Islamic Sharia Law in America 70. Cap & Trade Tax
          71. agenda 21
          72. Obama’s Terrorist Appeasement
          73. The Islamization Of NASA
          74. Muslims exempted from Obamacare
          75. Obama’s Mistreatment Of Israel
          76. The NDAA to imprison Americans at will the New Start Treaty in Russia the 111th Democratic Congress
          77. Violating the rules of the U.S. House•
          78. Inappropriately handing out the legislative powers of Congress.
          79. Upending the legislative process Usurping the powers reserved to the states in the U.S. Constitution.
          80. Barack Obama has advocated that the nation should move beyond the constraints of the founding document .
          81.President Obama informed Congress and the American people that he and he alone will decide which laws coming to his desk are constitutional or not. 82.FEMA Camps 83.Obama mistreating our friends

          Americans, hear what your president is saying: I’ll work within the system. But if they won’t move, then…I will dictate where we’re going.
          The arrogance of this man and the way he rewrites all of American history
          and obama adds something new everyday ,, cause he never stops hurting our America.

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