Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gmail - We can’t stop fighting, here's why -

Gmail - We can’t stop fighting, here's why -

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We can’t stop fighting, here's why

Emily Buchanan, SBA List to me
show details Dec 3 (1 day ago)
SBA List - Advancing, Mobilizing and Representing Pro-Life Women


I hope you were able to read Marjorie’s email earlier this week about the exciting, unexpected development in our case with ex-Rep. Steve Driehaus of Ohio, who is outrageously suing us for "loss of livelihood” after we got the word out to his constituents that he betrayed unborn children by voting for Obamacare.

The response from the generous SBA List family across the country has been incredible—we’ve raised $12,300 so far but are still a little over $27,000 away from being able to pay off our most recent legal bill—can you chip in?

You see, Judge Timothy Black—a former board member of the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Ohio—has unexpectedly accepted our appeal! This means our case is now out of Judge Black’s court and we are seeking review of our case in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

This is, without a doubt, the best development we’ve had in this case—which has been draining us of staff time, energy and valuable resources for over a year. And it’s not over. As Marjorie mentioned, we have a major legal bill of $39,500 due in five days. Will you help us pay off our debt and continue fighting for the rights of unborn children and their mothers?

We can’t stop fighting this case,
Ray, and here’s why:

  • We must protect our constitutional right to call out politicians who choose party over principle and trample the rights of unborn children—and quickly…BEFORE the 2012 election season really heats up.
  • We can only protect our rights—and the lives of unborn children—if we WIN this court battle.
  • We need the ability to tell to voters in battleground states like Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, Missouri, and more just how Obamacare allows for taxpayer funding of abortion and who supports it.
  • If we win, it will be a green light to expose all politicians who have actively worked to deny the right to life of unborn babies in the womb.

So you see, the results of this court case will critically affect our strategy in the 2012 Election…and if we are not victorious in 2012, the pro-life movement could be set back a generation.

The stakes couldn’t be higher,
Ray, and we need your help to continue. Will you please make a generous contribution to help us carry on in our legal battle to protect our right to speak out for the most vulnerable among us?

Marjorie, myself, and the entire SBA List team are confident that we can achieve victory in this case—but we’re going to need your help to get there. Please be as generous as you can.

Thank you for standing with us in this fight for Life,

Emily Buchanan
Executive Director, Susan B. Anthony List

PS: As Marjorie explained earlier this week, our attorneys are busy preparing our briefs and getting us ready for the next stage in the fight to protect our right to speak up for innocent unborn children in the public square: seeking review of our case in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

This is the best news we’ve had since this outrageous lawsuit began over a year ago—but with this news, we’ve received another legal bill of $39,500. Will you help us pay off thisdebt so we can continue fighting for the rights of innocent unborn children?

We’re receiving help from our friends at the Alliance Defense Fund, but this case has so many important implications for the future of the pro-life movement that we can’t spare any effort to help. Please chip in today!

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Contributions or gifts to Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. All donations are made to the general treasury of the Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., and are not designated for any particular purpose. Donation will be used in the sole discretion of the Officers and/or Board of Directors in accordance with the mission and purposes of the SBA List.

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