Monday, February 13, 2012

Gmail - Horowitz Reveals Well Kept Secret -

Gmail - Horowitz Reveals Well Kept Secret -

Horowitz Reveals Well Kept Secret

Vision to America to me
show details 9:01 AM (1 hour ago)

Vision to America Logo

Dear Fellow Conservative,

The dirty little secret of American higher education: on campuses across the country pro-terror groups stage political demonstrations that have the tone and content of Hitler's Nuremberg rallies every single day.

Anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hatred are not only tolerated in our universities, they are in vogue. The atmosphere on campus today recalls that of Germany in the 1930s when Hitler was laying the groundwork for the Holocaust. Muslim students are allowed to intimidate Jewish students. They are allowed to bring Islamist preachers of hate onto campuses with unapologetically vile messages that would cause the KKK to blush.

Like yesterday's "good Germans," members of the academic community look the other way...Because of political correctness--Muslims are an "oppressed minority group"--no one dares oppose this hatred. No one except for the Freedom Center.

But even as we have been fighting the good fight we have been dismayed by how powerful the Islamist advance on our campuses is today. How bad is the situation? Find out in our groundbreaking new pamphlet, Muslim Hate Groups on Campus. For your $25 tax-deductible contribution, I'll rush you a copy of Muslim Hate Groups on Campus and for your contribution of $50 or more, I'll send you 10!

Muslim Hate Groups on Campus spotlights the radical Muslim Students Association, a group created years ago by the Muslim Brotherhood as part of a subversive network of organizations dedicated to the overthrow of American society. This supposedly benign "cultural" campus organization, in addition to leading the anti-Semitic hatefests of today, has actually been the breeding ground for today's international terrorist leadership!

In Muslim Hate Groups on Campus, you'll learn startling facts like how the President of the MSA Washington DC Council, Ramy Zamzam, was arrested and convicted in Pakistan of trying to join the Taliban and Wa'el Hamza Julaidan was MSA President at the University of Arizona before he co founded al-Qaeda. In other words, the student leaders of the MSA don't go on to careers in business, or education or philanthropy, but to careers in terror carrying an AK-47 rather than a diploma!

We must alert citizens, parents, school administrations and public officials at the federal and local level about how our campuses are being used as training centers for terrorists. We must tell them how the MSA student leaders who spew hatred against Jewish students today strap on suicide belts tomorrow and join the fight against American and Israeli democracy.

Will you follow this link to make the most generous tax-deductible contribution you can afford today to receive your copy of Muslim Hate Groups on Campus?

With your help, the Freedom Center will distribute 500,000 copies of Muslim Hate Groups on Campusto the media, and to state legislators responsible for oversight of public colleges, to school trustees who administer our universities and alumni who fund them through their donations.

Thank you for all your support of the Center and my work on the campuses. Thank you for standing with me against these subversive groups.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

P.S. When you read our new pamphlet, Muslim Hate Groups on Campus, you'll be shocked to learn about the hateful, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel movements taking place at American colleges and universities. The Freedom Center is sounding the alarm, but we need your support to do so. Please follow this link right away to make the most generous tax-deductible contribution you can afford today. For your gift of $25 or more, I'll rush you a copy of Muslim Hate Groups on Campus and for $50 or more, I'll send you 10! Thanks—David

The David Horowitz Freedom Center
P.O. Box 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964 - A Division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC

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