Monday, December 12, 2011

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint | Front Porch Politics

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint | Front Porch Politics

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint


Internal Justice Department email communications made just days before the House of Representatives passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act show that then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan was brought into the loop as DOJ began preparing to respond to an anticipated legal complaint that Mark Levin and the Landmark Legal Foundation were planning to file against the act if the House used a procedural rule to “deem” the bill passed even if members never directly voted on it.

In another internal DOJ email communication that same week, Kagan alerted the chief of DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel to the constitutional argument that a former U.S. Appeals Court judge was making against the use of this rule.

Then, during Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation process four months later, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee asked her in writing if she had “ever been asked about your opinion” or “offered any view or comments” on the “the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to any proposed health care legislation, including but not limited to Pub. L. No. 111-148 [PPACA], or the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to potential litigation resulting from such legislation?”

Kagan answered both questions: “No.”

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  1. TheThinMan

    The “lady” and I use the term very loosely, not only needs to recuse herself from theObamaCare case, but from anything else to do with the legality of Obama being President. What she should truly do is resign from the Supreme Court – there is nothing “honorable” about her.

  2. Tomtom

    Th e USA must get rid of Anti-Americans like HER !!!!!

  3. Phyllis

    Kagan also helped Obama with keeping his birth certificate safe.

  4. Carol

    This is probably the only honorable thing that she will do.

  5. David

    This filthy woman is the perfect poster child for Abortion. She will be the worst justice to EVER sit on the Supreme Court and needs to be impeached!

  6. Frank Hunt

    This is a lawless government under Obamunism

  7. Gunsmoke

    How she was ever even considered to be anything but a LAWLESS Infidel, is beyond ALL comprehention….. She is LYING even in Front to her Peers and has NO REMORSE or Qualms in doing it….. The Records show she was in Direct involvement with the making ofObamaCare and she is saying she did NOT….. What a LIAR !!!!
    Mark my words, she is nothing but someone to whom is backing up Obama all the way, even if it ruins her Career, in which this will do so…..since she is refusing to recuse herself from it…..which is what she should do….. Impeach her if she continues with this refusal of recusing herself….. She cannot be Impartial to it in any way…..
    If she had any Brains enough, she would see this and recuse herself, rather than to followObama doing his Dirty work….for him !!!!
    We need to enforce this, as she is guilty of NOT being impartial in this matter…..and maybe even more…..

  8. DJW

    When will someone stand strong and impeach this whole administration.

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