Tuesday, December 6, 2011

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Gmail - Godfather Politics - retrader.ray@gmail.com

Godfather Politics

Hang This Around Nancy’s Neck

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 06:57 PM PST

“The Hill” reports that Jon Corzine, “former CEO of MF Global, has given tens of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party in recent months, putting Democratic lawmakers in awkward positions ahead of Corzine’s subpoenaed appearance before a House committee next week.”

Corzine has been involved in a multi-million dollar fraud case. Corzine was the Democrat governor of New Jersey and Senator. Let me repeat, Corzine is a Democrat.

MF Global, where Corzine had served as the chief executive, is missing an estimated $1.2 billion in customer funds.

Corzine gave $15,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Sept. 28 and $30,800 to the Democratic National Committee in June.

While he has contributed to Democrats such as Reps. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and George Miller (D-Calif.), Corzine has become a political liability to his former allies on the Hill.

House Republicans are accusing Democrats of hypocrisy for not returning contributions from Corzine. Don’t just accuse Democrats, go after them. Get on the interview shows and ask how these donations are different from what Gingrich was accused of and later exonerated. Don’t let the liberal media get off the topic. Keep coming back to it. This is a start:

“Even as Democrats align themselves with the Occupy Movement, those same Democrats have amassed millions in financial contributions from Wall Street,” the GOP committee wrote in a press release last month.

“The fact that ‘Obama’s guy on Wall Street’ now faces possible criminal charges for the very behavior Democrats pretend to condemn exposes the Democrats’ hypocrisy.”

All the GOP needs to do is get the word out to the public. Hammer it day and night. Of course, the GOP needs to clean its own House. Hopefully we can help them do it in 2012.

In the meantime, it’s time the GOP turn the Newt lemons into political lemonade. Don’t back down. Don’t apologize. Don’t quit. Hammer . . . hammer . . . hammer. Fight . . . fight . . . fight. Pin Corzine on Pelosi and her fellow Democrats.

Adult-Child Sex Rampant in Hollywood

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 06:23 PM PST

It’s called “pedophilia,” but it’s actually homosexuality with young boys. Homosexuals gravitated to the Roman Catholic priesthood because that’s where the boys are. The same thing happened at Penn State and Syracuse. These are only two schools that we know of.

Hollywood is rampant with adult-child homosexuality, as a story from Fox News reports:

Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told him “what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry.” Weiss has pleaded not guilty.

On Nov. 21, Fernando Rivas, 59, an award-winning composer for “Sesame Street,” was arraigned on charges of coercing a child “to engage in sexually explicit conduct” in South Carolina. The Juilliard-trained composer was also charged with production and distribution of child pornography.

Registered sex offender Jason James Murphy, 35, worked as a casting agent in Hollywood for years before his past kidnapping and sexual abuse of a boy was revealed by the Los Angeles Times on Nov. 17. Murphy’s credits include placing young actors in kid-friendly fare like “Bad News Bears,” “The School of Rock,” “Cheaper by the Dozen 2” and the forthcoming “Three Stooges.”

Is it any wonder that Hollywood is so pro-homosexual? Any disparaging of the homosexual lifestyle will mean a loss of jobs and income. Homosexuals have positioned themselves in some strategic management roles. It’s through these adult-child sexual deviants that a lot of movies are made.

There’s another reason for a pro-homosexual Hollywood. If homosexuality, including adult-child homosexuality, is accepted, then any sexual practice below these practices must also be accepted. That’s why a 72-day marriage can happen and a reality show can be made of the over-sexed Kardashians. Hollywood is “desexitized”:

Corey Feldman, 40, himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, unflinchingly warned of the world of pedophiles who are drawn to the entertainment industry last August. “I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia,” Feldman told ABC’sNightline. “That’s the biggest problem for children in this industry… It’s the big secret.”

* * * * * *

Feldman, who claims he was “surrounded” by pedophiles when he was 14, says the sexual abuse by an unnamed “Hollywood mogul” led to the death of his friend [Corey] Haim at the age of 38. “That person needs to be exposed, but, unfortunately, I can’t be the one to do it,” Feldman told Nightline.

Paul Peterson (66), best known for his teenage role as “Jeff” on the Donna Reed Show (1958–1966), told Fox News that “People don’t want to talk about this because they’re afraid for their careers.”

Newt v. Nancy: ‘Bring It On!’

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 05:29 PM PST

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Nancy Pelosi told “Talking Points Memo.” “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

Here’s something that Republicans need to remember: You can’t make friends with Democrats. Newt sat down with Nancy to talk about the myth of man-made global warming in order to play nice. While Republicans think Liberals are swayed by such things, they are only sharpening their knife so they can plunge it deeper into the back of anyone who utters just one conservative word.

