Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gmail - Electricity Breakthrough - see shocking video - retrader.ray@gmail.com

Gmail - Electricity Breakthrough - see shocking video - retrader.ray@gmail.com

Electricity Breakthrough - see shocking video

Bob Livingston eletter@news.personalliberty.com
10:17 AM (39 minutes ago)
to me
Electricity Breakthrough - see shocking video

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Personal Liberty

Dear Jack,

Please find below a special message from our friends at Home Made Energy. They have some important information to share with you.

Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, Personal Liberty Alerts™
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

Dear Reader,

If you're frustrated with the obscene amounts
you're forced to pay to the electric company each

...then you're going to love this.

"Renegade" DIYer Ben Ford just created a FREE
video report that's already creating quite a stir
on the Internet.

It's about a stunningly simple yet little known
way to cut yourself loose from Big Energy and
actually make your own solar electricity - so you
can slash your electric bill by 50%... 80%... even

This is just the kind of information Big Energy
wishes you never had. It's the shortest way from
being a slave to the electric companies... to
gaining your complete energy freedom.

So here's what you'll discover, when you watch
this short video:

*** Why you should run like hell from $10,000 and
$20,000 retail solar panel systems

*** A little known way to slash your electric bill
by 80% or more (or even get off the grid entirely)

*** How a "technologically challenged" guy stumbled
on a way to generate free energy with homemade
solar panels

*** A simple, 5-step process for building your own
low-cost solar panels

*** And how to say "goodbye" to the electric
company... and "hello" to clean, FREE electricity!

Ben isn't making too many friends with this video
(at least, not with the electricity "fat cats")...
so it would be a good idea to watch it now, while
it's still available:

>> Click here right now to see this exclusive FREE video <<

To your electricity breakthrough,

Larry Gilley

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