Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gmail - Budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget! -

Gmail - Budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget! -

Budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget!

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Budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget!

imageThis is exactly why people are frustrated with Washington politicians. Americans have to work within a budget. When they don't, things go crazy. It works like that in Washington too, except our elected officials are quite happy letting things go crazy rather than following a budget. Just look at Democrat Steny Hoyer. At a briefing with reporters regarding the fact that it's been 1,000 days since Congress passed a budget, Hoyer said, "The fact is, you don't need a budget." And these guys wonder why Congressional approval is in the toilet?

Santorum says there are good earmarks and bad earmarks

OKLAHOMA CITY - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is defending his use of spending earmarks in Congress, saying some were necessary for defense or health programs.

And now a word from our sponsors...

The Secular Media Vs. Religious Liberty

The Obama administration is waging war on Christianity. Somehow, the networks haven't seen this as newsworthy.

Gingrich hopes high road, new funds can save him

CLEVELAND (AP) - Newt Gingrich, suddenly in danger of losing his perch as Mitt Romney's strongest GOP challenger, is fine-tuning his presidential campaign to place more emphasis on raising money, guarding his home turf and trying to avoid nasty quarrels with the front-runner.

Military falls in line with Michelle O's diet plan

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hold the mystery meat: Military bases will soon be serving more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dishes under the first program in 20 years to improve nutrition standards across the armed services.

Google under fire for proposed privacy changes

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to force the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to block Google's planned changes to its privacy settings.

Tribe suing beer companies for alcohol problems

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - An American Indian tribe sued some of the world's largest beer makers Thursday, claiming they knowingly contributed to devastating alcohol-related problems on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Obama forces banks to pay settlement to mortgage holders

WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. states reached a landmark $25 billion deal Thursday with the nation's biggest mortgage lenders over foreclosure abuses that occurred after the housing bubble burst.

Economic Chaos Ahead

Let's think about the kind of mess that we're in. Federal 2010 Medicare and Medicaid expenditures totaled $800 billion. The projected annual growth of both programs is about 7 percent. Social Security expenditures are more than $700 billion a year.

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