So what should Newt do? Find every scrap of material on Nancy, from insider trading to sweetheart deals to family members, set up a website, update the material daily, produce anti-Nancy commercials, and hammer her all day every day.

While there are a lot of inside-the-beltway establishment Republicans who don’t like Newt, it’s time for them to fight the common enemy – Liberal Democrats. They can fight Newt later.

There is a “no piling on rule” in football, but there is no such rule in politics, at least for Democrats. They pile on and keep piling on. Democrats know how to do this; Republicans don’t. It’s this reluctance that has kept Republicans in the back seats of the political bus. While the GOP is playing nice on the bus, the Democrats are in the driver’s seat.

Consider this arrogant statement by Pelosi:

“I like Barney Frank’s quote the best, where he said ‘I never thought I’d live such a good life that I would see Newt Gingrich be the nominee of the Republican party,’” Pelosi said in an exclusive interview Friday. “That quote I think spoke for a lot of us.”

Barney Frank living a good life? He’s a self-admitted homosexual. In 1989 he admitted having an affair with Steve Gobie, a male prostitute. He paid for sex which is illegal in his state of Massachusetts. “Frank hired Gobie to run errands and allowed him to live at his home, where Frank obviously hoped he would be rehabilitated and renounce his life of sin. The only problem: Gobie kept on working as a prostitute — from Frank’s home.” Hang Gobie and Frank around Nancy’s neck. There are lots of people who don’t know this story.

So I say to Newt, challenge Nancy: “Bring it on. If she wants a fight, I’ll give her one that she won’t be able to recover from.”

Newt, start tomorrow. If you don’t, Nancy, with the help of the media, will bury you. This is political way. This will show conservatives if you can fight.

What Happened to the “Due Process of Law”?

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 08:23 AM PST

In 1929 the Soviet poet Mayakovsky wrote his poems, “Verses to the Soviet Passport.” The poem was shameless propaganda to serve the regime in Moscow, which Mayakovsky himself knew very well to be tyrannical, cynical, and murderous. In the poem, relating an experience he had at a border check in a Western capitalist country, the poet proudly shows his “red-bound booklet,” for the amazement of every one present. He ended the poem with the words:


Be envious,

I am

A citizen

Of the Soviet Union.

Of course, being one of the pet poets of the regime, Mayakovsky could have such experiences. He traveled extensively at government expense, and he was one of the official propagandists for Communism in Europe and America. At the same time he was writing the poem, millions of Soviet citizens could not own a passport, could not travel abroad, and could not even leave their villages without a permission from the local police station. Millions of Ukrainian peasants were being rounded up for death by starvation, an operation that would start a year after Mayakovsky wrote his poem. Millions were being executed by the Cheka or sent to Gulags for imaginary crimes against the Soviet state. While people were suffering throughout the whole Soviet Union, Mayakovsky ate and drank and had sexual exploits and enjoyed life at their expense in America, France, and Britain. Surely he could be envied.

Less than a year later, on April 14, 1930, he shot himself in his apartment in Moscow. Apparently, being among even the most privileged Soviet citizens wasn’t an enviable thing after all. In fact, it can be argued that being a Soviet citizen was the worst liability a man can have – it meant being subject to all kinds of restrictions and humiliations, and it meant that your life, liberty, and property by default belonged to the state.

America stood in sharp contrast to it. The life, liberty, and property of its citizens were God-given rights, not state-given, and governments were constituted for the purpose of protecting those rights. America went even farther, by declaring in the Bill of Rights that not only citizens, but all men were to be protected from government tyranny. The language of the Fifth Amendment is clear about that:

“No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. . . .”

And the world looked up at America as the symbol of liberty. It was not America’s military might that gained her the admiration and the respect of the other nations but her liberty and justice for all.

These days, the CIA General Counsel Stephen Preston declared that this has changed, and the Federal government is not bound by such outdated notions anymore. When asked about official assassinations of American citizenswithout presenting evidence of wrongdoing, he declared thatAmerican citizens are not immune, and anyone who is a threat to the US will be treated as enemy and killed without a due process of law. Notice well, he is talking not about a combat situation where soldiers don’t have the opportunity to ask the enemy about their passports. Preston is talking about the self-conscious, premeditated murder of American citizens based not on evidence or on a court sentence but on the arbitrary decision of a Federal bureaucrat.

And he didn’t even comment on how a bureaucrat can decide whether an American citizen is an enemy without any proofs.

How far can this go? Is there a limit to it? There wasn’t, in the Soviet Union. What was officially a war against foreign enemy, in the final account killed millions of Soviet citizens. Once the government is allowed to kill its own citizens without a due process of law, it never stops killing them – that’s the lesson from history. Even today, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, millions of American citizens – elderly, children, pregnant mothers, disabled veterans – are humiliated, strip searched, irradiated at the hands of the TSA. What could stop the government from taking these same American citizens’ lives, liberties, and properties under the same pretext, if the Federal government can take lives without the due process of law?

