The Democratic National Committee’s recent flurry of attacks against Republican presidential front-runner
Mitt Romney shows that the campaign of President
Barack Obama views the former Massachusetts governor as a major threat, says New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie.
The Democratic attacks are “the greatest thing in the world” for Romney’s campaign, Christie said at a Republican Governors Association meeting Wednesday,
Politico reports. “Let’s let the president and his henchmen keep doing it. That shows he’s the person they’re most afraid of. And that’s good news for us from a political perspective.”
Christie, who endorsed Romney after deciding against a presidential bid of his own, reiterated his disappointment with
Obama’s job performance. “Real leadership is not what you see in the White House right now,” he said. “I think it’s a sad day in our country’s history to have a bystander in the Oval Office, and that’s we have.”
The rising Republican star scoffed at the notion that Republican voters feel little enthusiasm for Romney now. “If you define enthusiasm as being at 30 percent [in the polls] one day and then 8 percent two weeks later, I call that schizophrenia, not enthusiasm,” he said.
The other candidates “seem to be riding a roller coaster that they don’t know where it’s going to land. I know where it’s going to land for
Mitt Romney. It’s going to land with the Republican nomination.”
Although former House Speaker
Newt Gingrich has enjoyed a burst of popularity in recent weeks, Christie doesn’t think it will last. Other candidates too have enjoyed a brief surge in the polls, only to crash back down, he notes.
“Past is prologue,” Christie said. Gingrich might be different, “but every person who has come up and either come near Gov. Romney or risen above him turns out to then have fallen back down. We’ll all have to wait and see. Any of us would have lost a lot of money predicting some of the causes of some people’s downfalls in this race.”
The Romney campaign is preparing to hit Gingrich hard. But Christie says there’s no need for Romney himself to go after the former House speaker.
“If Gov. Romney engaged every person who had a temporary rise in the polls, that’s all he’d be doing,” Christie said. “Gov. Romney’s job is to lay out his hopeful, optimistic vision for the future of our country and to lay out his critique of the last four years. That’s his job, not to engage [someone] who has a temporary rise in the polls. Under that theory, he would have been engaging Bachmann. He would have been engaging Cain.”
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