Monday, December 12, 2011

Gmail - I'm a member, you should be too! -

Gmail - I'm a member, you should be too! -

I'm a member, you should be too!

Rand Paul via
10:35 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
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Dear Jack:

Just a quick note to let you know how important your membership is in the National Association for Gun Rights.

NAGR is the fastest growing and most effective gun rights group in America.

I’m a member, and you should be too!


For liberty,

The Hon. Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

From: Dudley Brown []
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:11 PM
Subject: 2012


We have an incumbent Democrat President desperate to hold on to the White House in 2012, but his approval numbers are in the basement.

He knows the only chance he has at re-election is to mobilize every liberal interest group in America by throwing them a bone before next year’s November elections.

After all, if gun-grabbers simply stay home on Election Day 2012, President Obama knows he’ll be toast.

You have been a critical part of the National Association for Gun Rights’ efforts to hold off the worst of the gun-grabbers’ assaults.

But as Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” You see, you and I could have more at stake in 2012 than ever before.

The rumors I’m hearing floating around Capitol Hill for the next Congress -- combined with what you and I are both reading in the news media right now -- sure aren’t pretty.

That's why I'm asking you point-blank today to give more than you’ve ever given -- $35 -- to become an official member of the National Association for Gun Rights for 2012.

In fact, if you can afford it, please consider becoming a lifetime member with a one-time contribution of $1000!

Barack Obama is easily the most anti-gun President in United States history.

Just recently he told Sarah Brady, “I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control]. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

And remember, this is an administration that had the audacity to illegally funnel thousands of rifles to bloodthirsty drug-running Mexican gangs just to drum up an “excuse” to crack down on law-abiding American gun owners!

Sure, they’re taking heat for this massive scandal. But what else are they working on “under the radar” that we might not know about yet?

Is the Administration working on some other scheme to attack gun owners that just hasn’t been exposed by a whistleblower?

I hope and pray there’s nothing else.

But you and I both know exactly what kind of anti-gun radicals we’re dealing with here

That’s why I am not willing to take ANYTHING for granted.

And that's why having your commitment to gun rights in 2012 is essential.

Will you become a member today by contributing $35?

Or if that's just too much right now, will you join at an introductory level of $20 and become a member today?

After all, the gun-grabbers’ number-one priority -- the United Nations’ so-called “Small Arms Treaty” -- doesn’t even need to pass the Republican-controlled House to be ratified.

This dangerous Hillary Clinton-backed Treaty is nothing more than a massive GLOBAL gun control scheme designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens.

And our one hope to defeat the U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty” -- the U.S. Senate -- is chock full of old “establishment GOP” types like Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC).

Worse, there are too many other weak-kneed Republican Senators like this to list!

Do you trust them to stand up for our Second Amendment rights when they start to feel the heat from Sarah Brady and Michael Bloomberg’s millions?

I know I don’t.

That’s why I’m counting on you to become a member of the National Association for Gun Rights with a generous contribution of $35, or the introductory $20 TODAY!

You see, holding off President Obama’s coming gun control assault isn’t all you and I have on our plates.

Presidential primaries and caucuses kick off in just weeks.

And over the years, many folks have learned the hard way that just having an “R” next to your name is virtually meaningless when it comes to our gun rights.

How’d you like to see a Republican President elected only to have him -- or her -- back anti-gun schemes like a new Assaults Weapons Ban, the “Patriot Act,” a new national DANGEROUS ID card or even a national ban on all private sales?

That’s why you and I have to make sure that NO CANDIDATE will be allowed to skate through Republican primaries without being held accountable for their support or lack of support for our gun rights.


But I can’t do any of this without your help.

Grassroots warriors like you are the ONLY thing standing between the gun-grabbers and even more assaults on our Second Amendment rights.

Whether it’s making phone calls, signing petitions, sending emails or writing letters to your elected officials, it’s folks like you that deserve the thanks for all of the National Association for Gun Rights’ successes.

And it’s because of your generous financial support that I’ve been able to alert gun owners from coast-to-coast to the threats we’re facing and mobilize them to take action.

To this point, we’ve given the gun-grabbers a run for their money. They’ve never thought they’d succeed in installing the most anti-gun President in history in the White House -- and have virtually NOTHING to show for it!

But the fight isn’t over yet. In fact, with all the challenges that 2012 is sure to bring, I believe our toughest test is yet to come.

After the past three years of fighting back against assault after assault on our Second Amendment rights, I can’t stomach the thought of losing now.

But the gun-grabbers aren’t giving up. And now President Obama -- desperate to hang on to the White House -- is prepared to do everything he can to throw anti-gun activists like Sarah Brady and Michael Bloomberg a bone.

That’s why I’m counting on you.

Whatever membership level you choose is up to you, $35, $20 or a lifetime membership at $1000, but please let me know today that you have decided to renew your 2012 membership in the National Association for Gun Rights.

Thank you, in advance, for becoming a member of the National Association for Gun Rights.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. With President Obama’s approval ratings in the basement, he knows he has to throw the anti-gun crowd a bone to even hope to be re-elected.

That’s why I’m asking you to dig deep by giving more than you have before for your 2012 National Association for Gun Rights membership renewal.

I’m asking you point-blank today to give more than you’ve ever given -- $35, $20 or a lifetime membership of $1000 -- to become a member 2012 National Association for Gun Rights membership.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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