Yes, yes, I know, “This can’t happen here.” My grandfather heard those words many times in Bulgaria in 1945.

US Senate Approves Sex with Animals for Military Personnel

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 02:20 AM PST

It was bad enough earlier this year when Obama’s liberal political machine forced the Joint Chiefs of Staff to drop‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the armed forces.

This was followed by a military order out of the Pentagon that all military chaplains will perform same-sex marriages and make military chapels available for such services. Thousands of chaplains are refusing to follow those orders saying they will not perform same-sex marriages as it goes against their religious beliefs.

Now, the US Senate has taken the moral degradation of the US military down even lower when they passed S 1867 which calls for the repeal of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which made it illegal to engage in sodomy with humans or sex with animals.

Shockingly, the Senate vote was 93-7 which means that the not only did the liberal Democrats vote in favor this bill but so did the vast majority of conservative Republicans. I wonder how the constituents of these conservative Republicans would feel about their senator if they knew they voted to allow sodomy and bestiality in the military.

The measure now goes to the House where I can only hope and pray it is not just defeated, but trashed, shredded and burned.

They say that history repeats itself. Ancient Rome became morally and sexually decadent just prior to their fall from glory. Not only did their political and social arenas delved into debauchery, but the military also became corrupted with rampant homosexuality. Not long after that, mighty Rome fell in power, glory and world renown.

The US is following closely in the footsteps of ancient Rome. Our nation is legalizing the same perverse and sinful lifestyles as did Rome and now it appears that our military is following the same path as Rome’s military. And if history does repeat itself as historians claim, then our total downfall from might, power and glory is just around the corner. May God have mercy on the righteous when He destroys us with His judgment.

Too Many Political Debates?

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 11:48 PM PST

The next presidential election is still 11 months away and there have already been 15 debates or forums, which is more than in any other election ever. Worse yet is that there are still 15 more debates/forums scheduled between now and March 19, 2012.

Are all of these debates/forums necessary or productive?

I, for one believe that there are way too many debates. Some of the debates have been scheduled within 2-3 days of each other. There generally isn’t that much happening in a 2-3 day period to warrant a new debate. Let the dust settle from the first one and watch what goes on in the nation and world until the next debate.

I’m not the only one that think’s there are too many debates, so does Sen John McCain. He said that there are plenty of other important aspects to campaigning and reaching the public than holding so many debates.

McCain also added that if they are going to continue with the rest of the scheduled debates that they need to keep the issue of illegal immigration and securing the borders as one of those topics discussed. He added that many Hispanics also want the borders secured to stop the flow of illegal drugs if for no other reason.

I have to wonder if the ability to debate in such a public arena really demonstrates one’s ability to lead a nation. Debating and public speaking are important, but it does not necessarily mean that the person is a good leader. Sometimes, the more quiet and reserved politician turns out to have some of the better ideas. They take time to listen to the public and study the state of the nation rather than blowing wind while trying to sound good.

After all, Adolf Hitler was an excellent debater and orator, but not necessarily a leader that led for the good of his nation. He was the type of person that could sell ice cubes to Eskimos, but his nation didn’t need ice cubes.

I would prefer to see perhaps one debate every couple of months or so. This would give the candidates time to react to what’s happening in the nation and world. It also wouldn’t over saturate the public with unending debates one after another after another in just a matter of days.

Latest Jobless Figure a Ruse

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 11:33 PM PST

The Obama administration is dancing around the campaign floor as the latest jobless figures have been released. Even though few if any of his jobs plans have been enacted, the president is taking full credit for the drop from 9.0% to 8.6% in just one month.

What they are not going to tell you is that the one month drop of 0.4% unemployment is actually a ruse and not a true indicator of the real state of affairs.

The Labor Department says that employers only added about 120,000 jobs this past month compared to the 80,000 added the previous month when we only saw a 0.1% drop in the unemployment rate.

Part of the increase in jobs could be related to seasonal jobs with retailers and warehouses hiring for the Christmas season. If this is the case, then many of these jobs will go away come January and the unemployment rate will climb part way back up.

Other analysts are indicating that the huge drop in unemployment was caused by about 300,000 Americans giving up on finding jobs in the regular employment sectors. They have given up on the dismal system and are turning to other means of trying to earn an income. Some of these people are turning to various entrepreneurial businesses while others are following the example of illegals and are turning to day labor jobs where they are paid in cash on a day-to-day basis.

When you add up the 300,000+ that have given up on the conventional employment avenues with the thousands hired for seasonal labor, the new 8.6% unemployment figure is merely a ruse and does not represent what is really happening. So in reality, the dance the Obamanites are doing is more the dance of fools instead of a victory dance.

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