Sunday, December 4, 2011

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Godfather Politics

Public Schools: Strong on Burping, Lax on Beatings

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:46 AM PST

What do you get for burping in our public schools today? Well, you know, burping is a serious offense, not some minor infraction. It poses serious danger to the teacher and the other students in class, and in general can lead to irreparable damage. Which means that a boy who burps – obviously, because he wasn’t spotted early enough by the school psychiatrist and ritalined into behaving – must be arrested, hand-cuffed, and sent to a juvenile detention center for correction. That’s what happened to a 13-year-old boy at Cleveland Middle School in Albuquerque, NM. His parents weren’t notified about the arrest until much later; after all, if they sent the boy to a public school, they should have known that they have surrendered him to another authority, so why inform them.

Of course, such measure is expected for a school where some time ago another boy was forced to strip in front of five adults because he had $200 in his pockets. His explanation that he was going shopping after school was rejected; his plea to first call his mother was denied.

And the same school district was sued for handcuffing to a chair a 7-year-old autistic boy.

Well, let’s not judge the public schools too harsh. Sometimes they are lax, when there are some minor violations and no danger to the students is involved. For example, regular harassment and beatings of girls in the bathrooms done with sadistic brutality and even filmed for the enjoyment of other students. Like the case at Ludington Middle School in Detroit where a girl was repeatedly harassed and savagely beaten by other girls. And even filmed. And the school was “cool” about it. After all, of what danger can such beating be to the students? They are just kids, you know.

Like a friend of mine told a co-worker of his when asked about the socialization of his homeschooled children: “Oh, we socialize them alright. We take them to the bathroom once a week, beat them up and take their breakfast money.” The co-worker’s face went pale and she never talked about it again. Later my friend found out that it actually happened to her daughter in first grade; another first-grader cornered her, beat her up and took her breakfast money.

The public school system was started by liberals, it is run by liberals, and the whole ideology behind public education is liberal and socialist to the core. From Horace Mann and John Dewey to our own day, the purpose has never been education. Its purpose has always been to separate children from their families and thus make them blindly obedient to the state. There has never been a scientific or economic foundation of the necessity to have government-run schools – in fact, all the facts have always spoken against it, just like facts in history speak against government-run businesses and economy in general. The inspiration for our modern system of government schools came from one source only: The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx where a system of government education that takes the children away from their parents is one of the points in the program for Communist takeover of the Western civilization.

And millions of American parents, clueless and negligent about their children’s education and well-being, have freely consented to give their children into the hands of their own enemies.

Of course, many parents are now discovering that such surrender of parental rights comes at a price. And the price is that the schools implement exactly what Communism is all about: Tyrannical power over the children, and encouragement of the basest animal instincts with the goal of turning the children into mindless animals for easier control by the state. Public schools are about government control, and re-education; yes, re-education in the same sense as Hitler’s concentration camps.

Many parents will read about the examples I give above and will comment that the public schools have failed in delivering what they set out to deliver in the first place. But that is incorrect. The fact that the school bureaucrats can do the things described above with impunity, and the fact that the parents are powerless to react and reverse the process means only one thing: that the public schools have been wildly successful in their agenda of establishing their control over the children, and in destroying the legal rights of the parents. The system works, and it delivers exactly what it was meant to deliver: tyranny, oppression, immorality, generational war, and blind servility to the state. It was meant to be a concentration camp, and it is turning into a concentration camp. And every parent that send their children there, is deliberately turning them into inmates.

Obama’s Connection to Voter Fraud Group

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 02:14 AM PST

Voter fraud had been a problem for centuries. Over this past year, there has been quite a bit of controversy about voter ID and voter fraud.

A number of Republican’s have advocated tightening voting laws to help eliminate voter fraud. Among the methods being advocated is the use of a photo ID. Republicans believe that photo IDs will drastically cut the incidents of voter fraud.

Democrats have been adamantly opposed to photo ID claiming that it would deter many poor and elderly people from voting. In some areas, Democrats have even pushed to remove the requirement of having a mailing address to register to vote. They claim that this would allow the homeless to vote. Personally, I see this measure as being a means to allow voter fraud by people registering in more than one location and casting multiple votes.

One organization with strong ties to the Democrats that has been associated with voter fraud and voter corruption is Project Vote, which, not surprising, is (or was) an affiliate of ACORN before the organization was forced to close its doors this past year. Interestingly, Project Vote was perhaps the only real client that Barack Obama had when he was practicing law before entering politics.

Some former employees of Project Vote have contacted election officials concerning a significant number of new faulty registration forms. Adams and others believe that this may have been planned in order to overwhelm election officials, creating turmoil and disrupting their normal operations.

According to election attorney J. Christian Adams,

“It was actually the first, and maybe one of the only clients that President Obama had when he was an attorney in private practice. And during the 2008 election, he liked to distance himself from them. He said that he really didn’t have a real serious role with them.”

