Monday, February 6, 2012

Gmail - Media look the other way as Obama wages a war on religion -

Gmail - Media look the other way as Obama wages a war on religion -

Media look the other way as Obama wages a war on religion

David Martin, Executive Vice President via to me
show details 6:22 PM (50 minutes ago)

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center

February 6, 2012

Dear Jack,

When one of our nation’s most sacred values comes under attack by an administration obsessed with amassing power, do the news media have a responsibility to report the truth?

We wish this was a rhetorical question.

Incredibly, the liberal media are looking the other way as the Obama Administration wages an aggressive war on religious liberty.

Click here to stand with the Media Research Center’s Founder and President Brent Bozell, who sent a letter to the heads of ABC, NBC and CBS exhorting them to “Tell the Truth!” about the President’s war on religion.

Conservatives warned from the very beginning that ObamaCare amounted to a massive government intrusion into our private lives. We can now fully appreciate the extent of this intrusion. As part of ObamaCare, the federal government is forcing religious institutions to provide health insurance to employees covering sterilizations, abortifacients, and contraceptives.

This presents Catholic hospitals and other religious institutions with an impossible moral — never mind financial — dilemma: violate their sacred religious principles by paying for sterilizations and contraceptives or close their doors, leaving millions of Americans without their schools, hospitals and other services. (One in Six Americans receives medical care at a Catholic run hospital.)

Only an Administration unrelenting focused on centralizing power and controlling our lives would put religious organizations in such a position. And only a “news” media similarly focused on protecting this Administration would ignore a scandal of this magnitude.

The Obama Administration’s insurance mandate is a blatant assault on religious liberty and we must hold the media accountable for refusing to report this scandal.

The Administration’s war on traditional, conservative values is one of its most shameful legacies. The liberal media are ignoring the President’s war on religion because it is an utter embarrassment for him and newsroom Marxists—the unofficial propagandists for President Obama—know it. It is appalling and inexcusable that the liberal media refuse to cover news that is embarrassing to the President.

Click here to sign a letter by MRC Founder and President to the heads of the major news networks.

This isn’t about Democrats and Republicans or liberals and conservatives; Americans of all ideological stripes should be deeply offended by the Obama Administration’s senseless war on religion.

We should be equally offended by the fact that the left-wing media are limiting coverage of this story. We must hold them accountable for this dereliction of journalistic responsibility.

Let’s make sure the liberal media don’t get away with covering up for the Obama Administration once again.

Thank you for standing with us on this critical issue.



P.S. MRC researched exposed the so called "news" media for doing over 6 times as many stories on the Susan G. Komen - Planned Parenthood situation than on this major threat to religious liberty.


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