Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gmail - A New Year, A New Seat - retrader.ray@gmail.com

Gmail - A New Year, A New Seat - retrader.ray@gmail.com

A New Year, A New Seat

Barbara Cegavske for Congress info@votebarbara.com via returnpath.bluehornet.com
10:32 AM (21 minutes ago)
to me
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Dear Friend,

You know what Harry Reid and Barack Obama want in the New Year?

Nevada’s new 4th Congressional District in their pockets!

In 2012, Nevada’s Congressional Delegation will grow to four members and this new seat, the 4th district, will be a prime battleground. All around the country, eyes will turn to Nevada since this new district’s political future will play a significant role in the balance of power in Washington and which presidential candidate wins Nevada in the general election.

Some are even saying that this is the most important Congressional race in the country!

My name is Barbara Cegavske and I am a Republican running for Nevada’s newly created 4th Congressional District and I need your immediate help to win it.

This is a race with national impact and, and I know you care about the future of our country. My opponent in this race was not only hand-picked by Barack Obama and Harry Reid -- he was the Chairman of Barack Obama’s Nevada presidential campaign! That means that my opponent is in lock-step with the President’s agenda...failed bailouts, wasted stimulus money, and astronomical tax increases.

So will you click on this link and make an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or more to my campaign? We can’t afford to give Obama another rubber-stamp vote in Congress.

No other Democrat Congressional candidate in the country is more closely aligned with Barack Obama and Harry Reid than my opponent and he must be defeated!

I am running for Congress to bring common-sense conservative leadership to Washington. I support slashing government spending. I support a balanced budget. As a state senator in Nevada, I consistently voted against tax increases. I have also consistently fought to cut wasteful government spending.

You can count on me to bring my conservative values to Congress.

But I need the resources to win. You know that Barack Obama and Harry Reid will pull out all the stops to protect their political protege. You can only imagine what I’ll be up against -- union bosses, liberal outside attack groups, the Democrat Party attack machine -- it’s all coming. But with a generouscontribution of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or more to my campaign, I’ll have the resources to fight off the attacks of the liberal Democratic political machine.

I have a proven track record of being a uniter and winning tough races without compromising my values. I’m confident, that with your support, we’ll put Nevada’s new 4th Congressional district safely in Republican hands.


Barbara Cegavske , 4th Congressional District (Nevada)

P.S. You know that Barack Obama and Harry Reid will pull out all the stops to protect their political protege and they want nothing more than to put Nevada’s new 4th Congressional District in their pocket! Reid’s PAC – Searchlight Leadership Fund – raised $1.02 million during the 2010 election cycle to help federal candidates like my opponent. So will you click on this link and make an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or more to my campaign?


Paid for by Cegavske for Congress

Not produced at government expense.
Contributions to Cegavske for Congress are not tax deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from individual contributors are limited to $2,500 per election (each for Convention, Primary and General). Contributions from multi-candidate PACs are limited to $5,000 per election (each for Convention, Primary and General). Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. Contributions from corporations and foreign nationals are prohibited.

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