Monday, December 12, 2011

Gmail - New Photos - Occupy Mobs Attack Again! -

Gmail - New Photos - Occupy Mobs Attack Again! -

New Photos - Occupy Mobs Attack Again!

Office of CDBO via
3:12 PM (5 hours ago)
to me

As the 2012 presidential race heats up, Barack Obama is trying to blame everyone else for the massive job losses that have taken place during his administration. If he had his way everything would be George Bush's fault. But truth be told, even as he points fingers at others, he is continuing to undermine job creation to this very day.

Today began an effort by the "Occupy" mobs to shut down western ports, to further impede commerce and hurt our economy. Here are the latest TV news pictures from the mob protests, which once again included more arrests:

The Occupy mobs have said they are targeting ports from San Diego all the way up to Anchorage - in an attempt to cripple shipping to and from the United States.

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and virtually every other Democrat leader in Washington, D.C. have been cheerleaders for these mobs. And it's time to hold Obama accountable for his support of these lawless mobs who are trying to destroy our nation's capitalist system.

Please take a moment to scan the pictures that show just how radical and outside of the mainstream of America that these protesters are. But before you do, please support our TV ad campaign that exposes Obama and Democrat leaders cheerleading for these mobs, even as they were engaging in shameful behavior.

We need $50,000 for our first goal, and we are just shy of $44,000. You can make a contribution online -HERE.

Through the radical nature of their message to destroy capitalism and take down part of our American institution and the small numbers of protesters (a tiny fraction compared to the millions who participated in Tea Party events) these mobs have showed that they are not the 99% majority. They are the 0.25% freaks.

  • Help us expose how Obama and Democrats backed these radical freaks, by making a contribution to our TV ad campaign. You can make a contribution online - HERE.

"We The People" want leaders who are going to bring fiscal responsibility to government and a return to an embrace of constitutional principles. Instead we have Obama and Democrat leaders telling America that what we need are the unwashed hippy freaks who desecrate our American flag and attack our police officers (you'll notice in the picture below on the Left that protesters instead proudly waved the communist flag):

  • You can help us to expose to the American people how Obama and Democrat leaders were the leading cheerleaders for these radical freaks, by making a contribution to our TV ad campaign. You can make a contribution online - HERE.

Some people in the media tried to promote these mobs by saying that the protests were mainstream, and tried to deny that the mobs were backed by radical leftists like Bill Ayers, George Soros and other Obama allies. Well, the proof is in the pudding folks - here's a screen grab taken of none other than Obama's Weather Underground terrorist pal, Bill Ayers, advising Occupy Chicago protesters on how to grow their mobs:

And of course don't forget radical anti-capitalist, Michael Moore, who has been a prominent speaker at Occupy Wall Street mob events:

  • Please, support our TV ad campaign that exposes how Obama and Democrats backed these lawless mobs. You can make a contribution to our TV ad campaign online - HERE.

These are some of the reasons that we have been working on an aggressive TV ad campaign that we believe could tip the balance of the upcoming 2012 election - showing the American people how Obama and Democrat leaders cheered on the mobs. You see, these rioting mobs were not speaking to the best of America. They were not trying to constructively solve problems, as the Tea Party movement did. They did not protest the lawmakers to change policies.

They instead tried to harass, intimidate and assault their way forward to impose radical leftist and socialist policies.

  • Please, support our TV ad campaign that exposes how Obama and Democrats backed these lawless mobs. You can make a contribution to our TV ad campaign online - HERE.
It's time for "We The People" - the real 99% speak out. It's time we punished Obama, Pelosi and other Democrat leaders for trying to impose this kind of violent lawlessness on our nation.

With your support our national TV ad campaign will have a huge impact on Independent voters who will likely decide the presidential election and congressional elections across the country. They will see what Obama and the Democrats stand for, and they will in return resoundingly reject it.

To fund our TV ad campaigning showing the ties between Democrat Leaders and the Occupy mobs, we are trying to reach our first goal of $50,000 raised for this ad campaign. We have currently raised just under $44,000 and need $6,000 more to reach our first goal. Please support this campaign by making a contribution - HERE

The new ad campaign will be a TV version of our online ad which is already an Internet sensation: "Democrats Shamefully Support the Occupy Wall Street Mobs"

Please help us make this new TV ad campaign a smashing success. We urgently need your financial support so we can purchase airtime to get this ad seen on TV sets all across America.

You can contribute anywhere from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000. We would appreciate the most generous contribution you can afford so we can purchase as much TV airtime as possible.


Thank you very much for your support. If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:

Campaign To Defeat Obama
P.O. Box 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684

Also, be sure to share this video with your friends on Twitter & Facebook:

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