However, Adams points out that in August of this year, the President launched Project Vote as a campaign to increase voter registration and participation among Democrats. Their target base consists of young voters, seniors, Hispanics, American Indians, blacks, gay and lesbians. In using the name Project Vote, Adams comments,

“It is clearly an intentional, in-your-face move. They don’t care about perceptions that most Americans have regarding these election crimes.”

Obama appears to be so arrogant in his ability to do anything regardless of whether it’s legal or not, that he is knowingly using the same name as the corrupt organization that he once defended and who has ties to his other criminal cronies in ACORN. And ten-to-one they will probably use some of the same illegal election fraud activities that got the original Project Vote in trouble.

Colleges Escalate Christian Persecution

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 11:03 PM PST

Colleges Escalate Christian Persecution

The First Amendment of the US Constitution states,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

But evidently, some are reading the First Amendment as only pertaining to Congress and not to any other political or private organization and the courts seem to be agreeing.

First case in point is Vanderbilt University which recently enacted a new university policy that requires all campus organizations to accept anyone and everyone that wishes to join. The school adopted the policy in response to the complaints of a student that was expelled from a Christian group because of his homosexual activities. The on campus Christian organization took the action because the student’s gay lifestyle goes against biblical teachings and the student refused to stop.

There are four different Christian groups on campus and if the university’s policy survives the legal challenges, the groups will be forced to either accept all individuals including homosexuals, non-Christians and even Muslims. The only other alternative would be to take the groups off campus or disband.

In a second case, Augusta State University has expelled a graduate school student because of her Christian beliefs. Jennifer Keeton, a counseling student at the university is a devout Christian and expressed that she believes that homosexuality is a sin and immoral choice of lifestyle. Keeton expressed those views in a term paper in which she wrote that she would have a difficult time counseling someone who was a homosexual because of her Christian beliefs. The school informed Keeton that her statements were unethical and because of them she was placed on probation, ordered to attend a sensitivity training and warned that expulsion was a possibility. They also ordered her to attend events with homosexual men and women such as the city’s gay pride parade. Keeton valued her Christian faith above the school’s policy and when she refused to alter her stand on homosexuality, the school expelled her.

Supposedly, the faculty justified their actions by claiming that as part of her degree program Keeton would be training with middle and high school students and that her personal religious views could possibly cause harm to the students, as reported by Cristina Correia of the Georgia Attorney General’s office.

Keeton has sought legal help in the matter and has taken her case before a federal judge, asking the court to block her expulsion and allow her to continue her education and training.

We’ve been seeing more and more instances where Christians are being targeted and persecuted in middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. However, I’ve yet to hear of any similar cases or actions taken against students or student groups from any other religion, especially Muslim ones. And sadly, the courts are beginning to forget the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and are beginning to rule against Christians. At the current trend, it wouldn’t surprise me to see arenas starting to spring up outside our federal courtrooms as that’s where they’re throwing us to, the lions.

Winning Pennsylvania Tough Road for Obama

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

In the 2008 primary, then Sen Obama described white working class voters as being bitter people who “cling” to God and guns. That comment went along way to cause him to lose the vote in both the primary and general elections of many white working class Americans.

The white working class makes up a large segment of Pennsylvania voters and it looks like it is still going to be a tough road for Obama if he wants to win their votes in 2012. Pennsylvanians, like the rest of the nation, have been hit hard by the declining economy and many of them are placing the blame squarely in Obama’s lap.

Ever since William Penn established the Pennsylvania colony in 1681, Pennsylvanians have been fairly conservative and loyal to long held traditions and causes. They don’t readily open up to new and radical ideas. This quality trait added to the difficulty that Obama faced in the 2008 election and seems to continue to be a stumbling block to him today because of his radical ways.

Although Obama won Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes in 2008, the margin was not that great. The race for 2012’s 20 electoral votes (PA lost one) may be even tighter than Obama would like. There are some indications that a strong Republican candidate could wrestle PA’s votes out of the President’s hands; that is if there will be a strong Republican candidate to oppose him. Some political analysts believe that if Obama cannot woo Pennsylvania’s white working class votes that he could end up losing PA’s electoral votes, that there is a strong chance that he will also lose the White House.

With a tough road ahead of him, Obama has started campaigning in the keystone commonwealth. However, as a white working class voter, although not from Pennsylvania, Obama’s campaign strategy would turn me further against him than for him. He is approaching them with his accomplishments which include guaranteed health care, Wall Street reform and his rescuing the auto industry from certain collapse.

When I look at those three accomplishments, I see drastically higher and unaffordable health insurance, an additional $2000 to $4000 in hidden taxes that will go into effect by 2013, greater national debt, larger government, loss of personal freedoms, more government control over every aspect of life and a more socialistic government that has no problem stepping in and taking control of various businesses.

I can’t help but wonder why Obama would through more stones out onto an already tough road?

Realistically, whoever the Republican is that ends up opposing Obama for the Oval Office could use these same three accomplishments along with their results to campaign against him. In my opinion, these items show Obama’s failures, not his accomplishments and I hope and pray that the rest of the white working class voters of Pennsylvania also see the same way and vote against him in 2012.

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