Monday, December 12, 2011

Obama on the Economy: “I Didn’t Overpromise” | Front Porch Politics

Obama on the Economy: “I Didn’t Overpromise” | Front Porch Political

Obama on the Economy: “I Didn’t Overpromise”


You might say President Obama needs a “3-3-3″ plan. That’s how many days he has to convince American voters he should be re-elected — 333.

He’s up against some tough new numbers. According to a new CBS News poll, the president’s job approval rating is 44 percent. That poses a big challenge because according to a Gallup poll, no president since Harry Truman has been re-elected when his approval rating was below 48 percent.

Also this question from the poll: Does President Obama deserve to be re-elected? More than half — 54 percent — said no.

The week economy is largely to blame. In a “60 Minutes” interview with Steve Kroft to air this Sunday Dec. 11, the president compared himself to a captain in a storm.

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  1. Tomtom

    LIAR, LIAR, pants on fire !!!!

  2. Butch

    It is better to Keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a Fool, than to Open your Mouth and REMOVE ALL DOUBT!!!

  3. Sci

    what a liar – he is so out of touch with reality – maybe the most important thing that he will known for after this year will be that Michelle broke thr jumping jack record………. maybe that’s another lie.

  4. Steve

    Obama likes to compare himself to many people, because he has done nothing and needs to try to make himself look better somehow.

  5. Joe

    Amen to all the above comments

  6. Bud

    Lies, Lies, and more Lies. Is there really still people stupid enough to still believe this lying muslum failure of a president?

    • Yukonron

      Of course there are. They want to believe that what they believe in is really the truth. They have no way of thinking for themselves, so they must follow the thought that has been placed into their mind. No matter what you tell them or how often you show them the error of their thinking, they will never believe that they are wrong.

    • Buffalo John

      Bud,I’m sorry to say YES there are still people out there that like what ovomit has done and will still do.I met one the other day,this person didn’t like what I have written on the back of my truck and called me a racist,that they hope he is voted in again.I have also seen two bumper stickers as well,their out there.Blind,stuped Idiots.I think the ones that will vote for ovomit would vote for hitler too.I guess that when God was passing out brains to the new borns they thought he said trains and went to catch one.

  7. I hope and PRAY everyone takes this upcoming election very seriously. This country has been brought as low as it can get.
    I am neither Rep. or Dem, I am for the man! I want a man that has nothing on his agenda but USA period. Always keep “In God we trust” in this country or we will fall.
    Obama has tried to keep God out and Muslim in. Really read the facts about this man. He is a liar. His own family here illegally. His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. Some facts people don’t want to face but they better, rich or poor. Christmas is just an event he says. God help us!!!
    All his expensive vacations at taxpayers expense housing all the secret service, $300.000 would have helped a lot of the elderly
    and homeless.

    I am so happy that our troops are coming home from Iraq. It was Obama’s first of many promises and only doing this now because it is Campaign time for him to say ” look what I’ve done”. Bush said it was to be done at this time. He is taking credit for this now.
    We need our troops here to secure our borders and help with the horrid things that has happened here in USA this year. They could be here to stop the trucks of drugs coming in that I read about some weeks ago. Our troops are needed here!

    We have over 12 million illegal’s here that really know how to work the system. While the elderly here are suffering, these people get everything free, taking away from US citizens. I live around and see all this. They live better then me on a small SS check that Obamathreatened to stop, scaring all the elderly. What really floored me was when Obama gave 25 million for the illegal kids to go on a diet. That made my blood boil!
    I want a man with experience, one that has more than 2 years in the senate to qualify to be president. Mainly be a USA citizen, which he is not.

    Obama wasn’t in any branch of our military he has no idea what our troops go through. We are losing good USA men everyday.
    Yet slander remarks says Bush was a draft dodger. We lost to many good men sending them to countries that has been fighting among themselves for years and nothing we will ever do will change them.
    My son is in afghanistan.
    We send money to other countries that is needed right here in USA.

    Blaming Bush is nothing but a joke, Obama has now admitted Bush isn’t the blame. He is taking credit for taking down B/L and now probably Gadhaffe. Our troops turned S/H over to his own people without a scratch and he was tried and hung by his own people. What Bush did was right, he took out a evil man that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. But what Obama supposedly did is supposed to be glorified at election time.

    This is one election that people really need to get out and vote.
    I just hope we can survive until then. Obama has done more to denigrate the presidency and divide the country than anyone I can remember. He makes Clinton look like a founding father and Jimmy….. well there is no rehabilitating him; it will be the same for this president.
    Look at obama’s fake birth certificate again… “Please” look into what this man is.

  8. I saw a sign the other day
    on a car that passed the other way
    It said a village in Kenya has lost an idiot
    Then I thought to myself, darn, I think we have found him!

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