Friday, December 2, 2011

Gmail - "[CCR] - Clerk Kills Robber, Saves Baby..." -

Gmail - "[CCR] - Clerk Kills Robber, Saves Baby..." -

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An Exclusive Publication of The
United States Concealed Carry Association

"[CCR] - Clerk Kills Robber, Saves Baby..."

By Tim Schimdt
USCCA Founder

Dear Fellow Responsibly Armed Citizen,

Let’s jump right into this week’s Concealed Carry Report...

This week I am including an article from Cody Alderson where he explains different situations that each of us could find ourselves in, and theinstant choices that would need to be made.

He goes on to say that although Chuck Norris can ‘take out’ 6 guys single handed, we need to be proficient with our firearms in case our lives are ever in danger.

I am also including a Facebook post from this past week for each of you to see. Each week I will include the most popular post from the USCCA Fan Page.

Enjoy the great articles!

Until next week Stay Safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder

Clerk in Florida Kills Would-be Robber, Saves Baby


This self-defense story kills two birds with one stone. Pun intended as you will soon discover. A woman successfully saved her baby...


Rob Pincus Co-Hosts the Show in Orlando

By: Mark Walters

BECOME A FAN! Join the thousands of other fans of Armed American Radio on Facebook! COMING UP THIS WEEK! What a week here at...


Post of the Week

By: USCCA Facebook Page

U.S. News - Dog shoots man: Medics remove 27 pellets from hunter's buttocks. Want to see more from Facebook?? Click HERE!!!...


You Are Not the Hero of Your Own Action Movie

By: Cody S. Alderson

This article starts off with a USCCA Member's Only forum post. This one got me wondering a bit. There is certainly an...


My Friend Can't Hit the Broad Side of A Barn

By: USCCA Community

Beretta Anyone tried the Beretta Nano yet? It really interests me. Non tactical shotgun for home defense? How many of you fellow USCCA members use...


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